b00gieMan said:True Blood is OK to be really really honest.. nothing special bout it at all.
I guess its the 1st TV series that has porno type sex scenes in it and yet not cencored.
I started watching it and wasnt aware that it had so much of X-Rated contents.. and i was watching it in my hall.. Good God Lord of Sweet Mother Nature! i had to shut it off :rofl: but the story and plot and all not tht appealingFor me its a struggler.. ie. i have to struggly myself to watch it and be gripped to it.
Well for me i was watching the 720P version in the hall on my lcd

I have watched a hell load of series but nothing as explicit like this .
May be i have to watch it on my comp ...

How is the story line for Trueblood , any other series with which u can compare it ? (Trueblood fans)