Graphic Cards Got the XFX8800GT but something is wrong

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all settings at default..

ive also changed the psu connector an all the things.. but the Score still Stands at 3692 ...

this is really dissapointing...

installed Bioshock ..and played for 20 mins.. AVG FPS was 15 Min was 7 and Max was around 25-30 ....

now i know this card is dead.. but the prob is how should i explain this to that stupid vendor... hell just say if nothin is visibally wrong then it aint wrong .. isnt it?? or is there any hope for me to get it replaced....
link mode as in ?? it shows PCI Express also bios is at default...

its not the bios.. it is the card.. its dead.. or its some shitty card disguised as 8800GT made to fool the OS as well as any software to detect it as the 8800gt and not what it truly is... shit now im getting crazy..

my LUCK is really screwedup.. first my X1900XT got fried then the next card died while in transit... dammit.. neway.. i think mines the first case...

if any of you guys could confirm with some XFX guys about this.. itd be greatful... id like to know if something like this is even remotly possible.. and if it is then whats causing it...
thanx all of you for your help


1 surprising thing ive noticed...

even after increasing the res upto 1680x1050 and using 4x AA and 8x AF.. aswell as decreasing the res to 1024 lvl with out aa af .. i m still getting the same scores of around 3000...

what is happening here guys?? tried it under xp as well as vista...

resolution and other facters has no effect on scores of 3dmark..

also in bioshock.. at highest settings and highest res.. i get aorund 11-25 FPS .. then again at lowest settings at 1024 res i again get the same FPS>.

no difference at all.....

i dont understand wts goin on here.. is it the card.. the card drivers (ive tested using the latest 169.02 driverrs as well as 167 drivers with same results) or is it just something of a first??

i m totally confused coz of this card... ill try and get it replaced anyhow..
When you said fresh install did you format + install ?

As funky said either the card should be DOA or should give gfx corruptions, a case like this is unlikely.

BTW have you tried the card on another comp ?
How many pci-e slots are there on ur m/b.
if more than one try the card in other pci-e slot.

(The number of asus m/b's models starting with p5 is insane. the last i counted there were around 50+ , about 2 screenful. so i have stopped tracking them)

back in the old days, when things were much simpler, such low 3D performance was obtained when the gpu was in software rendering mode for e.g. opengl.

Post a screen shot of GPU-Z (not cpu-z).
edit:1) other possible hardware issues that comes to mind is that ur card could be underclocking automatically due to overheating in 3D mode.

2) how are ur +12V readings when the card is doing the 3dmark06 tests. (use a DM for this)
^ If your first card also died on this same system, do get your power supply 12v volatges checked for consistency and any unwanted spikes.
u r still on 169.02? that set gave me insane amount of issues on Vista x64.

Its highly unlikely that its a fake card. It cant fool Rivatuner. Check with GPUz to make sure.

If even after increasing resolution the scores are remaining same, the problem is probably not the card and its something else.

Also if possible take a pic of the front and back of the card (edit out the serial nos before posting pic ).

Also like Deejay said, put ur card in the 2nd PCI express slot. ( the black one ).

From the bios disable onboard sound. And run the benchmarks again.
1. HDD issue? It can effect whole system performance, benchmark with HDTach and post scores here.

2. Arrange another SMPS

3. Use rthdribl benchmak for checking max GPU load temps, run it for approx 20mins and check temps with Riva Tuner/Everest. (It will also stress UR SMPS, check volts with everest)

4. Use 169.09 drivers version.
and also check the bios settings
it might be happening that bios itself might be restricting it to 1x speed

so check in bios if thats the case

else u can do nothing but take a hammer
Post a screenie of CPU-Z. Looks like your CPU is underclocked or maybe there's some process eating all CPU.
Chaos said:
Post a screenie of CPU-Z. Looks like your CPU is underclocked or maybe there's some process eating all CPU.

Look at his CPU score, that seems fine for 2.8Ghz Dual core..
try the card at some friends place with similar config the card usually doesn't give such issues u need to recheck evey hardware components also like deejay said try putting it in other slot
Reset the bios by removing the battery ... Maybe upgrade to the latest bios for both the card as well as the mobo... then try 3dmark... Also... You have two PCIe slots in your mobo... Try the card in both the slots....
1. i have done a format+fresh install of both OSs
2. have 2 pcie slots.. its ASUS P5WDH Deluxe mobo [crossfire ready]
3. No option of getting another GT as i m at a very remote location
4. Changed the SMPS with a Brand New Powersafe 600W PSU which gives 22A on 12V rail
5. installed the Forceware 169.09 Drivers which seem to have removed my onboard realteck sound drivers and now im unable to install then
6. Tried both the slots .. results are same..
7. GPU temps while playing Bioshock reaches 65 for half n hour of playin [with riva tuner controling the fans] and around 70 without rivatuner.. but it stays there..
8. in the Bios i cant see anything that should state the PCI E speeds.. it just shows Graphics Bootup Preference - PCI Express\PCI or PCI\PCI Express
9. CPU aint bottleneck as i get higher scores when i OC the CPU its wt i always get even when i was with x1900xt
10. will try and reset the bios if i can.. but i dont think i can upgrade the bios as i have no experience with upgrading VGA bios and might screw something up..
here are the pics of GFX card front-back-and GPU Z

11. the Bios version of
as it can be seen in the GPUZ pic [PCI2.0 x16 x1] i thinik my slot has been downgraded to x1 which i think is the caues of this.. is there anyway to fix this problem
@ red

didnt i tell ya that before

this is the case of 1x pcie speeds

just fiddle with the bios settings

and i dont think u can work the cards in sli

ur board is crossfire ready not sli ready
Yup there is your problem. Card is fine.

Update the bios.

Also in bios under PCI/PnP advanced settings, make your plug and play os option is set to Yes.
Just reset the bios to defaults(Clearing the CMOS battery) and it should be ok. I remember my P5B Dlx resetting to 1x sometimes when in oced mode. Set the PCI-E frequency manually to arnd 103-105Mhz or so to get around the issue in overclocked mode
redscorpion_11 said:
as it can be seen in the GPUZ pic [PCI2.0 x16 x1] i thinik my slot has been downgraded to x1 which i think is the caues of this.. is there anyway to fix this problem

just reset the bios i think that will do the trick :)
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