Games for Non-GFX Rig

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I have a Athlon II 640 running on HD4250. Play the following, in 1920x resolution

Carmageddon TDR 2000

Return to Castle Wolfenstein (2002 version)

Deus Ex 1

Deus Ex 2 (not really, but it does work)

Max Payne 1

Need For Speed High Stakes

There are a few others that play decently.
^^Man how is Carmageddon? I've heard it from a friend just 10 mins back on phone. We control a car and kill people something like that?
Rest every other game i've already ended. :)
It's Zombies, actually. The 'people' thing needs a patch.

Frankly they look like stick figures in either case. It's only their goo which changes colour - green or red. It's fun for one round or two.
Yes indeed i also tried playing it on everything and it ran with no lagging...but will play it @max later when i buy a gpu. :)
If u r into Moba's u can try out League of legends. Its great game and is not at all taxing on the system.

Ps. MOBA = Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
Man i like/+? :O I loved the game man..! Awesome...I definitely should have played this game a while back...anyways Awesome...! :D Will start 2nd one as soon as its downloaded. :)
Great, you'll love MP 2 as well mate. Better 'Bullet Time' and amazing action, not to mention the gritty MP environment. :ohyeah:
Oh yeah..:ohyeah: Game download completed.. Saw some rain at the game beginning but had to switch the pc off...DAD Alert. :P So will play tonight. Btw i see your playing TBOGT and LOTD. How is it? I ended GTA IV not long time back. I know i can't play this right now. But still how is it?
Man both the DLC's are awesome... I think they were one of the finest DLC's I have played for a game. I just completed TBoGT this afternoon. Both the DLC's are very well made and it's a treat to see how they interwine with the main game's storyline. I loved Lost and Damned more, but TBoGT is also great. Do try them for sure mate :)
1. Return to Castle Wolfenstein

2. Trine

3. Clive Barker's Undying & Jericho

4. No One Lives Forever

5. CRYSIS ;)
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