Formula 1 - Indian GP (Buddh International)

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Hey everyone,

I want to book tickets for this GP. I have budget that can cover, at max, 6.5K. Now I need help in deciding which stand I should pick. These are the stands available in my range -

1. WEST: Classic Stand 1 and 2

2. NORTH: Classic and Picnic Stand

3. EAST: Classic Stand 1 and 2

4. SOUTH: Picnic Stand

You can see the track's map here: Formula 1 Track Map : tickets on - Vrrrrooom!!!

Please use full-screen and zoom in so that you may have a better view.

Now, which one would you guys suggest? I'd love to have a view of the turns wherein one can see some overtaking happening. Some of the stands I listed also show you a view of the pitlane entry, which I suppose will be a nice action-filled spot. And some stands show you a view of the turn right after the long straight - another nice overtaking spot, I presume.

I'll have to come by bus so parking and stuff won't be a problem for me.

Could you guys please help me out here and tell me the stand best suited for me?

PS - I'm coming from Nagpur for this. So any and every help in accommodation will be highly appreciated too :)
Surprised to see that there isn't more excitement on here for the race on Sunday! Can't wait to watch the practice tomorrow and for the race on Sunday! Grabbing some cold beers and some snacks and some friends to sit down and watch the race this Sunday at my place!! Hope everything goes off well!
Checking out the practice sessions on tv - Didn't look much like India at first and then when one of the Williams cosworth cars span off the track it became apparent that this is India! The crew and support staff ran on to the gravel trap after a full 3 minutes and then looked at each other and began waving their arms(Strike 1). The Williams driver , Maldonado or something got out of the car and was being ferried into the pits by a guy riding a White Honda Activa(Strike 2) and then they showed a shot of the Grand stands where I saw very fat(!) auntyjis hogging puri sabji and stray dogs running onto the track and chasing the cars(Strike 3)! Welcome to India F1!!!

Didn't see any of the pit girls(deeply saddened!)
Well...just got back. I missed the first practice session (which had the canine incident), and reached when the F3 cars were doing a practice run. Now to put in a summary.

1. My pickup was at Nehru Place metro station. I reached there, and could just see some buses standing. Walking 50m down I saw 2-3 guys in Budh International Circuit (BIC). They told me to board the South Zone bus, irrespective of me being for West zone.
2. Bus moved, and after 45 minutes we crossed into Noida Extension. I think all of UP's police force has been deployed. At the 8km radius cut-off a straight well stretch started into the circuit. Errrrm....the driver missed a cut, and reversed on the expressway.
3. We were dropped off at South Zone. And told to take the shuttle to me respective zone. Here is where the mess started. No one was at the point to tell us which direction to take the shuttle which were zipping past. So for a while a bunch of us stood there. Then we found out the direction, and decided to board a shuttle. It was equivalent to boarding a DTC/Blueline at prime Delhi office time. People chose to hang on the door, reminiscing Bombay locals vs. stepping inside to the coach.
4. The gates were labeled large and clear, though security check was lame. Eatables and liquids were not allowed. Guards were standing.
5. Entered the stands and was shown my seat. F3 cars were racing -- am sure a lot of the crowd assumed this to be the 'thing'. Note: the engine noise was bearable.
6. The circuit broke for lunch. There were stalls which had food commodities but could be procured only using coupons. The coupon line took 30 minutes for acquisition. And then I dropped my chicken sandwich since it was not sealed in the packaging properly. Had a fight with the vendor and was given another one. Heck it costed 200 chips. Everything was extraordinarily priced. Way too high.
7. Moved to the stands...the crowd was chittering and chattering. Suddenly the air started to reverberate with engine sound. Boy was it loud. I was sitting so the north stand was in front of me -- so the start/pits stops were hidden. The rev up had begun. Suddenly one car shot off (I think the Williams) and made its way around the ~5.4 kms of F1 grid. That is one feeling/image/sound I will never forget in my life. I think my ticket price was redeemed there and then.....! And the rest 23 engines were unleashed, and hell fell upon the spectators. Everyone was dead quite and the cars started to circle around. Gosh...when they down-shifted the sound is so grainy and rough..and then they would speed up. Immediately I realized why F1 is eeef-one. Extreme conditions coupled with high grade scientific research -- the output was apparent and appalling and shocking but pleasant.

