English TV series discussion

Just finished the First Season of Dexter. It's one of the best series I've ever watched. The tension and thrill this show provides is unmatched. Excellent acting by the whole cast. Although I was a bit disappointed by the series finale, maybe the built up to it was way too good, it became one of my favs. How are the next seasons of Dexter.

Started chuck, seen first two episodes, i found it OK! Nothing great....
^ Dexter is one of the few 40 minute dramas besides BSG, Boston Legal, etc. which remain consistently good or get better with each season.

Started watching White Collar on Star World. Good light-hearted crime drama like Castle, the 1st episode was excellent.
The humor in Peep Show is similar to Its Always Sunny/Flight of the Conchords, except that the guys in Peep Show are bigger losers who get into even more embarrassing situations. It doesn't make it better than either of the other shows though.

In the Thick of It is decent but the movie is leagues better and has Tony Soprano as a pacifist military guy.

Also, is Scoundrels worth checking out or should I go for the earlier shows with same plot?

As far as new shows go, Rev. seems to be the best of the lot. Somehow reminds me of Californication.
I completed watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Moved onto Hung and Lie to Me. Both of them are sub-par and don't seem like they would hold my interest long enough. Also got the first 3 episodes of Harper's Island. Any recommendations for good horror shows apart from Supernatural?
I liked it a lot, although couple here disagree . I think you should give it a look and decide for yourself. .
chiron said:
The humor in Peep Show is similar to Its Always Sunny/Flight of the Conchords, except that the guys in Peep Show are bigger losers who get into even more embarrassing situations. It doesn't make it better than either of the other shows though.

In the Thick of It is decent but the movie is leagues better and has Tony Soprano as a pacifist military guy.

Also, is Scoundrels worth checking out or should I go for the earlier shows with same plot?

As far as new shows go, Rev. seems to be the best of the lot. Somehow reminds me of Californication.
Ethan_Hunt said:
Any recommendations for good horror shows apart from Supernatural?
Tales from the Crypt. Very cheesy and very good horror. It's more guilty pleasure horror than scary horror though.

Also the '80s Twilight Zone.
eggman said:
Just finished the First Season of Dexter. It's one of the best series I've ever watched. The tension and thrill this show provides is unmatched. Excellent acting by the whole cast. Although I was a bit disappointed by the series finale, maybe the built up to it was way too good, it became one of my favs. How are the next seasons of Dexter.
saumilsingh said:
Tales from the Crypt. Very cheesy and very good horror. It's more guilty pleasure horror than scary horror though.

Also the '80s Twilight Zone.

I love cheesy style horror. Thanks I'll get it.
Just saw the first episode of Louie. Looks promising but the profanities seem to have been toned down a lot for obvious reasons.


Are you talking about specific movie or just in general HBO movies..

Coz in my opinion HBO movies are pretty good... Checkout 'Taking Chance'... Nice movie..
saumilsingh said:
Make sure you get the HBO TV series and not the movies based on the series. The movies are B-grade trash.

There are 7 seasons, right? The only Tales from the Crypt movie I have seen is 'Demon Knight' and I enjoyed that.

Checked its pilot last night.. It was okay I mean ..Enjoyed it in parts..

Got a hint of Southland...but there are too many rookies (5)..so the situation is kept diluted and little bit of humour and romance is added.. I am plannin to download 2nd ep too..
watched 2 seasons of Chuck. Was pretty OK kinda series. Before I allocate bandwidth for the 3rd season, any quick pointers as to how good/bad it is (in comparison to S1 and S2)

Also planning to start off with CASTLE. So which one do I allocate precious bandwidth :P to - Chuck S03 or CASTLE?

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