Ok Chirag, lets work towards a solution.
On the Gigabyte's website for the above mentioned board, here are the supported list of modules
If Amarbir has promised that DDR3 Ram modules will work and has not given you any of the above, he has to
immediately issue a replacement or refund your money
Since you have paid for assembling the computer, you are entitled to a stable system. And also you are entitled to compatible products in the system.
Amarbir, things are pretty clear. If the above is not what you are complying with, you are loosing reputation with the minute, which anyway you are, considering the fact, that many new comers will tread with caution when it comes to you.
I have not dealt with Amarbir, but from his deals and his response as a dealer he seems to be a very popular seller and a genuine one, otherwise, our community would not have let him be.
Chirag, I understand your predicament. Here you are with a new system that doesnt work as advertised after paying 45k. But you need to be polite and patient.
Even enthusiasts like us face these problems of incompatibility day in and day out.
With my first PC, I have had the mother of all problems.
----> My RAM was compatible with every other motherboard expect the one I had !
-----> My motherboard was compatible with every other RAM than the one I had !!!
I had to go through days of troubleshooting to figure this out.
Since the tempers have flared, both parties are in a precarious situation. I request both to take a deep breath and work towards a solution. This is the only way out.