FS: **Exclusive offer on Leadtek 7 series cards for TE Members**

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mohit can you please give me some details about the warranty? Can I get this offer in bangalore?

asking about the PSU
Warranty is three years on Leadtek cards as well as the PSU. Ya u can get this offer in bangalore. no problem there. but shipping charges will be extra for u. for graphics cards i can get u guys free shipping but for the psu i think around 150 bucks will be charged as shipping.
Udit said:
Zebby 540W is not that good better get a Zebby 640W.
Haa don't look at others posts and make em your opinions...:bleh: BTW the actual wattage of these units is -50W of the rating cause the third rail is external and for the audio stand by function...
Well Vandy's here boy... whether u like it or not...:ohyeah: Decent pricings btw.. change the skyhawk PSU in your siggy to zebby :tongue:
vandal said:
BTW the actual wattage of these units is -50W of the rating cause the third rail is external and for the audio stand by function...

i know all that.

i saw Funky's Zebby 640W's stability on TE.

12.10V with a Dual Core Opteron 165@2.7Ghz |DFI NF4 Ultra D | Sapphire X1900XT | 2x1GB DDR400 | 2x250GB Hitachi SATA II | Sony DRU 820A DVD RW drive | ASUS 52X CD RW | Creative SB Live 24 bit

and prime running on both cores.

vandal said:
Haa don't look at others posts and make em your opinions...:bleh: BTW the actual wattage of these units is -50W of the rating cause the third rail is external and for the audio stand by function...

Wth does that mean???
BTW Mohit... .this is for you.. and others here.. asked around and dug up a few prices for Leadtek... guys may be interested in knowing (and verify from the Chennai TE guys) that the prices here are 1000 to 1500 bucks higher than what Sandeep quoted... oh mohu beta btw, I didn't have a*** s$x with rajesh or sandeep as you mentioned :P , but I actually worked for zebby for a little while in Chennai... So the people mentioned above are well known to me and are decent guys (as decent as a business man can get anyways)

But you my (not) friend from wherever seem to have quoted at least 1K more on all prices... where's the extra cash going??

TE members don't take my word for it, phone and verify...
@ vandal - there is no harm if someone is trying to make a profit. no1 works for charity. mohit is like a middleman & obviously he would make some cut in the sale. he is still providing a good deal for people on te according to me. if people get better prices they can always buy from other places.
vandal said:
BTW Mohit... .this is for you.. and others here.. asked around and dug up a few prices for Leadtek... guys may be interested in knowing (and verify from the Chennai TE guys) that the prices here are 1000 to 1500 bucks higher than what Sandeep quoted... oh mohu beta btw, I didn't have a*** s$x with rajesh or sandeep as you mentioned :P , but I actually worked for zebby for a little while in Chennai... So the people mentioned above are well known to me and are decent guys (as decent as a business man can get anyways)

But you my (not) friend from wherever seem to have quoted at least 1K more on all prices... where's the extra cash going??

TE members don't take my word for it, phone and verify...
ya i know u r frm chennai .. and u ran away frm there. taking auto wallahs money .. lol.

anybody who has doubts that i am making a profit here .. well listen u can all call zebronics on their number from the website and ask for the pricing. if u guys get quoted lower rates then do let me know. I can forward the mail that i got from the zebronics person to all of u. thats all i can do. I AM NOT MAKING A SINGLE PENNY HERE .. and who lies here is a son of ten dads.

RegardiNG vandal ...well vandal was kicked out of the company zebronics .. and the ashamed prick that he is .. he is going against the company everywhere. even on techtree and here .. coz he wants his revenge from the company.
@ vandal - there is no harm if someone is trying to make a profit. no1 works for charity. mohit is like a middleman & obviously he would make some cut in the sale. he is still providing a good deal for people on te according to me. if people get better prices they can always buy from other places.

i am not making any profit here. trust me.

FOR EG : u can ask saiyan of chennai .. he was buying the zebyy 640W psu for 5400 ..i offered to get it for him for 5200 bucks. see that is lower than the least price in chennai. and this was for a psu... and same way it is fro graphic cards. i am not having any share in all u guys' money.

the day i want a share .. ill openly ask for it.

and ya when u guys call zebby chennai .. do ask them who this "michael" aka vandal was .. and u will get his history .. lol.
@ mohit- i did not say that you are making a profit. i said that there is nothing wrong if anyone makes a profit. it is nothing to be jealous about on part of vandal even if u did make a profit, i dont see anything wrong with it.
Mohit my man chill. Dont get personal guys. No point.

Also to trollers and spammers. Please dont post in market section if you are not interested in buying a product. Spamming in market section will invite a ban. Maybe a permanent one.
eegjhactly!!! You have brought a good deal to TE. If you make 1K on a total price of 20K, I say it is ok.....
my last effort in making u guys beleive that i am not earning anything ... and here lemme expose vandal in front of u all.

these are screenies of three different emails that i have received from the concerned Zebronics person.

MOD EDIT: Screenshot removed on request, if anyone has doubt on pricing, PM Mohit.

i hope this is enough to prove that i am being targetted by vandal.

EDIT : Now i hope he doesnt come up with this .. that "mohit has edited the pics". any photoshop expert can verify the pics for edition.
Mohit, I removed the screenshots of the other email as it is inappropriate here..

regarding ur cut is concerned, please read the above statements clearly, minus vandal's ofcource, all are saying, that even if u do make any cash on this deal, its not unethical, in this case we KNOW u are not making any cash, and ur effort to get this deal for fellow TE members is really appretiated and keep up the good work...
@ mohit Adding to what Rave has mentioned dont get bogged down by all this... You are trying to do whats best for the community and things like these are always noticed by the top level of TE... Keep up the good job and aviod personal attacks... You can always report to mods regarding something like this and they will help you out with the best possible way they can. Cheers :D...
sorry guys .. i did not mean to attack into anybody's personal life .. it was me who was attacked first. ... i know i should have not have got so agitated but trust me if you people were in my position .. you would not like it either if somebody says all that crap bout u.

and regarding "reporting to mods" .. well vandal did accuse me in front of everybody .. only when i saw that nobody cared to help me out .. i reacted like this and took out his whole history,

once again i am sorry if i misbehaved here.

EDIT : would just like to add this .. vandal u r a lucky dog .. if the mods werent so good here .. u would not be having a place to hide your shitty face by now. good for u that rave edited my post. dont mess with me next time .. else ill be reporting u to the admins and try my best to make sure u get banned frm this place.
Chill Mohit, just chill!!:)

Think of Katrina, kaif not the hurricane- Just chill!!:ohyeah:

Like i said earlier- Dog bites Man- samajhdaar Man goes to doctor, doesn't chase the Dog to bite it!!:bleh:

You find some post/reply/comment offensive, report to our Dear Mods!!:cool2:
Do not chase the '#*&'- i mean whoever the offender is!!:P

And you wanna vent your anger- Main hoon na!!:P

And you move your @$$ asap and get studying:@ - Guys- His exams are on:no: !!

and once more-
Shaant Gadadhaari Bheem, Shaant!!:rofl:

For the uninitiated- everyone on TE is a friend and there are some special friends- the Mods- who have been awarded extra priviledges to keep a check on it and make this place better!!
So Mods are friends/pals/buddies first and only intervene as Mods when somethings going out of control!!
These Band of merrymen in Green and blue are not unlike any of us!!
So please do not misunderstand them due to your own ego/attitude or something!!:cool2:
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