Hitman: Absolution - Discussion Thread

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Congrats on finishing the game mate! :D

Yes, Agent 47 injured Diana Burnwood as seen in the first mission 'A Personal Contract' of the game but did not kill her thereby going against Benjamin Travis. Later on in the last level 'Absolution' you do see Travis having his men exhume the Burnwood family graves in England to see if Agent 47 actually killed Diana or he just staged her death. The ending cutscene proves that Diana Burnwood is indeed very much alive! She also welcomes him back to the new Agency. :)

I'm currently doing all the challenges for the missions. After this will just have to unlock the remaining 'Play Styles' which are left and I'll be done 100% with this game.
Yes, Agent 47 injured Diana Burnwood as seen in the first mission 'A Personal Contract' of the game but did not kill her thereby going against Benjamin Travis. Later on in the last level 'Absolution' you do see Travis having his men exhume the Burnwood family graves in England to see if Agent 47 actually killed Diana or he just staged her death. The ending cutscene proves that Diana Burnwood is indeed very much alive! She also welcomes him back to the new Agency. :)

It's odd why Travis waited this long to dig up evidence on Diana's death. He could have done that as soon as 47 had gone off to grid. Also, is it possible that Victoria can now control her abilities without the use of the pendant?

Victoria is a next-gen killing machine designed by Travis himself as we see in the game and it's that unknown isotope in that pendant she wears that gives her all that energy. Now although she does go into a rampage and takes out a slew of Dexter's guards in one of the cutscenes of the game without any sort of weapons, she does show resentment towards her killing abilities thereby showing she has her emotions intact in the right place. So, at the ending cutscene of the game, she contemplates throwing the unknown isotope pendant away as she realizes that throwing it away would prevent her from hurting and killing anyone else in future.

Regarding Travis taking time to hunt down Agent 47 and get Victoria back, I really can't tell as to why he delays the process. Maybe because he feels jittery since Victoria's very existence is such a secret and he knows he is still answerable to his higher ICA top brass should anything be revealed of his secret ploys and botch-ups.
@Ethan_Hunt: Man the 'Angel of death - Part 2' challenge in the Attack of the Saints mission is killing me! It's probably the hardest challenge in the game till now. :scared14:
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@Ethan_Hunt: Challenges I'm doing on Normal because it helps with the online notification that pops up after you complete a challenge, easier to know that way. The 'Angel of Death - Part 2' wants you to eliminate every single enemy on all the levels along with the targets without being spotted and also without having any bodies found alert show up. Proving to be a stiff task but I'm not giving up till I get it done!! You can use disguises however and use any method of elimination.
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my my my !!
Sometimes in life u come across games which are just not enough for you. And hitman : absolution just made it to that list. one word : WOW. This is my first attempt at hitman and i am in love with this. Started the game with hard level and completed starting 2 acts. Just switched to expert and i am S******* my pants.
Stuck at rosewood orphanage while collecting the fuses. is there any checkpoint in that mission ?? @Ethan_Hunt @Black_Hawk
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I don't really know if Expert difficulty allows any checkpoints. I had played that part on Normal and it did have a checkpoint close to to the stairway, which is near the medical facilities area.
aquaticbullet: Sorry mate I cannot help you with the checkpoint system as I played the entire game on Purist difficulty where you don't have any checkpoints whatsoever. Enjoy the game and if your stuck just pop in a question and I'll be glad to help you out. :)

Ethan_Hunt: I got that challenge done and completed yesterday. Went through the entire Attack of the Saints levels, without any re-starts from check-points, botch ups. Killed every single target and enemy with the fiber-wire as needed in the challenge and didn't get spotted (which was the key element). I'll post my challenge completed screenshots soon and also post why I could not complete some of them. I'm currently working on unlocking all the Play Styles.

