there is an apt term for it: knee-jerk-reaction. it's not a solution. not even a short-term solution.
your emotional message regarding kids, family etc is meant for religious-whores who love to burst crackers on diwali and those illiterate NCR farmers who love to burn their crops on the onset of winter. just because we don't get much rains during winters, these two incidents alone raise SPM levels of delhi so much to create 'immediate' respiratory problems.
The odds are not in favour when you have a severely unplanned cities like we do in India.
if govt keep on coming up with such brainless ideas then india can never have anything planned. at this moment, nothing in delhi is an outcome of a planned decision. they built countless flyovers when the city faced congestion. then, they ran out of road space, so they built metro.
as you said, it's going to take years to implement a good public transportation system but that's what should be done before asking people give up their personal vehicles. if govt is so inclined to implement even-odd system then do it for everyone in delhi and not just private car owners. do it for bikes, autos, taxis, buses and sarkari vehicles. why does govt think that bikers don't pollute the environment?
govt created this private diesel vehicle mess by allowing manufactures to build for the masses. it took almost a decade to create the mess we see now. govt should give that much time to allow private diesel vehicle owners to dispose of their vehicles. and give these owners incentives to buy an electric vehicle next time. no more internal combustion engines but this has to happen gradually. you can't get rid of all the diesels in a day and start breathing clean air.
And the problem is there right now.
only way to tackle air pollution right away is to ban all the vehicles running on fossil fuels, pronto. yes, ban every vehicle in delhi from 1 Jan 2016. that's the sure shot way to tackle air pollution.
it's all kejri uncle's political drama. he wants to take control of delhi police, which he can't even in his dreams. at this moment, delhi police is unable to handle anything substantial, let alone looking at every number plate and guessing the fuel type. he is doing this just to show SC that he did do something to tackle the increasing pollution levels. if he really wanted to curb the pollution then he should've done it for all kinds of vehicles. it's easier to target the private car owners because those guys don't have the time for dharnas etc. if he had included 2 and 3 wheelers then delhi at this moment would be seeing lots of processions. too bad for his image.
Delhi needs to tackle the SPM problem and banning private 4 wheelers is not a solution. SPM level may come down during this 2 week trial but it can never be under allowed levels because the problem lies somewhere else. 4 wheelers are already quite sophisticated and i am sure manufactures can come up with advanced exhaust systems, if asked to. tightening the noose on 4 wheelers would achieve nothing. it's only done to this category because these people cannot and will not protest. they are sheep who vent their feelings thru keyboards only (like me). govt won't touch high and low income groups.
most of the private 4 wheeler owners maintain their vehicles very well. it's the taxis and autos which are never maintained and yet they are exempted from all sorts of bans. delhi govt needs to be screwed with a 12inch cactus.
even-odd rule and banning diesel 4 wheelers is like removing 15,0000 buckets of water from yamuna and saying that we've reduced the water pollution.
there are many ways to tackle SPM levels - the primary cause of respiratory issues:
- stop burning crops in NCR.
- ban crackers on diwali. because it's not a favorable weather. seriously, how hard is implement a ban for 2~3 days in a year instead of total ban on diesels and idiotic even-odd system? i don't think ramchandra asked people to burst crackers on his arrival.
- move this cracker bursting ceremony to some wet month. like 15th august. or may be on janamashtami, just to please those hindus. rains would take care of the SPMs during this time.
- put a limit on the size of
ravana effigies.
- make it mandatory for genset owners to get PUCs. they create a lot of pollution inside the residential area.
- crack a whip on sarkari babus' asses and make them survey the pollution levels of all the factories in delhi. give the polluting factories a deadline to bring things under control. corrupt babus should be sent to china and given death sentence.
@iPwnz there can be a solution apart from shutting down polluting factories.

- food allergies can also cause severe respiratory issues. educate people.
- a smoker in a family can easily create problems for other members. young ones in smoker families have higher chances of getting asthma. educate people.
- i don't think there's way to stop people from burning wood in their homes. but this needs to be tackled during winters.
- all the construction vehicles and tractors run on diesel. they'll always be exempted from such bans. ask them to get their exhausts fixed. sarkari babus need to ensure this otherwise they can be sent to china

- despite asking many times, sarkari sweepers still burn the waste to this day. send them to china.
- spend taxpayers money on road sweeping/ machines. delhi roads are full of dust that definitely raises SPM.
- ban construction trucks/trailers that don't have canopies. i haven't seen a single truck in NCR with canopy. kejri uncle should learn this from other countries before copying their even-odd idea.
- delhi people must be dumb enough to ignore how much construction work has increased the SPM levels. for the last 10 years, there's either a flyover or metro pillar getting raised, which in turn causes severe respiratory issues. govt should copy ideas from better countries on how to construct with minimal air/noise pollution. instead of learning best practices, our govt plans to curb ONLY private 4 wheelers.
- everyone knows that fossil fuels don't have a future. needless to say, govt needs to make it easier for people to switch to electric vehicles.
- i see every shared auto in NCR emitting heavy smoke. never seen a traffic police stopping them. but these uniformed goons are happy to stop every 4 wheeler to check their PUCs. i've been caught numerous times by traffic police and never once they found me without a valid PUC. i am doing my civilian job properly but are those traffic police and "
thullas" doing theirs? corruption is the number one cause of increased air pollution levels. all those factories, overloaded trucks, broken roads etc are the outcome of corruption. send these corrupt sarkari babus to china!