HELP: Taking TheITDepot to Consumer court

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I had an experience wherein an ebay power seller had some tie up with IT Depot and was trying to rip me off by first purchasing a 6800 ultra AGP from IT Depot and then selling to me.

Best part is, ITDepot then contacted me and tried to sell me a replacement 7800GS as the 6800 Ultra was out of stock. That's how I came to know. I think I spoke to this Vinod fellow only...don't remember.

I've bought my PSU from their Bangalore contact...i.e. Savex computers. Never dealt with them personally as they never have anything I want.

My major complaint against them is that their website is crap. They can seize the opportunity and become pioneers in online retail of IT products with a proper website and realistic pricing. But they prefer to remain like the narrow minded local dealers who can't think beyond tomorrow.
raj_pol said:
If you do not work for the itdepot and have nothing to do with it why dont you keep your mouth shut? Why you bothered?

RiO has put forward a very good argument. And I bothered coz I wont stand to see BS flyin around :P

Like others, I've dealt with IT Depot a few times personally. I was not as unfortunate as elendil here. Given a good deal on IT Depot, I wud definitely buy from them. But if i were in Elendil's position, I wudnt go back either.

Nobody's trying to rip you guys off... as Arya pointed out, just call/email them and you'll probably have a sale right there.
sydras said:
I had an experience wherein an ebay power seller had some tie up with IT Depot and was trying to rip me off by first purchasing a 6800 ultra AGP from IT Depot and then selling to me.

You should enquiry about product before buy Online.

sydras said:
Best part is, ITDepot then contacted me and tried to sell me a replacement 7800GS as the 6800 Ultra was out of stock.

IT depot have contract or settlement with Ebay seller prior to contact you, but still ITdepot break the contract and contact you directly - as business point of view ITdepot cheat ebay seller - as customers point of view it was good deal for you.

But think if some one cheat to Dealer (ebay seller) did they care Retail Customers, if ITDepot is fair enough it should do Exchange/cash back as soon as complaint lodge to them vial mail/phone.

It's not Honesty to return Money when buyer Want to SUE them. From my point of view ITDepot is Cheater in both case with elendil and the Ebay Dealer too.

If itdepot really has shame what they did than they offer Same Product but they don't as the Product Price may be UP as compare to the date the order was placed, due to Itdepots fault elendil need to spend lots of on STD Calls, Itdepot need to compensate him.

sydras said:
They can seize the opportunity and become pioneers in online retail of IT products

Woah Woah.. What has happened here ??

Chill dudes.. I have reached my compromise. No getting into undue unpleasantness here.
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