Feedback on LYNX Chandigarh Store - sold incompatible RAM

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damn said:
Actually we dont know yet, if the problem is a faulty motherboard while using DDR3 memory or incompatible memory being used. Cant really arrive at conclusions till we do, right?

What we do know that it is a issue at the shopkeepers end and not at the customers. Now it is for the shopkeeper to find out the exact cause. For the customer whatsoever is not working is a faulty product.

Anyways, I would again "Advise" Amarbir to take up this issue with upmost priority and get it solved. This isn't doing good to his rep and nobody wants that to happen. He as a shopkeeper have more options then the end user.
Excuse me Mr. Amrbir...

before starting anything...when did i abused you ?

And who called my younger bro whos is may be 10 -12 years younger to you and bonking at him ??

According to him i messaged you from my cell , can you even provide me the number of my cell ??

And if i messged you then why didn't you called me on my cell ??
My personal opinion:

It is an act of ignorance at Amarbir's part. He accepts he didn't know about the RAM compatibility. He has replaced DDR3 with working DDR2 RAMs for now. He has promised to replace them with compatible RAMs once they are available, after the buyer pays the difference amount.

The buyer on the other hand has committed a mistake by sending abusive messages to the Lynx shopkeepers (let us not take it personal by saying he targetted an abusive SMS towards Amarbir's mom.) Even though the buyer got a different MoBO than what he was demanding in the first place, the decision to change was made with his consent. I'm sure Amarbir has not used a different board without his consent. Once the buyer found that DDR3 wasn't working, Amarbir has replaced it with DDR2 temporarily so that the system is functional until compatible DDR3 is found. I don't see any reason for him to get abusive now that his system is at least functional.

Solution to this problem has to be made only at Amarbir's end. Either he replaces the DDR2 with compatible DDR3, or replaces the motherboard with what the buyer wanted initially, after the difference amount is settled.

Buyer makes an unconditional apology to Amarbir for abusing him through text messages and verbally which is an act of immaturity. Frustration isn't a good enough reason for letting your tongue loose.

End of matter.
Switch said:
I seriously don't get you Amarbir. According to you, you say that Chiragh and his dad abused you even before they ordered you the config. But you could not do much at that time. WHY, Cause you were trying to make a sale. If i understand what you are trying to put here is that you are ready to accept abuses from a customer before he buys anything from you but not afterwords even if the product you supplied is faulty. I run a store myself and yes i do screw up at times but i never make a sale to a customer who is abusive to me(heck nobody till today has been) and i make sure i clear the mess which i create.

Bottom line you screwed up, And you accept it, If you had the courage to take the abuses before he bought anything be ready to take some more after you have sold a faulty product to someone. To be honest what i understand from your post is that they Chairagh and his dad came to your shop to buy the PC, his dad is a bit aggressive and you understood that before making a sale. You should have made sure that you didn't screw up in the first place, which you did but later instead of fixing the situation you are making excuses like abuses and aggressiveness etc. Also i fail to understand how in the hell did Chiragh got hold of your mother's mobile number during a course of a night cause by your logic you supplied him the PC at 8:00 in the evening when your shop was about to close down and in the morning when you woke up next day you had the filthy messages on your mother's mobile. Doesn't make sense does it.

My "advise" to you, clear up this mess. Period.

Well ,

Switch i figured Out He Was Aggressive ,Also Me And My Moms No is Printed In The Visiting Card .
I agree with Switch, but also feel that Chirag could have been slightly more patient. DDR3 is still not mainstream and chances of incompatibilty is galore...


I presume your def of abuse is more stringent :P

Just for Ex : "You sold a crappy motherboard and screwed me over."

Would you consider this as filthy sms or abuse :P

Edit: The Gigabyte Board--- GA EP35C DS3R. Its an old model :P
This thread is getting nowhere - now with both parties online, it would end up being a 'i-was-right-you-were-wrong' match.

Both parties have been given a chance to present their side of the story. Feedback about the store & Amarbir given by Chiragh and Amarbir given a chance to post his reply. I'd strongly suggest that mods close this thread and let them handle it between themselves using PM.
Ok guys now ask Amarbir why did my dad got annoyed with him , message was sent to his mom cause we had no idea who's number was it as he had no knowledge about my or my bro's number .

