Feedback on LYNX Chandigarh Store - sold incompatible RAM

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i don't have exact price list .. though i can scan the bill and post here

but that will be tomorrow as its lying at home and scanner at office....
List of current stuff ..

Sony DVD Combo writer
Corsair DDR II Ram - 4 GB
Gigabyte Board GA - EP35C DS3R
ATI 4850 graphic card
320 GB harddisc - Western Digital
Cooler Master fans & Power Input & cabinate
Logitech keyboard and mouse pack
Respected Safin ,

I am a Member And Registered Dealer in Techenclave Pay My dues for Working Here ,since the Time i Have started .I Am Responsible As a Trader ,All Deals That Happen In Techenclave .If any Member Deals With Me Outside Techenclave then Techenclave Has No Responsibility To Interfere In My Business And I Do Not Interfere In Any Of anybodies Business ,Threads Like this Should Be Cross Checked And Verified If such Deals Have Happened In TE .Virtually The entire Community Has Taken Stuff From Me From Time To Time And I Have Delivered .I Will Not Allow Anyone To Interfere In My Business That Happens Outside TE .If You People Like Me To Trade Then You Need To Respect The Terms and Conditions Laid Down By Both Parties Respectively .I As a Director Of One company Have My Own Rules and Regulations and I Stick To Them .This kind Of Discussion Should Definitely Be Carried Out In Your Specialized Moderating Sections That TE Has Some Limits To Interfere In Anyone Business To Such Extent ,As a Trader I am Responsible For The Acts And Deals I Do In The Threads And Via PM .I Encourage All People to Do Deals With Other Party Might Be a Dealer Or end User On Threads And PM's .If anyone Here Has any Reservations On Deals Done By Me and Has a Issue then Please PM Me And Any Moderator ,I Will Not Indulge In Discussions That Have Not Happened In TE In TE ,This Is My Firm stand ,I Have also discussed This More Then Once with Darkstar PERIOD .

Safin : Please Refer To The Moderators If You Have Missed Why i Posted This ,I encourage Darkstar To Shift this Post Of Mine To TE Moderating Sections Also And Let Safin Discuss The Same with you People.Once you People Are Out With Some Concrete Policy Regarding this You Can PM Me The Same .As And As The Company is Growing I Find Frustrated ,Jealous , Non Knowledgable People From Places Other Then TE comming And Discussing Matters That Have Never Happened In TE .I Would Not Like To Discuss anything On TE That Has Never Happened In TE PERIOD .
@mhamirma and thebanik: Restrict yourself to the topic concerned. How much he paid for and for what config and whether he paid more or less is in no way related to the problems here. The same applies to the TS too. Post sensibly and related to the topic.
Amarbir i doubt anyone is interering in your business .. The max ppl can do here is provide and opinion as to what they think is right or wrong .. In the end its up to you as to what can be done ...
On similar lines since Lynx is a company i feel since we discuss here feedback regarding any company the same can happen with you also though its another matter that customer -seller relatioships are built mostly over the personal communications that happen (In which you dont have to worry abt anything as you have said most of the coummunity has brought stuff from you on good terms) ..
@hp-india - your point is right and though we are a bit deviating from the original problem, this can help unearth if he has been cheated in the whole deal?

While Amarpaji has a reputation here and the way chirag is dealing with the matter, its making things go nowhere.

@chirag: i suggest u stop the blame game get to some decent talking and clear the matter.

i am still not clear if the problem is with the board or with the ddr3 ram or a compatibility issue between the two products he owns.
If your company has a policy not to help your customers after selling JUNK.. then god save your company...

You will end up having just one time buyers who will swear to again go back to you !!

And by the way you only made "YOUR CUSTOMER" frustated & jealous by selling stupid things... yes i was non knowledgeable that's why i was ditched badly by a so called professional who doesn't know what he is selling !!
Sorry HP, one last OT post from me here, then I leave,

@chirag, That certainly is a shitty config and doesnt amount to anywhere near to 45k, should I say royally screwed, but thats what you pay for ignorance, being a member of TE if you didnt have any idea of the prices then its your fault mate. Ofcourse it hasnt happened in TE so nothing can and should be done about it. But just like the DTDC thread, TE can be used as a platform for feedback for other companies???