After a while it was easy to deduce that drivers were experimenting with the circuit. At times they would down gear on turns....or break after the turn or not slow at down. 3 sessions for heavy data collection. Practice 2 was stopped 2x. Once cause of an accident and once to let the teams re-think. Most moved to hard-compound rubber. The track ambient was 39C. After around 30 minutes of the blitzkrieg my ears started to tingle, and I used ear plugs for a while.

Overall it was an amazing experience, and worth the effort.
Even i went to see the F1. The engine note is still buzzing my ears... both the red bull drivers were going nuts on the tracks..going faster into a corner than any other car on the circuit! epic experience!
^^^Dogvijay! No that would be unfair on the dog! Sonia would be my choice if it were a b**ch!
ragzdiablo said:
Even i went to see the F1. The engine note is still buzzing my ears... both the red bull drivers were going nuts on the tracks..going faster into a corner than any other car on the circuit! epic experience!

Great you were there. Which stand were you on....? I was in the West Classic 1. Lesson I learnt, next time no matter what get the North Grand stand. That is where the action is. The pits are there and 'still' cars can be viewed there. Ya, the two RB's were knotted together for a while and went wild. The machines do look really beautiful so close up. Though I never expected that the seats would be so close to the track...!

Use ear plugs when you start to feel weird in the ears. :)

Also I remember now, I could hear the tire change guns when substitution(s) was happening. I was ~0.5-1km away probably, but when the high pitched whine started -- it was distinct, not like the engine but highly motorized and could be understand for a device spinning really really fast. Only could have been a tire change gun. And they kept happening one-after-another once they stalled for changes.
Can't believe you were complaining about the whine of the F1 engines! Its the single most evocative noise for a petrol head! I would rather go deaf by continuously listening to them than anything else!

Where you saw me complaining..? :)

Was just mentioning some facts, cause after a while my ears did start to 'itch' internally. It is aggrevated if you are at a place where the brake/gear down, the sound is like a boom.To curb that ear plugs had to be used. But true, the sound is remindful of what the sport is.



Hey! that's the aunty from the group of auntyjis at the grand stand I mentioned earlier! I wonder how people like them got the tickets! UNFAIR!!!!

Look the Force India cars are sporting a stammering buffoon of a cretin!

What happened to aerodynamics and the heaps of money spent improving the chassis to make it more aerodynamic ? If they add unnecessary weight by putting those decals on the car they are bound to be slow and it will affect the handling of the car! That would mean they spin off and crash at the end of the first corner! Mark my words! Force India get the sticker of Gay One off your cars and atleast pray you can complete the race! Don't insult us Indians anymore!!! We've been globally humiliated by the retards running the nation in Delhi.
A Customs bungle dented Schumacher's Indian Grand Prix hopes on Saturday after vital tyre-checking equipment was held up by Indian border officials.The fuming seven-time champion missed out on the top-10 shoot-out by just 18 thousands of a second after suffering tyre vibrations and will start halfway down the field in 12th position on Sunday.

Afterwards, Mercedes team principal Ross Brawn revealed they were unable to run a final check on Schumacher's tyres before qualifying because some of their equipment had been held up at Indian customs.

"Normally for race tyres we do a final check for balance to make sure they're OK. Unfortunately we didn't have the equipment there," Brawn said.

"Part of it arrived, we didn't get all of it. So we can't use it. (Tyre supplier) Pirelli balance the tyres, we just like to do a final check. I think most of the teams just do a final check to make sure.

"Because obviously if you have a tyre vibration, particularly in a race it's a serious issue. We'll get Pirelli to re-check out tyres."

Brawn said he would not know if Schumacher's tyres were unbalanced until he receives the car's technical data. The problem also plagued the German at this month's Korean Grand Prix, where he was forced to retire.

"Sometimes things move, you lose a balance weight or a tyre moves and it can deteriorate, so we'll get those wheels and tyres checked. Twenty grams out of a balance on a tyre, a driver can feel quite severely," Brawn said.

Source : Indian GP: Customs bungle hits fuming Schumacher

Looks like the customs were not fed.
My bet - this is the first and last Indian grand prix and the then the track will be used for lesser events and marriage parties!
^ don't be too pessimistic but if any neta's eye falls on it, the situation may arise.
On the higher side every body is happy about the track layout & quality. That chicane where massa stumbled will be the most entertaining part of tomorrow.
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