If he got annoyed with my dad then why didn't returned the advance then and there and said he doesn't deal in Intel stuff .

And won't a dealer know , who sells so many computer stuff whether the Rams are avaiable in market to support the board ?

Think for yourself guys !!!!!

BTW his mom is much better person than him atleast she talked to us polietly and my dad was kind enough to her , anyone can go and ask his mom personally ( NO HARD FELLINGS FOR HER AS SHE WAS NOT INVOLVED ).

I personally say sorry to Amarbir if he still feels bad about this.
And Most important he opposed us from buying Intel but he himself use I7 processor with Intel motherboard
Both of you are in Chandigarh and this is something that can be solved easily. I think both of you need to sit down and talk it out rather than doing this on a public forum. If the DDR3 ram is not working on that board then get a compatible one, there are lots of them available on TE itself. Return the DDR2 at whatever the cost you got it and and close the story....nothing is going to be solved by doing this and matters will only get worse.
Again to correct you Amarbir..

First day PC was delievered at 5.30 sharp... And your person came to check my pc at 7pm at my home

I came to your shop the very next day at 4pm and i was made to wait till 8pm and then i was told to leave my PC

Then my dad called you again you said DDR III is not supporting pc and am sending back PC with DDR II with refund...

You said you will look for DDR III , and when after some days i contacted you , you said its not your fault and you will not refund or exchange the board , this what made me angry and i forced to use such words , ANYONE WILL DO THAT who spent 45 grands just for a J U N K machine

Will anyone of us here will tollerate this ??
Am still ready to apollogise to Amarbir if he is ready to change my Gigabyte board with Intel Board of my prefernce with DDR III ram , and i will pay the difference of boards and Rams !!
Switch And Others ,
Let Me Get This Very Straight To Switch First .Well the Decided Config Was Gigabyte Board Initially And then They Wanted G31 And DDR-III Ram As They Had In Thier Office ,Whats Wrong With Your Switch I Cannot Provide Such Configuration So After I Told them they Should Stick To the Same Spec They Did ,So Where is the question of Intel Motherboard Here Initially ,Well If You Like To Provide Him DDR-III With G31 Go ahead .

Secondly To chiraj ,Well I Get This SMS From The Following Phone No Check It Out .

Then i Called this no and Asked He Said "I Have Not Done this ,Might Be My Brother Has Done This .Very Very Good ,so In The evening i Get another One .

Well I Have Never Owned a i7 Computer Myself ,What Are You Talking About
chiragh said:
Ok guys now ask Amarbir why did my dad got annoyed with him , message was sent to his mom cause we had no idea who's number was it as he had no knowledge about my or my bro's number .

If he got annoyed with my dad then why didn't returned the advance then and there and said he doesn't deal in Intel stuff .

And won't a dealer know , who sells so many computer stuff whether the Rams are avaiable in market to support the board ?

Think for yourself guys !!!!!

BTW his mom is much better person than him atleast she talked to us polietly and my dad was kind enough to her , anyone can go and ask his mom personally ( NO HARD FELLINGS FOR HER AS SHE WAS NOT INVOLVED ).

I personally say sorry to Amarbir if he still feels bad about this.

And Most important he opposed us from buying Intel but he himself use I7 processor with Intel motherboard

Well ,

My Moms Name Is Prominently Printed In The Card ,Why did you Guys Send that SMS To My Mom .Well Whats The Use Of Your sorry everyday on chat On Live support You Are starting Like Lets Forget The Past And In the End Abusing Me Like anything .I Am Not Dealing With You PERIOD .Go To The Market Get The Ram Replaced ,I Have Told you this More then 50 Times on chat .
this is my bro's number , to whom you called and pressring a small kid about me !!!

he replied after asking me whether is abused you or not so he smsed you rather than calling !!


We smsed her unknowingly as you called my bro!!! We thought the other number is also yours ...

And even if we smsed her , she is the owner of the shop just like you so there is nothing wrong in that.
And you see you mentioned clearly that you have told me 50 times you won't replace the RAM... so whole scene is clear !!!
Switch said:
TBH what i have understood with the whole thread is:

Guy comes to buy a "Complete PC" with particular brand in mind.

