Feedback on LYNX Chandigarh Store - sold incompatible RAM

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Gurpartap Singh said:
only buyer needs to be enough aware and should have done enough homework before buying. if you hadn't, stop whining.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with not knowing how things work. Its pretty common for a rookie to ask for suggestions or opinions for their purchases. I still cant relate to how you arrive at the "buyer being negligent" theory in a case where the retailer is denying replacement of a faulty product. Its not like the buyer is brute forcing DDR2 sticks into DDR3 banks.

I can imagine a scenario where the RAM used by the buyer is not in the qualified vendor's list of Gigabyte, in which case the buyer's claims are all nullified, but even then, it would be morally unethical of the seller to not offer replacement seeing as how it was his suggestion in the first place.

Gurpartap Singh said:
stop whining.
So if you were sold a faulty product at its full price and furthermore be denied any assistance, would rather write praises about the seller? Ah, smart man!
I would like to clarify one thing here my above views were my own and not of the "TE staff". Also had this been done "ON TE" mods would have definitely intervened and would have "helped in solving out the situation". Please mark my words.

Lets just hope such a situation should never arrive on TE and i hope Chirag's situation also be solved asap. I would advise Chirag to get in touch with a senior member of TE in Chandigarh. Maybe he would be kind enough to help Chirag sort his problem.
Lord Nemesis said:
In the end it was his money and his choice. He should have pressed for an Intel board if he was comfortable with that. Just because some one gave him a recommendation does not mean that he will have to accept it. Just Imagine that you self recommend him a certain brand on these forums and he runs into problems, should he come to you to demand you to cover his damage.

The way I see it, the OP most probably has a board that with faulty DDR3 slot(s). So let the OP just RMA the board on the same basis. Amarbir cannot refuse that. He will just get you a new board from Gigabyte. Do note that the buyer cannot demand that board be replaced with an Intel one.

If its an incompatibility with particular models of RAM, then the responsibility of the seller depends on whether the seller sold him a complete system (with a invoice/bill for the complete system instead of individual parts). If that's the case, then Amarbir will have to legally take responsibility for delivering a fully working system. If on the other hand, both were bought individually, then no seller will take responsibility for incompatibilities even if both items are bought form the same seller. Its the buyers responsibility to ensure that what ever is buying is compatible.

My purchase as well as RMA experience with Amarbir has been quite good. So lets just wait for his side of the story.

Compare apples with apples:P

The main difference between a member suggesting something to a person and dealer suggesting his customer are of intent and underling motivation regarding that suggestion..A member wont gain anything, a dealer stands to profit..

Had this guy gone to amarbir asking for the same gigabyte mobo, things would have been different, here, he went asking for intel and amarbir coerced him into buying this so called better mobo knowing the guy isnt a techie..

@switch:- You laid it out in black and white..:P
Guys ,

Since the last Couple of Days Infact a Week Plus i Have Had a Major surgery In My Mouth With 6 Stiches On One side Leading to My Inability To come To Office And My sudden dissapearance ,On sunday i Was also Busy.I Have Resumed Work today And i Am Trying to Catch Up On Te with PM's and thread answers .Before i Answer any of this In TE I Would Like To Read the Entire Episode And Reply i am Not Very Good With Writing As you All Know So i Will Try To Explain Myself To The Best i Can do .Please Gimme Some Time for all of this i Have Had a Very Tough Day At My Shop And i Am Tired As Well .
Guys ,
Since the last Couple of Days Infact a Week Plus i Have Had a Major surgery In My Mouth With 6 Stiches On One side Leading to My Inability To come To Office And My sudden dissapearance ,On sunday i Was also Busy.I Have Resumed Work today And i Am Trying to Catch Up On Te with PM's and thread answers .Before i Answer any of this In TE I Would Like To Read the Entire Episode And Reply i am Not Very Good With Writing As you All Know So i Will Try To Explain Myself To The Best i Can do .Please Gimme Some Time for all of this i Have Had a Very Tough Day At My Shop And i Am Tired As Well .

finally..........I am waiting for climax(solution). Godd luck for both the parties:ohyeah:. i am bookmarking this page.
Gowt1ham said:
finally..........I am waiting for climax(solution). Godd luck for both the parties:ohyeah:. i am bookmarking this page.