@amar, We were suggesting about what should be the right step taken by any dealer to resolve such issues noone is ordering LYNX to do anything, ur company, ur decisions.....


chiragh said:
i don't have exact price list .. though i can scan the bill and post here

but that will be tomorrow as its lying at home and scanner at office....

List of current stuff ..


Sony DVD Combo writer

Corsair DDR II Ram - 4 GB

Gigabyte Board GA - EP35C DS3R

ATI 4850 graphic card

320 GB harddisc - Western Digital

Cooler Master fans & Power Input & cabinate

Logitech keyboard and mouse pack
i will now surely scan the bill and post here !!

and its my bad i didn't read on TE , as i wanted to give my bro a surprise , which turned out to be nightmare !!
am chiraghs younger brother to whom he gifted this PC...with hope that i get what i want.

till last evening i was not aware of what all was going on between amarbir sir and my bro untill to my surprise i get a phone cal frm amar sir in a very rude tone sayng me that ur dad nd bro dnt kno which type of smses shud be sent to ladies.Then he saaid my bro abused him(he even recited some on the phone).unaware i said sorry to him frm my brothers side.but wen my bro came frm office he was shocked to know about the conversation and clarified everything.

33 pushing and talking rudely to 16 even after talking politely!!:(
Mods please close this thread and let em solve it outside by themselves. TE is a forum and not a Court and also this is getting too big and providing just spice for everyone to add their views and comment. Also this deal was not made through TE.
Shifted the thread as of now .. Please do the rest. Its all mud-sliding now.

I think both are faulty.. Though amarbir only gave him a suggestion as his father demands were wrong. He was asking a G31 and DDR3 which isn't possible IINM. The seller didn't thinking of duping the member but since the buyer was rude enough it couldn't have been helped..

I still didn't get one point. Seller returned the money and gave him DDR2 .. Whats the problem. ? He hasn't charged extra .. If the Mb is faulty it wouldn't have even accpted DDR2 .. So I guess it was ram compatibility which can be easily sorted out if the buyer had some patience but the deal went bad..
Please do the rest what you feel like :) I think it ok to leave it here since there is nothing more than foul play now :|
I thinks its fair for a member to post in the forum about the deals he has done offline and mention his experiences. If Rashi doesnt give proper service then we flame Rashi. Just that they are not here to defend their position.

While I understand that this deal was not done on TE, a TE member has the right to talk about his experiences with his local dealer. We all do that. If the dealer happens to be here on TE is not our concern. He though has the right to defend his own position too.

Its perfectly alright for people to ask for component pricing and bill details. We will not take any action against the dealer and nor would we ask the member to shut up about his experiences.

You can go on till eternity and we dont care. Dont get abusive though.
I Atleast Have a VAT Billing And Pay My Taxes What Other Do Not even Bother About and Half Are Not even Aware About .I Am Not Here To Discuss anything More ,When you Get Pl-30 For 1500 Then No One Bothers Right ,But You Guys Like The Bill Well Jyotbir and Chiraj You Do Not Like To Be Bothered with The Same I Already Scanned and Gave To DS .The bill Is With DDR-II Ram And The Stuff the Deal Was More then a Month Back .You Have Paid Me What i Have Given You ,now i Do Not Like To Deal With you So Go To Any Other Dealer and Get The Ram Replaced if You Feel Right

Advise : PS Changing The Ram To DDR-III will Not Make it a Speed Freak System It already is a Great Computer And a Good Gaming rig .

^ You may pay your taxes and all those things who cares about your vat taxes and all! You should have had the common sense of checking/verifying whether the DDRIII ram works on chiragh's system before handling it over. Now chiragh feels cheated cause he's still running on old gen ddr2 :P when his mobo can run ddr3!
@Amarbir: Cant you take his present board and RMA it? Offer a standby board if you could. If it still doesn't work using the DDR3 sticks, the sticks've got to be wrong.

But why's an outdated P35 board charged 6730 INR? :O
Well using of abusive language should not be tolerated at all. At least personally I would not tolerate that. We can deal with things being humble, polite and professional. I had a bad instance with a TE member who used abusive words to me. I think best would be for the buyer to apologise for the bad words used and the seller to try and get a working board with the config discussed. TE Admins should design some rules against people who lack ethics and manners.

