Feedback on LYNX Chandigarh Store - sold incompatible RAM

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chiragh said:
i got this board because amarbir pushed me a lot !!
he forced you :S .Sweety you were the buyer right.

1. Reset your bios from motherboard and then try booting with DDR3
2. Try with an another set of DDR3 rams
3. If your board has an issue get is replaced, do not ask for RMA as your mobo
hasn't worked with DDR3 as promised by the seller.
I suppose we should wait for Amarbir to post his side of the story before drawing own conclusions. The last time Amarbir was online on this forum, was yesterday morning.
I have a few points to this discussion.

1. If you're a member of this site (it's *called* Techenclave, remember), and you have the slightest doubt, you need to post here and check whether you're making the right choice or not. After all, that's what the community is for.

2. You should be aware that all sellers, no matter where, are basically businessmen. You have to do your own research to prevent being duped.

3. Had you done the above, you would have realised that all combo-RAM boards are a problem. Due to the memory controller limitations, they either suffer performance or compatibility. And all motherboards have very specific QVL lists for memory compatibility, so if you get memory that is not on the list and it doesn't work, well, too bad.

4. If the board is not working with DDR3, just get the board RMA'ed. Has Amarbir refused to help you with RMA? Knowing him, he would not be like that - did you buy the board locally?

I'll tell you my experiences with him. I find that his website is very ambitious, sometimes the products you order are not in stock unless they are new introductions, or fast-moving items. I find that his service has slowed down a bit, and he tends to be over-enthusiastic sometimes in making promises and assurances.

That said, he is pretty prompt and very helpful, and I have ordered multiple times from him, my previous one being in June. I have not faced any major issues with my orders, and I can't doubt his integrity.

You have to learn to separate issues. I understand you're all emotional, but if hardware is defective and within warranty period, it needs to be replaced. What has the seller got to do with it? Any piece of machinery can sprout a defect at any point in time, even in the 1 minute you connected it. Grow up and deal with it. The community is there to help you out for sure, so use it the right way. It's good to note your specific problem with the seller for sure, but it sounds like this also has a lot to do with the level of knowledge that a buyer has. If it was any other kind of community I think I would understand if you didn't know (or didn't research), but this is Techenclave.

After reading your posts in the thread, I wonder whether you could even slot the DDR3 RAM in the right way, or in the right slots.
Couple of things from my side...

1. We should wait for Amarbir to respond on this before any conclusion.

2. If Buyer made clear to seller that he wants MObo with DDR3 support and he will run on DDR3 ram only. Seller has to make sure that his MOBO is working with DDR3 even after delivery. If by any reason it's not working with DDR3 ram Seller has to return/replace the product... as primary objective of buyer is not met....

3. If the ram supplied is not supported by Mobo, again seller has to ensure that he supplies supported ram modules, if buyer initially informed him that he need DDR3 ram. So taking RAM back and adjusting amount for difference of DDR2 and DDR3 price is nver a solution...
We can open this thread when Amarbir comes along. Till then there is nothing new that can be added to the discussion. Everything has been said.

Chiragh or Amarbir can PM any of the Global Mods to open this thread for them.
If amarbir recommended that mobo, he shud get it working too or get it replaced..Atleast thats how a good dealer should proceed..
Party Monger said:
If amarbir recommended that mobo, he shud get it working too or get it replaced..Atleast thats how a good dealer should proceed..

howz the thread open again????
Why you are highlighting LYNX STORE and people there as thieves, when your hardware knowledge is poor.You should RMA board with Gigabyte service center because according to manufactures product details it should support DDR3 memory.Have you checked DDR3 memory sticks for working condition? may be due to faulty sticks system not booting up.Anyway RMA board by complaint "no display with DDR3 RAM" Amarbir in actual is very good person for dealing, doubting his integrity is foolishness.
virus32win said:
Why you are highlighting LYNX STORE and people there as thieves, when your hardware knowledge is poor.You should RMA board with Gigabyte service center because according to manufactures product details it should support DDR3 memory.Have you checked DDR3 memory sticks for working condition? may be due to faulty sticks system not booting up.Anyway RMA board by complaint "no display with DDR3 RAM" Amarbir in actual is very good person for dealing, doubting his integrity is foolishness.
Unless and otherwise stated, the customer has an option to RMA the board either with the retailer, the distributor or the company itself. Given to understand that the board was dysfunctional at the time of purchase, it warrants an instant replacement by the retailer itself.

But then again, having heard only one side of the story, it obviously does hint at Amarbir playing foul here. The "u din hav hardware knowledge" card is absolute bull, especially if it was true that Amarbir recommended the board. Cant recall where, but I gathered that he is mostly active on forums during the late hours, so just gotta wait for his side of the story.
hah I have dealt with amarbir several times. bought a whole i7 rig for a friend, and some peripherals. never failed me. only buyer needs to be enough aware and should have done enough homework before buying. if you hadn't, stop whining.

sir ji, you're reading. sooth out. haha
not sure, but anabir seems to be a good person, atleast with the deals he gets. He's a little slow in replying to mails, but he is can say that by going through his deals in the dealers paradise section. Have another word with him, he'll probably have it sorted out for you
This is what i understand in simple words:

Chiragh goes to Amarbir's shop and asks for a config. He asks for a Intel board and DDR3 RAM apart from other components but Amarbir presses him for a different brand board as it has more features. Now Chiragh agrees but Amarbir states that due to unavailability of the DDR3 RAM he will pass the system with DDR2 RAM and swap the two but he does charge for the DDR3 RAM.

