English TV series discussion

The first episode barely even sets the tone for the show.

Yea but first episodes and pilots are meant to make you return to the show which it didn't work for me in this case, I'm reserving judgment until I do watch the entire thing but first impressions were meh.
The problem with the show is that it has very little to offer apart from the whole homage thing.

Don't know why HBO wants to kill the cash cow?

That's been known since the end of season 4, what else are they supposed to do when the books are complete ?
It's going to wrap up in 14 episodes, season 7 has been confirmed to have 7 episodes already.
So many shows have overtayed their welcome in the past with disappointing results, it's better to go out with a bang don't you think ?
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but it can be made infinite and it'll definitely be more interesting than saas bahu soaps because GOT plot is so vast, lots of characters
Yes they can go with the Dunk and Egg story line, but i think this current story line will have a finite life. Also the avg audience can barely wrap their heads around the current simplified timeline. No sure if they'll be able to keep pace if they even just did a 1:1 book copy
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Watched Stranger Things right now and I gotta say it's pretty good. Couldn't help but think of Super 8...

But as a gamer the major plot device is very similar to F.E.A.R. and the scary sequences definitely feel like they have been lifted out of the game.Only difference is that the villain is now the hero.
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Stranger Things capitalizes on the nostalgia.
80's children who grew up with ET, Goonies, NeverEnding Story, Twilight Zone, Tales from the Crypt, Goosebumps, etc. can't help but fall in love with it (I fall in the category). Then throw in some electronic music for good measure.

But the writing itself doesn't have the legs if it weren't for the period theme.
Apart from few things like ET and tales from the crypt, goosebumps etc ,I have no idea about english shows paid homage in stranger things. But the tone, atmosphere and the acting of the cast made me come back every episode. Not to say about the brilliant soundtrack.
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Stranger Things capitalizes on the nostalgia.
80's children who grew up with ET, Goonies, NeverEnding Story, Twilight Zone, Tales from the Crypt, Goosebumps, etc. can't help but fall in love with it (I fall in the category). Then throw in some electronic music for good measure.

But the writing itself doesn't have the legs if it weren't for the period theme.
Electronic music... **** gotta watch this soon
I watched 5 episodes of Stranger Things. It was good but not as great as people are making it to be.
On the other hand, I loved Preacher. Its like Tarantino and Coen brothers joined hands directing the series.
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watched ep1 of stranger things - didn't find it gripping enough to bother watching the rest - seemed a bit of a "wannabe" attempt. but then again, i was getting a bit bored and skipped through sections too.

do the remaining episodes get better compared to the first to be worth trying to watch the rest?
watched ep1 of stranger things - didn't find it gripping enough to bother watching the rest - seemed a bit of a "wannabe" attempt. but then again, i was getting a bit bored and skipped through sections too.

do the remaining episodes get better compared to the first to be worth trying to watch the rest?
It gets better, but its not stellar or anything. Go with low expectations you'll be satisfied.
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