Feedback on LYNX Chandigarh Store - sold incompatible RAM

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Now that clears almost about everything, I see no point why Amar should entertain such abusive customers. Buyer can either buy the DDR3 ram from some other dealer maybe or maybe swap them once Amarbir has it????

Also I feel you have improved upon your writing skills, :p . That was very well put and easily laid out to understand whatever has gone through....
Where is the TS? Can he rebut the post?

FWIW, after the thread was locked we had an exchange of PMs where he used abusive language again. After I was very firm with him he backed off, and I told him to 'grow up'.

I am signing out of this thread for good, and the TS is on an ignore list. I can't be bothered to acknowledge such people. It's a simple misunderstanding.

@amarbir: TC of your health, but the specification for DDR3 is 1.5V, and all DDR3 memory operates with 1.5V as standard voltage. Some overclocker DDR3 uses 1.7~1.9V, so you will need to boot up with a stick of standard memory, change the voltages, and boot up again with the memory you wish to run. Oldest trick in the book.
If the deal hasn't been made via TE, than seriously the OP of this Thread is an issue maker. There's no need to bring personal issues here, better deal it yourself please.

If he was facing Hardware Problems, he can simply open up a thread asking for Help, Instead of Opening a Thread which is mainly intended to Harm Mr. Amrbir's (Lynux Chandigarh) Reputation and for using Abusive Words like J**K.

I totally agree with Mr. Amarbir, that There's no need to deal with customers under any circumstances who uses Abusive Languages/Texts.

Mr. Amarbir you continue your Good Work right here on TE, as we all need you :hap2:

- Wishes :)
Mr. Amarbir pls take care of ur health first ,deal with this guy later,,ie if u want to,i dont feel there is a need,,,and keep up ur good work here!!
G33kgod said:
paaji wish u fast recovery :) take some rest n BADAAM di LASSI piyo ... u need to chill:ohyeah:

Rainy season mein Baddam di Lassi :rofl:Better say Milk + Turmeric Powder :bleh:
Well ,
I Called Up all intel disties and they said they do not have this board in chd that supports lga 775 and ddr-iii ram and it will take days to get one .I explained this to them and told them they should stick to gigabyte cos of excellent after sales service .I was abused number of times during this period and I controlled myself as much as I could do that .His Dad Left the Place saying that I start making the computer as decided day before With My staff .

I seriously don't get you Amarbir. According to you, you say that Chiragh and his dad abused you even before they ordered you the config. But you could not do much at that time. WHY, Cause you were trying to make a sale. If i understand what you are trying to put here is that you are ready to accept abuses from a customer before he buys anything from you but not afterwords even if the product you supplied is faulty. I run a store myself and yes i do screw up at times but i never make a sale to a customer who is abusive to me(heck nobody till today has been) and i make sure i clear the mess which i create.

Bottom line you screwed up, And you accept it, If you had the courage to take the abuses before he bought anything be ready to take some more after you have sold a faulty product to someone. To be honest what i understand from your post is that they Chairagh and his dad came to your shop to buy the PC, his dad is a bit aggressive and you understood that before making a sale. You should have made sure that you didn't screw up in the first place, which you did but later instead of fixing the situation you are making excuses like abuses and aggressiveness etc. Also i fail to understand how in the hell did Chiragh got hold of your mother's mobile number during a course of a night cause by your logic you supplied him the PC at 8:00 in the evening when your shop was about to close down and in the morning when you woke up next day you had the filthy messages on your mother's mobile. Doesn't make sense does it.

My "advise" to you, clear up this mess. Period.
take care of your health sirjee and when u get fully recovered punch that guy in his face :P
ignorant arrogant chiragh :-/ :|
mrintech said:
If the deal hasn't been made via TE, than seriously the OP of this Thread is an issue maker. There's no need to bring personal issues here, better deal it yourself please.

There is no such rule on TE that a person cannot complain about a particular shop on our forums. Also had it been any other store not associated with TE it would have been okey with all of you but since he is a old dealer its not. WHY.