Hope this deal ends in peace soon.
^ All prices inc VAT -

Giga P35 @ 7k, 320GB @ 2.4k, PowerColor 4850 @ 8.4k, Q8200 @ 9.1k, Cm eXteme @ 3.12k

Again, its his money, give what he wants, you have suggested Gigabyte instead of Intel, then why not Corsair/Seasonic SMPS and 7200.12 500GB HDD, both are 300-400 more only. Whats special in PowerColor 4850 when best ATi's partner Sapphire 4850 is 7k~ all inc. :S

Advise : PS Changing The Ram To DDR-III will Not Make it a Speed Freak System It already is a Great Computer And a Good Gaming rig . Techenclave Has No Responsibility To Interfere In My Business

PS : We can see difference between debates and flame-wars. Debates will be be left untouched. Flame-wars are of course result in infraction. TS has every right to post about the deals he has done offline. :cool2:
Has Chirag paid for just the components or After Sales Service also (in this case an Annual Maintenance Contract, AMC) ?

From the bill it seems he's just paid for the components.

Technically speaking.

1. Manufacturer tries to make the board as versatile as possible in terms of compatibility but by the sheer number of products and manufacturers sometimes things go wrong. I myself was a victim of incompatibility.

If the documentation from Gigabyte says that DDR3 is compatible and does not list the RAM sticks compatible with the board, it is assumed that all RAM sticks are compatible. In such a scenario, Amarbir is not at fault. Yes, if the documentation enlists the compatible RAM module, and Amarbir has given something else, the buyer is entitled to an exchange.

2. Most assemblers, to keep the goodwill, exchange the products in the first 3-4 days of purchase, if a problem arises.

3. Amabir, if he wants, can ignore the customers problems as after the product is sold, he is not responsible to service it, even if the product is dead on arrival.

4. If a user is not sure of the components, he should opt for a branded system. It is warranted for compatibility as well as part failure.

5. About Prices, every seller wants to get the maximum out of a deal. It is up to the user to research and check out the prices in different shops to make an informed decision. The seller has given you the products at the price you agreed to, else there would be no bill and no exchange of money.

6. The inherent nature of the forum is discussion. Every user has a right to free speech. Though profanity and unnecessary and unverifiable defamation should be put in check.
thanks renegade for re opening this thread.. atleast a a member of TE has right to speak freely !!

again Amarbir why will i go to anyother dealer if i got stuff from you ?

you cheated me so you have to look into this matter !!
i paid for stuff and assembling of PC ..
i am again repeating to ragin_ice i told him that i needed INTEL Board and not Gigabyte , and my dad left to him that he has the final authority to decide about the best config for my PC

he was the only one to push me for old series ( as told by other members ) of Gigabyte .... i think that makes things clear to you and if he didn't wanted to give me INTEL he should have returned back my advance i.e 10 grands which he asked for before starting with my PC

please post only after reading the above posts !!

Ok Chirag, lets work towards a solution.

On the Gigabyte's website for the above mentioned board, here are the supported list of modules

If Amarbir has promised that DDR3 Ram modules will work and has not given you any of the above, he has to immediately issue a replacement or refund your money

Since you have paid for assembling the computer, you are entitled to a stable system. And also you are entitled to compatible products in the system.

Amarbir, things are pretty clear. If the above is not what you are complying with, you are loosing reputation with the minute, which anyway you are, considering the fact, that many new comers will tread with caution when it comes to you.

I have not dealt with Amarbir, but from his deals and his response as a dealer he seems to be a very popular seller and a genuine one, otherwise, our community would not have let him be.

Chirag, I understand your predicament. Here you are with a new system that doesnt work as advertised after paying 45k. But you need to be polite and patient.

Even enthusiasts like us face these problems of incompatibility day in and day out.

With my first PC, I have had the mother of all problems.

----> My RAM was compatible with every other motherboard expect the one I had !

-----> My motherboard was compatible with every other RAM than the one I had !!!

I had to go through days of troubleshooting to figure this out.

Since the tempers have flared, both parties are in a precarious situation. I request both to take a deep breath and work towards a solution. This is the only way out.
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