Feedback on LYNX Chandigarh Store - sold incompatible RAM

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Hey guys please beware of this LYNX STORE in Chandigarh.

there is no support from these people and are big thieves.

I got a gigabyte Board GA EP35C DS3R with Quad core Processor which was forced by Mr. Amarbir of LYNX against Intel board .

I was told that this board is DDRIII supported and when this PC was assemebled and delievered it didn't work for 1 min on DDR III ram .

All softwares and windows were loaded with DDR II and we came to know about this later.

Now this man is not ready to exchange motherboard nor providing us any help.

Now he gave me DDR II and returned difference of DDR III saying us that he will look for DDRIII which is compatiable but he rather took a simple step out and he has still not done anything regarding this.
I didn't get PC for DDR II
Total money is wasted :(

One simple suggestion to all stay away from him i really had a bad time with this Jerk

yes gigabyte board has DDR 2and DDR 3 ram ports..

DDR 3 was not present at that time while he was loading softwares.. he got it later and installed DDR 3 and then he handed over to me , after which all this problem started
the thing is problem is with the board but this LYNX guy is not ready to exchange it nor he is arranging for Intel board which i wanted ..
^ Do you mean DDR3 support was not there and he installed later :P Or DDR3 RAM??

This board can support max 4GB DDR3 RAM
ram has to do nothing with softwares , which ddr3 ram was used ? update the bios of the board and then try installing ddr3 ram ..
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Seems too hot Thread, only person missing is mediahome :P
he gave me PC with DDR III ram after loading softwares with DDR II ram

and when i took the PC and powered it at home it didn't started and i was told DDR III is not supported to this board and you have to work with DDR II ram and he returned the difference but what's the fun ?

he is not ready to exchange board neither gigabyte nor intel to make my PC DDR III supportable
I understand he installed your software on a DDR-II ram and then later put in a DDR-III ram. Now your software is not compatible with DDR-III RAM. Is that correct?

Then why dont you format your computer with the DDR-III ram installed. It will make your software compatible with it.
Which DDR3 he put man , tell the ram model , this board seems to support only low voltage ( 1.5v ) ddr3 . and SOFTWARE DOES NOT DEPEND ON RAM !

Update motherboard bios then install DDR3 .
dude.. i hav p5kc. it too hav ddr3 option.. i can change rams to ddr2-ddr3 anytime wenever i want. and softwares works perfectly. actually software has nothiing to do with DDR3 or DDR2.. as robo kid sayd :D
DUDUE its absolutely u true !!! its ocmplete fake... big big talks n all bullshit.. we shouldnt allow such kidn of peple who just boast and dont deliver anything ... 100$ dissatisfied customer.
Renegade said:
I understand he installed your software on a DDR-II ram and then later put in a DDR-III ram. Now your software is not compatible with DDR-III RAM. Is that correct?

Then why dont you format your computer with the DDR-III ram installed. It will make your software compatible with it.

+1 :P


Let me tell you something that someone should have said long before.

Your not so smart about PC hardware.

Putting a DDR2 or DDR3 ram before/After Install of a software has nothing to do with your pblm. If it works on DDR2 and not on DDR3 you just have a faulty board and you should get a good one.
Am just telling you that windows and all were loaded using DDR II , that means PC WORKS FINE ON DDR II and it doesn't get ON with DDR III
Before formatting with DDR-III ram make sure you GET this software installed called BIOS-UPDATE from gigabyte site from someone who knows how to install that software.
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