Now we fast forward and the swap happenes but the system doesn't work. At this point of time the shopkeeper in this case Amarbir should be able to solve this issue. The system has been bought from him in which two products are not compatible(RAM + BOARD). Not the end user fault. He didn't buy parts but bought a full system so he should have everything working from day one. IMO Amarbir should either change the faulty board/RAM with same make or with different make and should give back or take the difference. If he doesn't have the compatible products then he should refund all the money to Chiragh and take back the faulty system. If he refuses to do the same then Chiragh should file a complaint with the consumer court immediately and claim for the full refund plus damages. Under no circumstances he should be running around to get the faulty board changed. He paid for a brand new working product and not a broken POS.

Then he should come back and update the thread cause this way he will not get the solution and he would be losing money.

And to the guys who are suggesting he should have done enough research or anything, he went n to buy Intel board. He was misinformed and was handed a non compataiable/faulty product. Not his fault. His research was sound enough for the Intel board. There is nothing wrong with that.
Switch said:
This is what i understand in simple words:

Chiragh goes to Amarbir's shop and asks for a config. He asks for a Intel board and DDR3 RAM apart from other components but Amarbir presses him for a different brand board as it has more features. Now Chiragh agrees but Amarbir states that due to unavailability of the DDR3 RAM he will pass the system with DDR2 RAM and swap the two but he does charge for the DDR3 RAM.

Now we fast forward and the swap happenes but the system doesn't work. At this point of time the shopkeeper in this case Amarbir should be able to solve this issue. The system has been bought from him in which two products are not compatible(RAM + BOARD). Not the end user fault. He didn't buy parts but bought a full system so he should have everything working from day one. IMO Amarbir should either change the faulty board/RAM with same make or with different make and should give back or take the difference. If he doesn't have the compatible products then he should refund all the money to Chiragh and take back the faulty system. If he refuses to do the same then Chiragh should file a complaint with the consumer court immediately and claim for the full refund plus damages. Under no circumstances he should be running around to get the faulty board changed. He paid for a brand new working product and not a broken POS.

Then he should come back and update the thread cause this way he will not get the solution and he would be losing money.

And to the guys who are suggesting he should have done enough research or anything, he went n to buy Intel board. He was misinformed and was handed a non compataiable/faulty product. Not his fault. His research was sound enough for the Intel board. There is nothing wrong with that.

you're right. according to their deal, it is amarbir to sort it out, as you explained. only the continuous whine of the buyer concerned me to say he should have researched enough before going by even amarbir's gigabyte suggestion. I'm personally suggesting the buyer, not defending amarbir, by this say. :rolleyes:
cranky said:
2. You should be aware that all sellers, no matter where, are basically businessmen. You have to do your own research to prevent being duped.

Quite true. But I would expect ethical behaviour from a registered dealer on TE who wishes to remain a registered dealer.

Question at the mods. If a case of questionable behavior (i'm not talking about this particular case) from a registered dealer in business transacted via this forum ( not necessarily via a thread, can also happen via PM etc) is bought to notice, with proof, will any action be taken, or will it just be a bad itrader rating, and nothing more ?
Switch said:
And to the guys who are suggesting he should have done enough research or anything, he went n to buy Intel board. He was misinformed and was handed a non compataiable/faulty product. Not his fault. His research was sound enough for the Intel board. There is nothing wrong with that.

In the end it was his money and his choice. He should have pressed for an Intel board if he was comfortable with that. Just because some one gave him a recommendation does not mean that he will have to accept it. Just Imagine that you self recommend him a certain brand on these forums and he runs into problems, should he come to you to demand you to cover his damage.

The way I see it, the OP most probably has a board that with faulty DDR3 slot(s). So let the OP just RMA the board on the same basis. Amarbir cannot refuse that. He will just get you a new board from Gigabyte. Do note that the buyer cannot demand that board be replaced with an Intel one.

If its an incompatibility with particular models of RAM, then the responsibility of the seller depends on whether the seller sold him a complete system (with a invoice/bill for the complete system instead of individual parts). If that's the case, then Amarbir will have to legally take responsibility for delivering a fully working system. If on the other hand, both were bought individually, then no seller will take responsibility for incompatibilities even if both items are bought form the same seller. Its the buyers responsibility to ensure that what ever is buying is compatible.

My purchase as well as RMA experience with Amarbir has been quite good. So lets just wait for his side of the story.
greenhorn said:
Question at the mods. If a case of questionable behavior (i'm not talking about this particular case) from a registered dealer in business transacted via this forum ( not necessarily via a thread, can also happen via PM etc) is bought to notice, with proof, will any action be taken, or will it just be a bad itrader rating, and nothing more ?

We already have a thread for Dealer feedback in case anything goes wrong. My understanding is that it will already serve as a public notice of the acts the dealer has done, plus if the dealer does not improve, he/she might be stripped of the dealer tag.
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