Hi ,

Instead Of Not even One Person Asking Me How i Am Feeling You Would Like a Climax of this page ,I Am Deedly and Extremely Hurt .

damn said:
There is absolutely nothing wrong with not knowing how things work. Its pretty common for a rookie to ask for suggestions or opinions for their purchases. I still cant relate to how you arrive at the "buyer being negligent" theory in a case where the retailer is denying replacement of a faulty product. Its not like the buyer is brute forcing DDR2 sticks into DDR3 banks.

I can imagine a scenario where the RAM used by the buyer is not in the qualified vendor's list of Gigabyte, in which case the buyer's claims are all nullified, but even then, it would be morally unethical of the seller to not offer replacement seeing as how it was his suggestion in the first place.

So if you were sold a faulty product at its full price and furthermore be denied any assistance, would rather write praises about the seller? Ah, smart man!

ok sir, i accept your defense. it's his right to express what he feels. it was only a personal suggestion, if you read my post last to the one you are reading. ok anyways please forget it. i am scared of arguing. good night. :bounce:
even when we buyin somethin from lamington road ... the dealer gives 3 days DOA warranty incase the system fails to load as it was intended...

so my simple opinion...

amarbir replaces/refunds for the faulty product.


one part of the PC going wrong with the other*...

cmon.. we all have went thru this sometime in our life.. it`ll help him learn more.

no need to keep on sayin.. u dint do research etc etc... many ppl trust wat the dealers say even in a well established city like mumbai.

most of the parents just want to gift their childres with PCs evn if they dont know a sh1t abt the config of the pc and end up askin the dealer for the best config to please their loved ones

so its not entirely the buyers fault.


not even AMARBIRS fault if he does the replacement/Refund/ or make the system work himself A S A P

warm regards

( this are my viewpoints.. kindly avoid collisions :P )
Hi ,
Instead Of Not even One Person Asking Me How i Am Feeling You Would Like a Climax of this page ,I Am Deedly and Extremely Hurt .


I am extremely sorry if I have hurt u........I wanted to take it lightheartedly. I meant no offence to anyone. I am sure issue was minor which was was blown out of proportion due to misunderstanding and I hope/beleive it will be resolved quickly.:hap2:
Well ,
The Person In question Is From Chandigarh Itself I Have Not Shipped anything Anywhere .This Info Is For all Such People Who Are thinking I Shipped And All .Also As a Seller In TE I Would Like to Point Out that this Deal Never Happened In TE ,If It Has the Party Can Send The PM’s To The Mods and Report .Anyways

The Person in question came to my store in chandigarh with a common friend who happens to be my customer for the last 10 years or so .The person here is also a friend of My Friend .They discussed a common configuration and Fixed the Same .The Deal Was Fixed with a gigabyte motherboard and not a intel one .The next day the person comes with his dad “I Was At Office That Day “ and they tell me to change the motherboard with Intel g31 motherboard with ddr-III Ram And Extra Graphic Card. As They had all intel boards in their office like the 845 ,965 etc etc and the g31 “Which they Had No Clue And I Had to Call their Office and Find Out “.I explained to them that intel g31 chipset does not support ddr-iii ram .I also explained them that The G Series is basic the p is better and the x is even better in intel for the lga 775 platform .i also pointed out that the office type pc is different and this is a pro gaming rig and hence very different .I also told them that in gaming rigs the asus,msi and gigabyte boards are much better “Is this wrong†.I also told him that gigabyte has a repair center for boards in chd and they have excellent after sales service ,So Hearing all this his dad was calling his old office supplier again and again and taunted me saying that intel does have a replacement/repair center in sector 26 chd .I told them that it’s a collection center and intel does not repair boards in chd as they do not repair boards everywhere and it takes days for replacement .To this his old vendor said he gets replacement in three days .I told him that in this case if we go for intel P45 with DDR-III Ram He Will not cos this is a rare board and not common .I Called Up all intel disties and they said they do not have this board in chd that supports lga 775 and ddr-iii ram and it will take days to get one .I explained this to them and told them they should stick to gigabyte cos of excellent after sales service .I was abused number of times during this period and I controlled myself as much as I could do that .His Dad Left the Place saying that I start making the computer as decided day before With My staff .

