Google LG Nexus 4 Pre Order, 8GB - Rs.21728/- & 16GB - Rs.25490/-

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Vasishta.Sushant & karankapoor


I really loved my nexus although I haven't begun using it full fledged yet.... Maybe because of its size...I found the note 2 too large for my liking. Not to mention that, a nexus in India is quite rare relative to a Note 2/S3, which in itself adds to the novelty.
Not considering the novelty/exclusivity, talking purely from the perspective of end usage, I guess I prefer the subtle additions done by Samsung. The S-Pen is a huge benefit in my case. Also I somehow expected the screen to be a killer which unfortunately isn't when compared to the Samsung. Also the non-expandable memory is a big downer for me. Not that I'll always have the available 13GB filled up to the brim, I still don't like the feeling of being constrained.

I do like the stock look but I guess it felt better on the nexus 7 than on the nexus 4. I was actually thinking of replacing the NOTE-2 and Nexus 7 with the nexus 4 but realized that that wasn't a great thought.
does anybody have a connectivity issue?? i use airtel.. if somebody tries to call it will be not reachable most of the time.. they will send an sms and it will be reachble again.If i try to to call someone it will not get connected at all.. its like having the best fone but couldnt call :) please help..
Getting charged INR1070 for my Nexus 4 (through HopSHopGo'/Fedex). Hopefully this is inclusive of the Fedex "service charge"

My friend was charged 1870/- INR (all inclusive) which i had got it shipped through comGateway via Fedex to Ahemadabad. :\
Would you mind sharing the split-up? Assessable value?


Had declared the phone value as 300 USD on comGateway's site.

Custom Duty Receipt details:

Assessed value: 25250.00

Total CVD(2%) - 505.00
Total SAD (4%) - 1030.00 (Any idea what this 4% is for?)

Total Duty: 1535.00
Other Charges: 300.00
Service Tax: 37.00

Total Payable Amt: 1872.00
Even i was charged SAD via Fedex. No such charge was charged when one of the phones was shipped via DHL.
I had opened a case and after 1 week, FedEx team tells me that duty charged is correct.

So I went digging around and i found that they might be correct.

SAD is Special Additional Duty and is charged at the discretion of Customs Authority. It is supposed to be equal to the local tax applicable on the item you are importing if it is available for sale here as well.

Since VAT for mobile phones is 5%, they charged 4% SAD. But in my case the assessable value was not increased and taken as the value I had declared.

In my case, the phones in question were 2 iPhones. Total duty came to around Rs. 3500 for both. SAD is charged on the assessable value plus CVD.
I am gonna order one today or day after. Buy will use PPOBox, not comGateway. With them i am sure I won't be looted.
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