He is not posting about a personal issue rather he had posted about a system which is not working which was bought from a reputed shop. The dealer also accepts that he has sold a faulty system and he is not ready to fix the situation. The OP has issues with the system but the dealer has issues with OP hence it looks more like a personal problem of the dealer then the OP.

take care of your health sirjee and when u get fully recovered punch that guy in his face :P

ignorant arrogant chiragh :-/ :|

Right, so you spend your hard earned money to buy a expensive faulty product just to get punched in the end. How lame peeps on TE can get. Seriously, stop posting BS and don't post if you don't have to say anything to solve the matter. Consider this as a warning. Next time it would be an infraction.
Amarbir if this guy is such an ass get the problems solved and done with..And you'l never have to see him again..

Why prolong the problem..Im sure you're quite capable of handling this mess..
@ Switch go ahead i dont give a damn about ur infractions and reps.

secondly what would you do if someone sends some crap messages on your mom's cell and says all bullshit to you for no reason..oh i guess you will stand like saint or gandhi and praise him or ask for more crap eh ?

Sorry i cant do this and if posting and freedom of thought are not here then why let others to post here make it private and in between those guys..

wow i am amazed !!
My question ?

From where did chiragh got the phone number of his mother's cell no.

Take everything you read with a pinch of salt and don't jump to conclusions and don't take everything personally as i am trying to keep the thread clean. I really don't need to explain myself but i won't take a comment against you either if made by some other member of our forum. Understand that. Also what Amarbir stated(Abuses) happed off TE which we can't control but whats happening to in here is our responsibility. Do PM me if you have issues but keep the thread clean.
Switch said:
I seriously don't get you Amarbir. According to you, you say that Chiragh and his dad abused you even before they ordered you the config. But you could not do much at that time. WHY, Cause you were trying to make a sale. If i understand what you are trying to put here is that you are ready to accept abuses from a customer before he buys anything from you but not afterwords even if the product you supplied is faulty. I run a store myself and yes i do screw up at times but i never make a sale to a customer who is abusive to me(heck nobody till today has been) and i make sure i clear the mess which i create.

Bottom line you screwed up, And you accept it, If you had the courage to take the abuses before he bought anything be ready to take some more after you have sold a faulty product to someone. To be honest what i understand from your post is that they Chairagh and his dad came to your shop to buy the PC, his dad is a bit aggressive and you understood that before making a sale. You should have made sure that you didn't screw up in the first place, which you did but later instead of fixing the situation you are making excuses like abuses and aggressiveness etc. Also i fail to understand how in the hell did Chiragh got hold of your mother's mobile number during a course of a night cause by your logic you supplied him the PC at 8:00 in the evening when your shop was about to close down and in the morning when you woke up next day you had the filthy messages on your mother's mobile. Doesn't make sense does it.

My "advise" to you, clear up this mess. Period.

I am not trying to take sides with Amarbir, but I don't see where he had sold a faulty product. He sold the TS a totally working motherboard, but could not get him a compatible DDR3 RAM kit for it. As per Amarbir's post the TS was provided with what ever options were available with Amarbir and the TS himself choose to go ahead with the Gigabyte board. The TS had every right to choose different components or a different dealer altogether.

From what I can infer, Amarbir did not sell him a computer, but rather individual parts and charges for assembly if any. The TS was provided with warranty on individual components. He was not provided warranty on whole computer or any troubleshooting support. Most Computer makers like Dell charge for that. The TS got every thing he paid for. He realized that the RAM is in-compatible, Amarbir gave him DDR2 RAM so he could get him system running and he also gave him the option to swap it back with compatible DDR3 RAM whenever he could get his hands on it. The user also had the choice to get compatible RAM from some other source.

I don't see where Amarbir did something wrong except dealing with short tempered people in the first place as you yourself said. If the TS wanted to get a full fledged PC with warranty on the whole and troubleshooting support without he himself having any knowledge of him own, then he should have got a Dell or HP where they charge extra for it and provide the kind of support he wanted.

