HELP: Taking TheITDepot to Consumer court

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TheMask said:
i guess u've a prepaid connection? cant u get a detailed call statement from ur number to the particular 2-3 numbers in question, if u were to make a request with ur mobile service provider?
Nah i'm on postpaid since over 5 years now. I've not subscribed to itemised billing, so i dont have the details. Dunno if they'll have the details too. I'll try and see if i can get details for the past few months at least.
Man, yes if this was the USofA, I'd be a very rich man :)
first thig to do is to send them a letter by registered post. From now on since youve decided to sue all your communication must be by registered post
Switch said:
If you would have been in US of A it would not have happened...

check out the horror stories on the site
this is nothing compaired to stuff that i read about which happens in the us :P
puns said:
i dont think you can get extra compensation in consumer court cases . you get the amount in question & the extra charges you had to incur during the process... i think consult a lawyer before jumping in. your amount of 4k is also quite small , considering you would have to then pay court fees and all. its your call in the end.

But in case the court rules in his favor the 'itdepot' will pay his fee expenses and all.

Vinod called me this morning telling me to collect the stuff from someone on Monday.

I got another call from him later. He was pretty angry. He got wind of this thread.

He isn't going to get me the products. Is just refunding the money. Wonder if i'll have to run around for that too.

LOL. I could've got this done in Jan itself.
elendil said:

Vinod called me this morning telling me to collect the stuff from someone on Monday.

I got another call from him later. He was pretty angry. He got wind of this thread.

He isn't going to get me the products. Is just refunding the money. Wonder if i'll have to run around for that too.

LOL. I could've got this done in Jan itself.

What abt interest for your money?? lol..ok just take the money n tell the bugger to be careful next time....
vij said:
What abt interest for your money?? lol..ok just take the money n tell the bugger to be careful next time....

Final Update:

Got the money refunded. No interest.

Have decided not to take up the matter in the consumer court. Too lengthy a process and too inconvenient for the returns. Yes, I am another victim to the system.

Although, It seemed this thread did ruffle a few feathers. I got more calls from Vinod after it than I'd ever got before. He seemed pissed, but I really dont care. He thought this was uncalled for, but what were all the false assurances I got.

I will state that they may not be that bad, but if things go wrong, they are the worst customer service people I've ever come accross. Thats one online shop I'm not going back to.

Thanks guys for all the help.
:) Vinod is a thief....there are a few guys(I can guess) who are friends of that chap in the he knows about the thread....Since he has the dealership of ANTEC STUFF in India he sells them at twice the original price...even for all the goods the prices are obscenely high....

Anyways buying fom itdepot is idiotic.....

p.s but hey I am happy it worked for you and you got the refund...
^ thats a blatant accusation my friend. watch ur words. And show me one place that u get Antec products at half the price to wat u get from theitdepot?

@ elendil : Glad that it worked out this way. Atleast u can put the past behind u now. But i am sorry for what u had to go thru. :)

P.S: I dont work for, nor am i associated with The IT Depot. Nor is TE, officially or otherwise.
^^ I absolutely stand by what I have said....I do not care what the hell you think. look at a few of the prices I give below...find the price in Bangalore and then talk. Regarding their services there were other members in TE who also had suffered.

ASUS GF7900GTX Graphic Card Rs. 32094

PinnaclePCTV PCI (50i) Rs. 2579

About half prices I was mentioning the price of antec products..

Antec Nine Hundred Rs. 8566.

It almost costs half that too a say coolermaster cabby sold in any city in India and you will find that it is at a very competitive rate not multiplied by 2.

If you do not work for the itdepot and have nothing to do with it why dont you keep your mouth shut? Why you bothered?
How dumb..... comparing itdepot prices to US prices again....

Cant you think that there are things known as TAXES and CUSTOMS and DUTIES ??

Coolermaster is cheaper than Antec abroad as well and they are far from the best. Antec is one of the more reputed brands (they getting it manufactured by Seasonic or Topower is a different issue).

Dont blame Vinod for antec's prices....
Raj, take it easy... talking about Antec prices, that is similar to what you'll get from all other dealers in Bangalore. Do not compare prices to the US :P Agreed, some other prices are way out of whack but if it's so obvious, I'm sure nobody buys it :)

You can't make a blanket statement that a site sucks when there are many who have had positive experiences with ITdepot... Lindin's case was unfortunate, but it was also a corner case... and you/I will never know what really went down between ITd and him, both sound convincing to me ;)
^^ Well okay Rio ....I will not say anything more....infact I am not dumb enough to compare with US prices....what I was saying for e.g

If the standard price for a stacker is 12k abroad you get it for 14k here(you should know better Rio:) in golcha Bangalore for eg)

Now if the standard price for a case is 5k you do not sell it for 8.5k + 2k shipping...

Still those who are interested in the depot go ahead and buy....

No more fights...I end it here
call him and you'll get a better price than listed on store, I always have. probaly he hasnt updated the store prices for some time now.

It was unfortunate what happened in elendil's case (he became melkor :P )
anyway, to me he came accross as a decent person even when i met him in person.
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