Re: Grand Theft Auto 5 - Discussion Thread
ubergeek said:
any announcement on the platforms?
by the way GTA IV with Ice Enhancer mods looks WAayyyyyy better than what is shown in the trailer

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google it if you dont believe me
The footage of GTA V was obviously from consoles and I don't think the consoles can handle the Ice Enhancer mod given their limited specifications.
As far as the engine goes, it won't matter as long as they are able to provide a varied and better experience. GTA Vice City and SA were built on the same engine yet SA despite of having similar graphics was able to do many new and different things. The same is expected of GTA V.
The things that I would want to see in GTA V are:
1. Buy/Sell properties. This has been hinted in the trailer. Hope it expands on the Vice city property buying and selling idea.
2. Customize your appearance. I loved SA for this. We should be able to customize our look i.e Have different haircuts, facial hairs, workout in the gym etc.
3. Flying Planes. This too has been hinted in the trailer.
4. Better on-foot mechanics. The In car action is as good as it gets but the on foot action still sucks a bit. I would love for it to be like splinter cell conviction or even Red Dead Redemption for that matter.
5. Branching storyline. GTA 4 did this in a small way but having a branched storyline where your actions can change the outcome of the story makes the most sense in a game like GTA. I would want it to go deeper this time with an option of playing both good and evil.
6. RPG Elements. Nothing too fancy but having RPG elements like Mass Effect 2 can benefit GTA in a lot of ways. It would also encourage more free roam.
7. Make money more useful. This has been my biggest complaint with all GTAs so far. We are awarded with money after each mission but money means little in the GTA universe as its quite useless. Also, spending money to buy guns is pointless since most of the expensive guns can be looted during a mission. How about you can purchase cars too with money? Once purchased these cars will always be available at your safehouse even if you destroy them. Buying and selling of properties can also play a role here.
Thats all I can think of right now.