English TV series discussion

No no no ..its nothing like that. I mean, he is so funny...witty comebacks...one liners...analogies...plus he is handsome...rugged..tough ... sometimes vulnerable and sensitive at times...

Damn..i should stop talking !

P.S. : I am still straight, i swear .. !
There's no shame in it. Supernatural is an average show that's all but carried by the chemistry between the two brothers.

Besides I am a complete sucker for simple monster-of-the-week horror stories. Few things are more entertaining to me.
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Saw Homeland. What a boat load of crap. Doesn't make sense half the time. Extremely unsurprising story line except till the end of season 2. Huge hype but the characters dont live up to their "menacing" image. And seriously the CIA has only 3 people doing shit, rest just hang around? I want 2 seasons worth of my time back. If you watch a lot of shows, and if you have seen the likes of Prison break, Spartacus etc. This show is a dud of epic proportions. Jeesus the whining in the show still irritates me long after watching it.

Person of Interest started out the same way (same generic story everytime) but around 7th or 8th episode of First season it got interesting (from the Elias episode if i remember.) and its becoming a very delicious mix of complicated, good-bad-grey characters and a plot that seems to be developing nicely. Im keeping my expectations low.

Also watching-

> DaVinci Demons - Nice show, simplistic story line, nice editing, lots of boobs.

> Continuum - Okay show, likeable lead characters, and enough sci-fi to hold your interest.

> The Borgias - Absolutely scintillating. This show never disappoints. This season is building up to soemthing big and older support characters are getting dumped for new ones, more fun on the horizon. Cesare Borgia and Lucretcia Borgia are epic characters.

> Game of Thrones - Seriously guys, healthy dosage of b**bs. The story as always is amazing. I have such a huge crush on Danerys. :D
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Did anybody had a look and Hannibal here...

Saw Episode 1 yesterday night. Downloading rest. Looks interesting.

Started off pretty interesting, but I feel that it got a bit monotonous lately.

The first four episodes of Arrested Development are out as of now.
Finished Bates Motel's first season and I love the show. Can't wait for it's second season. Vera Farmiga deserves an award for her performance. She was absolutely amazing.

The Office's series finale was a major disappointment. I thought they would capture a lot of moments from it's previous seasons, instead it focussed on Jim & Pam's love angle way too much.

The Big Bang Theory's season finale was average. I think they should pull the plug on this one too.

So what's the word on Orphan Black? Has anyone seen it yet? The trailer looked mildly similar to Ringer.

and why in the hell can't I still finish Rome's first season? I can't seem to get past the second episode.
Watching Elementary S01.Its Seriously Meh and comparing It to the BBC version would be serious blasphemy.It is one of the best things that has happened to TV in forever
Liked the way they moved the focus on Hannibal after few episodes where killing was done by others really liking it
Watched Arrested Development on netflix. Season as a whole was enjoyable but the first 3 seasons were better. Liked it better when everyone was at once place instead of following individual arcs.
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I won't be getting Arrested Development unless better rips are out and i am not getting those 720p / 1080p for sure.

Currently i am mid way in season 3 of Fringe. I like this TV series.

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