Formula 1 - Indian GP (Buddh International)

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sunny27 said:
You my friend should watch ayrton senna race, you should watch the epic battles between schumacher and hakkinen and then watch some more of schumacher's racing. there's a lot of human element and emotion in this sport.
I am not contending the human element involved and moreover for me, its quite senseless to use up so much fuel just for few minutes' thrill. This so called 'sport' prevails more or less because of the hoopla and ends up virtually being the watering hole for the rich.
They usually dont have too much to do in life and instead of philanthropy, they go about constructing vacant buildings like Antila.
On similar note, What really is gonna be interesting, would be to see how the track will hold up against wear and tear till next year.
I am sure the track will be fine and then we can raise questions how the other day to day life transport lifeline roads crumple so easily.. even within a km's radius of the venue.

Only if all the money had been used to lay the roads with similarly superior and unadulterated material.
I guess you are not aware of the contributions of Formula 1 to various charities and organizations around the world. Do spend some time to read into what Senna did for the poor and homeless in Brazil. Do look into how much M.Schumacher contributed to the various relief funds during the Indian Ocean Tsunami. None of the Indian cricketers all put together have contributed half as much to any single social cause. I can cite numerous examples of these philanthropic ventures by various F1 drivers and the sport as a whole.

You can look at it as the testing ground for various safety features which trickle down to our production road cars over generations(crash helmets/anti-roll bars, safety harnesses, emergency/accident medical services and technology) as well as Research funded by sponsors and the automobile manufacturers for alternative fuel and fuel technology. Now this I guess is money well spent.

Formula 1 is a proper sport and the ultimate expression of what is possible when you have the cutting edge of science and technology combined with amazing human courage and spirit. Its ultimately those magnificent men and their magnificent machines who can push each other to the very limit - something we can never do even if we wish to.
sunny27 said:
I guess you are not aware of the contributions of Formula 1 to various charities and organizations around the world. Do spend some time to read into what Senna did for the poor and homeless in Brazil. Do look into how much M.Schumacher contributed to the various relief funds during the Indian Ocean Tsunami. None of the Indian cricketers all put together have contributed half as much to any single social cause. I can cite numerous examples of these philanthropic ventures by various F1 drivers and the sport as a whole.

You can look at it as the testing ground for various safety features which trickle down to our production road cars over generations(crash helmets/anti-roll bars, safety harnesses, emergency/accident medical services and technology) as well as Research funded by sponsors and the automobile manufacturers for alternative fuel and fuel technology. Now this I guess is money well spent.

Formula 1 is a proper sport and the ultimate expression of what is possible when you have the cutting edge of science and technology combined with amazing human courage and spirit. Its ultimately those magnificent men and their magnificent machines who can push each other to the very limit - something we can never do even if we wish to.

1) You are spending a basic amount of money for this 'sport'

And then the charities follow. Cant the money be donated prior to the investment in these events ?

2) Schumi donated.. good enuf..

but again.. did he donated cuz GP was coming to India ?

3) When i mentioned about philanthropy, i was not pointing towards the drivers.

My pointing was directed towards the industrialists and our own sportsperson themselves. Cricketers are like monkeys, jumping from tournament to tournament for the lure of cash and then returns they give is pretty pathetic.

Same with the businessmen. If we leave alone a handful of em.. rest only keep devising ways to increase their wealth.

This 'sport' is more suitable for countries which are more established and can afford to spend such amount of cash for petty sports. My stand is pretty much that this sport wont be missed as any of the other real sports and u can see for urself, that apart from the enthusiasts.. the Indians dont know how this racing works and they are equally zuck abt the officials. Somewhere the Indian psyche agrees with my points as well.

We all know how price sensitive Indian mkt and Indians are. A simple look at the food articles' price list will tell you its pretty stupid on this a/c as well. We cant organise cricket matches involving sportsperson lesser known to the world, with assuring security.. IF any of our idiotic crowd member does anything stupid, backlash would be massive cuz F1 is known immensely.
Spacescreamer said:
2) Schumi donated.. good enuf..

but again.. did he donated cuz GP was coming to India ?

He donated during the Indian ocean tsunami -2006- that was when India didn't even have a F1 driver on the grid and Force India was yet to begin. I will attend to the other points with valid answers after I get back home from work. (Super-hectic! Back in office after Diwali holidays)

BTW I have not known any F1 Driver or for that matter anyone (Apart from politicians and people of their ilk i.e. the government) to engage in charitable acts and make donations expecting some back! This is not like taking admission in colleges for a degree course. You donate for a good cause!
Abey yaar.. that's what i am saying.. that shoemaker donated or not.. my simple point was that we can organise such frivolous events when we have much glaring matters staring in our faces.

The driver is associated with the 'sport' and donates part of his winnings/wealth.. why cant the money be donated to other needful areas w.o getting this race organised.

Now tomorrow if spaceships are used instead of these cars.. will it make for a better 'sport' because ofc the security arrangement would be of higher order, the testing and HUMAN ELEMENT would be more involved..

Bottomline.. so much shouldnt be wasted for momentarily thrill.

i am sure many of the sane people wont return next year. this ll be like the pilgrimage of adrenaline tasters.. gotta do it once.. Fat load of 'sport' it is.

You like the race, i dont like the IDEA.. plain and simple. :)

Let's not make this an endless and silly arguement.. i am VERY scared of making this a relay chat between the two of us.
I dont mind the IPL/CL tamasha getting banned 4ever :P

Stupid BCCI's effort for its hegemony. Look what it has done to the charm of cricket :@

I never have seen 5 overs of any IPL edition, only once i waited cuz Gabriella Demetriades was on air :cupidon:
Spacescreamer said:
Now tomorrow if spaceships are used instead of these cars.. will it make for a better 'sport' because ofc the security arrangement would be of higher order, the testing and HUMAN ELEMENT would be more involved

What an excellent idea!!!! Spacecraft racing! Imagine we could have such fun! Think of the PC games it would spawn!!! You could have a space craft game like twisted metal where you get weapon upgrades and shoot down spacecraft racing with you to distant galaxies! I shall now copy right and trademark my idea! (TM) (C) (R)
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