So We got down to the Job and Started To Assemble the System .As We did not Have DDR-III Ram We Used Our Own Stock DDR-II for Testing .The system Was Working fine during All this time without even One single Issue ,We Close Down At 8 and DDR-III Ram that we were suppose to put came minutes before 8pm so what we did is that I installed the ddr-iii ram while the system Was Out and under packing .the Machine was delivered .The Next Day I Woke Up and To My Horror I see a filthy abusive sms on my mobile phone .To My Utter Horror they Send The Same SMs to My Mom ,Not even Relising That she is a Lady .anyways I Controlled Myself for the second time and send my guy for checking as I assumed that some ram or card has become loose in transit .My Person There At their house could not solve the issue ,I Carted the system back to my office .The Abuses did Not Stop there and The Board In question was pointed out again and again as faulty .We started working on the system and figured out that the DDR-III ram we had was not compatiable,I called for another brand and the same was happening with that .I figured Out in The Last that It will Take Core i7 Ram DDR-III 1.5 volts not 1.8 volts .As I was not able to arrange that in chd I told him I will change that when I get that kind of ram .I also refunded him the extra money I had taken for DDR-III Ram and Made a Bill with DDR-II Ram And Gave The system To him .

For The Next days he would come on chat and talk and then start abusing me ,Kindly Refer To His first Message also He Calls Me a Jerk Even there .This Broke My Patience / toleration of Taking Abuses And I Told him that He Could Get His Ram changed From Anyone Else in chd ,then Next Day He Would again Come On Chat And do The Same thing starting with lets forget the past and again start again and again spit that filth in the end ,I till today might have told him more then 50 times that I would not like to deal with a person who has no control over his lauguage .He is forcing me to deal with him and I am not going to leave my dignity for this .If I change his ram today I will still charge him and so will another guy ,So why Not He speak And Get this Done From Some Other Party Who Can Take His Abuses and Filth .Today I Get a Message In My SMS “I guess u hated intel motherboards ,So y u ordered one for ur i7†Oh man I do Not Have a i7 I have a QX9650 .I Called His Brother And told Him Why Is this Nonesense Going On ,He Says He does not Know that Might Be chirag Has done that .then Late Night I Get a SMS “that they did Not Send any SMS “ .Oh Man this Is Totally Nonesense and Utter ack Of knowledge .
PS :I Leave this Thread to you Guys To Take Over .As You Know i Am Not Very Good in Writing And all so Please Pardon and Correct Me If There is any Mistake .:(
Just wanted to add that this serves as a wake up call to everyone who took one position or other that we do not comment until we hear both sides of the story.
From my Experience, Mr Amarbir has been a fair dealer, delivering Goods ASAP/fast & that too with "PROPER" Bills/Memos, which many dealers hardly do!
Anyway, Peace & understanding to both of the parties!
Well Amarbir, thats fair enuff. If the abuse part is true, then there is no reason for you to entertain him.
Paaji you cleared the air for us. Now since the word of mouth (or rather text of post) is trusted; this clears up the air. Abusive messages on home mobiles :no:; damn he lost it there. I'm in full support of you paaji..
I guess people should be better informed if they are going to buy a system or for that matter any part of it so that they dont complain later. Ask experts on this forum and get your answers and then buy stuff.

It is a known fact (not pointing to Amarbir :) ) that dealers or the so called local computer engineers do give bad stuff to noobs but i suppose Amarbir cannot do it as he is a big dealer and moreover if he does, he knows his reputation is at stake and thats the last thing what a business man would want.

PS: Few months down the line you guys only need to help me build a HTPC. Total noob with Gfx, Mobos and other stuff
Veeray don't worry, take care of ur health, u don't wanna end up like this



Anyways, I've complete faith in Amarbir and in his dealings. I've couple of times ordered products at his shop, paid upfront for them and never even took the bill, just relied on his good will and he never let me down.

A guy tried to clamp down on Pompy's style on TD forum too and there I did managed to change some minds but here looks like its gonna b a group effort. :cool2:
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