Mate I was extremely extreme happy last night and this was the reason: Finally, after a tumultuous amount of repetition, trying and practice finally got my dream-run of 'Attack of the Saints' mission completed! My primary conditions of the dream-run were:

1. Not get spotted.
2. No more than 1 pacification on each sub-level.
3. Fiber wire all 7 targets (most important).
4. As always play on the hardest difficulty - PURIST.
5. No shots fired.
6. All Challenges completed 100%.
7. Disguises allowed.
8. No bodies found.
9. Get a pristine Silent Assassin Rating at the end-mission stats screen.

Here are the stats for the run:

Attack of the Saints - Purist Difficulty (My Dream Run):

I. Parking (All targets Fiber-wired):


II. Reception: (All targets Fiber-wired):


III. Cornfield: (All targets Fiber-wired):


The second saint was the hardest to fiber-wire as she patrols a small area where she drinks her coffee and it's heavily guarded and watched-over by the guards. On purist it's almost impossible to fiber-wire her and I felt I would not be able to pull it off but then I noticed one small tiny window of a few flat seconds where I could escape by fiber-wiring her and dumping her body in the freezer. Tried it and voila it worked!! I can't tell you how happy I was when I did it because I had tried that part so many times and failed that I had lost count practically. My previous play-through of the mission yielded a score of 777,818 so this was grand indeed! :ohyeah:
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@Black_Hawk: That's fantastic! Great job. I can't believe you did this on Purist difficulty. Not a lot of people have done that I guess. Were you able to hide the body of the civilian that is killed in the first part of this mission?
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Black_Hawk: That's fantastic! Great job. I can't believe you did this on Purist difficulty. Not a lot of people have done that I guess. Were you able to hide the body of the civilian that is killed in the first part of this mission?

Many thanks Ethan! :D

Not a chance in hell bro... the moment I even tried to drag any of the civilian bodies to a freezer/dumping crate I would get spotted almost within seconds by one patrolling guard or another... these buggers have hawk-eyes on Purist! I think I managed to escape by the skin of my teeth after fiber-wiring that second saint on the first sub-level and dumping her body in the nearest freezer. It was excruciatingly difficult.

EDIT: I have another dream-run planned for the mission 'Hunter and Hunted' of fiber-wiring all the targets cleanly, lets see if I can pull it off!
LOL! I had a difficult time with it on Normal as it is, so I can't even begin to fathom how tough it would be on Purist. How was the corn-filed part? That was a very creative level design to take out the remaining saints. Not only is it difficult to not be spotted, but you also to take out those saints, without raising any red flags. With no mini-map in Purist mode, this is quite challenging. So does this mean you performed this in one single attempt?
Ethan_Hunt: Yes the cornfield part actually gets a tad easier because of the all the cornstalk Dracaena plants among which you can safely move slowly and hide bodies of the targets as well. Very clever level design IMHO and I think it's the best one in the entire game. One thing I must mention though is that unlike on other difficulty modes where the enemies light up when you press the instinct key on Purist it doesn't except for showing you only where your primary targets are. This makes it tricky as in the cornfield there are guards who rove about and you accidentally bump into one of them if you let your guard down for an instant!

The second evidence in the Reception sub-level I just couldn't for the life of me nab. It was impossible to grab it as there are just too many guards in the area where it's placed on some containers. Even with instinct I couldn't make it as on Purist there is just a very short supply of instinct that you can use.

Yes, I did this in one go, no restarts from sub-level-start checkpoints of any sorts. One straight clean stealth fiber-wire only run. The challenge 'Angel of death -part 2' which wanted you to kill every single person on the map (irrespective of a target or not) had to be also done in a straight run without a single restart. If you do restart from a sub-level-checkpoint while doing that particular challenge then the game thinks you didn't kill everyone which then prevents the challenge from unlocking. This makes it extremely important to be uber-frosty while attempting 'Angel of death - part 2'. ;)

Another dream run that I had to do was in the Hunter and Hunted level, surely one of the longest levels in the game and the one with the most sub-levels to it. These were the conditions of the run that I set before attempting it:

1. Not get spotted.
2. All 4 targets eliminated by Fiber-wire only.
3. All Evidence secured.
4. No Disguises allowed.
5. No Pacifications allowed.
6. No Shots fired.
7. No Kills except for target eliminations.
8. Purist Difficulty.
9. Suit Only.
10. All Challenges completed.

