Ethan_Hunt: Thanks so much bro!
Holy cow... out of all the missions I think those 2 sub-levels of the epilogue mission have to be one of the hardest! Fiber-wiring the Praetorians on the last sub-level is easy but the first 2 sub-levels OMG! I did do it on Normal while completing the 'Suit Only' challenge but on Purist it'll be an entirely different ball-game altogether. I don't even know if can do it but I'll give it a go for sure.
In the meantime I have completed all the challenges (except the shooting range one's in 'Birdie's Gift' mission). All the 'Assassin Techniques and 'Play Styles' have been completed. Also, all disguises have been unlocked. Here are the screens and a little about which challenges I skipped and which I felt were the hardest to complete:
Challenge Completion List (270/278):
Play Styles (20/20):
Assassin Techniques (30/30):
Disguises (53/53):
I completed all the challenges except for the shooting range challenges on the mission 'Birdie's Gift' which I found boring and made little sense to me to complete. Also, I admit I lost to Lily!! The hardest challenges for me were these:
Death Factory: Research and Hidings - This centered around subduing some researchers and hiding their bodies all the while staying clear of being spotted and also completing the mission having stayed unseen. Was hard, very.
Attack of the Saints: Angel of death - Part 2 - This involved killing everyone on the map silently without getting spotted at all! Also, you need to do it in one go without any sort of check-point loading whatsoever. If you botch up you need to restart the entire level again, simple. Bodies of enemies can be found however. This was the hardest challenge in the entire game and it took a lot of tries to get right, specially at the cornfields. This was the one that gave me a real headache @
Ethan_Hunt because I kept missing to eliminate 3-4 guards at one side of the cornfield who I never saw.
Funniest Challenge:
Death Factory: Happy Birthday! - Had to be the most fun challenge to do! Agent 47 hidden in a Birthday cake waiting for his target!
2. The sniping challenges on some of the levels were as always great fun to complete.