Shopkeeper advises him different brands as he cannot source the original brand.

Buyer agrees and pays in full for "everything".

Shopkeeper accepts and bills and delivers.

And then the problem of compatibility arise.

If it was the shopkeeper suggesting the board then should have made sure that the DDR3 RAM works with that. Not the buyers fault. He paid for a system in which Board and RAM were meant to be compatible. I hope that bit is clear.

Coming to mobile and abuses part, first of all i am in no way in favor of sending abusive smses. I am sure "if" Chiarg would have used soft words then we wont be having this thread. But i also understand that after paying a good sum of money you buy something and if it doesnt work you feel cheated. I hope everybody here will agree to that.

Now Chiargh would have sent smses out of frustration to all the registered mobile nos of the shop not knowing which belongs to whom(Again a assumption which i am making after reading your post). Though what he did was a act which should not have been performed but tagging that as abusing one's mother doesn't make it depict that honestly now does it. Keep yourself in his shoes and just think you bought a high end PC just to know it doesnt work for no fault of yours.

Wrong ,

Guys Come To Shop With Nothing In Mind ,He Gets a Common Friend And They Decide The config .We Cannot Force Stuff To People .Go And Read My entire Story Before You Comment again On This .Well Ask Him The Current Specs Of This PC and you People Tell Me What Big difference Will DDR-III Ram Into It will Make .The system is PErfectly Running Fine With The Stuff i Have Given ,I Have Been Paid For What i Have Given ,Now I do Like To Trade With Him He Can Get The Ram Changed To DDR-III From Anyone In chandigarh ,Why Is Me Wanting Just Me To Do It WHY .
chiragh said:
this is my bro's number , to whom you called and pressring a small kid about me !!!

he replied after asking me whether is abused you or not so he smsed you rather than calling !!


Well ,

I Do Not Think Its Very Hard To Read and understand That Image on Page No 7 End .That is The Number i Got a SMS From .Please Read It .
Everything said and done, the specs look quite shitty, and the guy was charged 45k for that??? Also a lot of new things is coming out now from both parties, chirag why dont you simply give back the DDR2 ram to amarbir and maybe buy a compatible DDR3 from other store.....
thebanik said:
Everything said and done, the specs look quite shitty, and the guy was charged 45k for that??? Also a lot of new things is coming out now from both parties, chirag why dont you simply give back the DDR2 ram to amarbir and maybe buy a compatible DDR3 from other store.....

Well ,

I Do Not think That The config Is Shitty ,I Do Not Find anything Listed anywhere ,So Why Not Ask Him ,this Is what They Decided and agreed too .Also .
Wrong ,
Guys Come To Shop With Nothing In Mind ,He Gets a Common Friend And They Decide The config .We Cannot Force Stuff To People .Go And Read My entire Story Before You Comment again On This .Well Ask Him The Current Specs Of This PC and you People Tell Me What Big difference Will DDR-III Ram Into It will Make .The system is PErfectly Running Fine With The Stuff i Have Given ,I Have Been Paid For What i Have Given ,Now I do Like To Trade With Him He Can Get The Ram Changed To DDR-III From Anyone In chandigarh ,Why Is Me Wanting Just Me To Do It WHY .

Friend came there to get us discount as he was a old buyer as you mentioned...and he came to pay for some stuff which he bought from you!!

he was also not sure about the board you offered !!

ok as you said my dad left it to you to get final config of our PC .... Is it running with DDR III in the end ?????? NO ... Story over !!

My bro is also asking about the number from where you got my sms on second page .. read carefully !!!
Nothing is being gained by any party (including TE members) since the last 10 posts or so. Wonder what the mods are waiting for.

Only if there was a 'Switch' to turn this off (pun intended in a nice way) :)
Originally Posted by thebanik
Everything said and done, the specs look quite shitty, and the guy was charged 45k for that??? Also a lot of new things is coming out now from both parties, chirag why dont you simply give back the DDR2 ram to amarbir and maybe buy a compatible DDR3 from other store.....

can u list the parts & their specs and prices that u bought from Lynx? that would help to understand if the parts that u have bought is actually worth their price as thebanik said above that the specs look quite shitty.
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