As for your questions about how the TS got Amarbir's mothers number, if I know it right, Amarbir's mother takes care of the Accounts at his shop and her number is also publicly listed and pretty easy for anyone to get. I have myself talked to her on more than one occasion using the public contact numbers.


No offense to the TS or anyone else, but I see a lot people trying to take the 'customer is always right' thing too literally. be reasonable in what you expect. When you are buying discrete components or even get them assembled by the seller, you are not buying support for the whole system. The buyer is expected to have a fair amount of knowledge about what he wants. The seller can only suggest alternatives, its at the sole discretion of the buyer about what he puts his money on. The seller has no obligation to take care of incompatibilities or what ever problems he runs into expect for taking care of warranties on individual components. Many people don't honor this and maintain unreasonable expectations from sellers. I have seen this once too often. On one occasion, I was at a computer shop (Not Amarbir's) and this guy comes in, he had a computer assembled from the shop for a certain cost with the choice of components left to the seller. The system had a GeForce 5200 card which could not cope with a high end game that the buyer tried. The buyer now maintains that he was sold a defective system. The seller explained to him that he will need a high end card for running such games. The buyer then insists that he seller give him the high end card for no extra cost since it was somehow the sellers fault that his rig could not run the game. The guy made quite a row in the shop.
The best way to deal with such kind of customers with limited knowledge is to give them what they what, no need to give expert advice. he asked intel, give him. he would be happy in his own world.

One should give advice only when asked.
Lord Nemesis said:
I don't see where he had sold a faulty product.
Actually we dont know yet, if the problem is a faulty motherboard while using DDR3 memory or incompatible memory being used. Cant really arrive at conclusions till we do, right?
Lord Nemesis said:
I am not trying to take sides with Amarbir, but I don't see where he had sold a faulty product. He sold the TS a totally working motherboard, but could not get him a compatible DDR3 RAM kit for it. As per Amarbir's post the TS was provided with what ever options were available with Amarbir and the TS himself choose to go ahead with the Gigabyte board. The TS had every right to choose different components or a different dealer altogether.

From what I can infer, Amarbir did not sell him a computer, but rather individual parts and charges for assembly if any. The TS was provided with warranty on individual components. He was not provided warranty on whole computer or any troubleshooting support. Most Computer makers like Dell charge for that. The TS got every thing he paid for. He realized that the RAM is in-compatible, Amarbir gave him DDR2 RAM so he could get him system running and he also gave him the option to swap it back with compatible DDR3 RAM whenever he could get his hands on it. The user also had the choice to get compatible RAM from some other source.

I don't see where Amarbir did something wrong except dealing with short tempered people in the first place as you yourself said. If the TS wanted to get a full fledged PC with warranty on the whole and troubleshooting support without he himself having any knowledge of him own, then he should have got a Dell or HP where they charge extra for it and provide the kind of support he wanted.

As for your questions about how the TS got Amarbir's mothers number, if I know it right, Amarbir's mother takes care of the Accounts at his shop and her number is also publicly listed and pretty easy for anyone to get.

TBH what i have understood with the whole thread is:

Guy comes to buy a "Complete PC" with particular brand in mind.

Shopkeeper advises him different brands as he cannot source the original brand.

Buyer agrees and pays in full for "everything".

Shopkeeper accepts and bills and delivers.

And then the problem of compatibility arise.

If it was the shopkeeper suggesting the board then should have made sure that the DDR3 RAM works with that. Not the buyers fault. He paid for a system in which Board and RAM were meant to be compatible. I hope that bit is clear.

Coming to mobile and abuses part, first of all i am in no way in favor of sending abusive smses. I am sure "if" Chiarg would have used soft words then we wont be having this thread. But i also understand that after paying a good sum of money you buy something and if it doesnt work you feel cheated. I hope everybody here will agree to that.

Now Chiargh would have sent smses out of frustration to all the registered mobile nos of the shop not knowing which belongs to whom(Again a assumption which i am making after reading your post). Though what he did was a act which should not have been performed but tagging that as abusing one's mother doesn't make it depict that honestly now does it. Keep yourself in his shoes and just think you bought a high end PC just to know it doesnt work for no fault of yours.
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