Darkstar ,
You Have Paid Me What i Have Given You ,now i Do Not Like To Deal With you So Go To Any Other Dealer and Get The Ram Replaced if You Feel Right
Advise : PS Changing The Ram To DDR-III will Not Make it a Speed Freak System It already is a Great Computer And a Good Gaming rig .
Darkstar ,
Please Post The Bill Here In The Forums ,I Atleast Have a VAT Billing And Pay My Taxes What Other Do Not even Bother About and Half Are Not even Aware About .I Am Not Here To Discuss anything More ,When you Get Pl-30 For 1500 Then No One Bothers Right ,But You Guys Like The Bill Well Jyotbir and Chiraj You Do Not Like To Be Bothered with The Same I Already Scanned and Gave To DS .The bill Is With DDR-II Ram And The Stuff the Deal Was More then a Month Back .You Have Paid Me What i Have Given You ,now i Do Not Like To Deal With you So Go To Any Other Dealer and Get The Ram Replaced if You Feel Right
Advise : PS Changing The Ram To DDR-III will Not Make it a Speed Freak System It already is a Great Computer And a Good Gaming rig .
Party Monger said:Sirji you pay your taxes to the government, everyone does, just that they dont announce it here,
Secondly you take it from the customer and dont pay it yourself, its the nature of Value added tax..
Thirdly if you dont pay tax, you very well know the consequences..:rofl:
Lastly, from the items given in the invoice its quite clear that you have pushed out high margin, slow moving brands and items at an unsuspecting customer and yet you come here and praise yourself?
How you do your business is not our concern, but when someone comes here on TE and asks for help or just informs members abt how he has been cheated, we as a community wil do our best to help him..
The guy was harsh, abusive and all fine..you had the option to not deal with him, but you chose to go through with the deal, and now you deny him any sort of support? you want the best of both? have the profit and not support?
Where was your self respect when the guy was abusing you before he bought the pc? Or the profit was worth the abuses?
You have a big shop, you have big profit along with it, so thats no excuse for substandard service..
Yet again i'l say Amarbir, this issue is not worth loosing the respect of the community and the people..It takes hardwork to build something as big as lynx, dont spoil it on such trivial issues...its a small issue, deal with it promptly..
virus32win said:Sorry to say but insane prices in Amarbir's invoice, even in chandigarh I can get same components atleast 8~10 % lesser.