Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas [Preview]

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Here's the Official Quote from RockStar Games:
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was played on a GeForce4 MX440 during compatibility testing where the game was found to play without problems on the 440 hardware. Compatibility testing recommended settings with a resolution of 800x600x16 with draw distance set to around 1/4 and "details" set to medium for best results with this graphics card.
So its party time ppl :clap::clap::clap:
^^ What i told you quickfire!
if that's the case, my geforce 4 mx 4000, which is almost a carbon copy of mx 440, should run it too.
Hey i'm getting it on pc too then! :tongue:
anishcool said:
Well its available here

Should be a great buy for you Nikhil...

NO use...... I do not have a credit card and by the time it reaches me, GTA SA would have already released in India. And they are going to charge me for shipping as well......

And it is just too much of a hassle.... the main problem is abt the credit card....
Well it dosent take long to ship, I have had a product shipped once, reached me in 3 days via fedex.

Anyway Ill try and do a review for the PC version tomo(Iv never done reviews b4), or ill just paste some screenshots :P
From where did you get the PC Version????

Nikhil posted 0.53 minutes later:

How much did you pay for it????
Hey man!!! I am from Bangalore.... it is there on my post...... the top right.....

Anyway, thanks for your offer......
ppl..its not yet available in point asking MaxX :P

btw, some more gr8 news for mx440 owners...
some ppl are even able to play in 1024x768 with full details
u need a fast processor, lotsa RAM for that and also
u need to turn off AA and thats runs quite okay. :)
anishcool said:
Well its available here

Should be a great buy for you Nikhil...

anishcool posted 1.32 minutes later:

200 POSTS !
you might want to read the page fully.
Is it available yet in India??? I want to buy the WHOLE ORIGINAL VERSION.. cannot resist. the game is waaaaaay too huge..... I need a permanent map put up above my computer
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