Finally, got it done! The toughest part that I faced was fiber-wiring all 3 targets on the 'Chinese New year' sub-level as it required spot on timing and also evading the cops who were roving the area.

Hunter and Hunted (Purist Difficulty, Suit Only, No Pacifications, Fiber Wire Only - Dream Run):



The Vixen Club:


The Dressing Rooms:


Derelict Building:


Convenience Store:


Chinese New Year:


My previous score when I played this mission was: 643,778.

Now a question for you Ethan: Were you able to completed the 'Dexter Industries' level in suit only without a single pacification? I was wondering if I should attempt it!
@Black_Hawk: You're on a roll dude. Excellent score for my favourite chapter in the entire game. ;)

As for Dexter Industries, nope, I didn't do that on 'Suit Only'. I was so bored of that level that I got really sloppy with my techniques and just wanted to get it over with. My advice, skip that one. How about the Epilogue chapter? Not the one before you get Travis, as that's dead easy, but the first 2. Those would be quite challenging.
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Ethan_Hunt: Thanks so much bro! :D

Holy cow... out of all the missions I think those 2 sub-levels of the epilogue mission have to be one of the hardest! Fiber-wiring the Praetorians on the last sub-level is easy but the first 2 sub-levels OMG! I did do it on Normal while completing the 'Suit Only' challenge but on Purist it'll be an entirely different ball-game altogether. I don't even know if can do it but I'll give it a go for sure. ;)

In the meantime I have completed all the challenges (except the shooting range one's in 'Birdie's Gift' mission). All the 'Assassin Techniques and 'Play Styles' have been completed. Also, all disguises have been unlocked. Here are the screens and a little about which challenges I skipped and which I felt were the hardest to complete:

Challenge Completion List (270/278):



Play Styles (20/20):



Assassin Techniques (30/30):


Disguises (53/53):


I completed all the challenges except for the shooting range challenges on the mission 'Birdie's Gift' which I found boring and made little sense to me to complete. Also, I admit I lost to Lily!! The hardest challenges for me were these:

1. Death Factory: Research and Hidings - This centered around subduing some researchers and hiding their bodies all the while staying clear of being spotted and also completing the mission having stayed unseen. Was hard, very.

2. Attack of the Saints: Angel of death - Part 2 - This involved killing everyone on the map silently without getting spotted at all! Also, you need to do it in one go without any sort of check-point loading whatsoever. If you botch up you need to restart the entire level again, simple. Bodies of enemies can be found however. This was the hardest challenge in the entire game and it took a lot of tries to get right, specially at the cornfields. This was the one that gave me a real headache @Ethan_Hunt because I kept missing to eliminate 3-4 guards at one side of the cornfield who I never saw.

Funniest Challenge:

1. Death Factory: Happy Birthday! - Had to be the most fun challenge to do! Agent 47 hidden in a Birthday cake waiting for his target! ;)

2. The sniping challenges on some of the levels were as always great fun to complete.
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What about Swordplay challenge in the 'Hunter and Hunted' level? That was a funny challenge as well. The costume was totally wicked.
@Ethan_Hunt: Oh yes most definitely... killing people dressed as a Chipmunk and that too with a Katana! Wicked cool :ohyeah:

Btw, Ethan The second sub-level of the 'Absolution' mission is going to be impossible without a pacification because even if you do manage to get to the grave-cave where Jade takes a stroll you cannot possibly fiber-wire her without getting spotted on Purist as there are too many guards and troopers who patrol that area.
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Btw, Ethan The second sub-level of the 'Absolution' mission is going to be impossible without a pacification because even if you do manage to get to the grave-cave where Jade takes a stroll you cannot possibly fiber-wire her without getting spotted on Purist as there are too many guards and troopers who patrol that area.

Not only that but doing this in Suit only is an even bigger challenge. The whole area where the scientist and Jade are initially located is loaded with those Crysis style troopers. How many guards do you have near the cave entrance on Purist?
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