How to clean the inside of a washing machine and keep it that way

Before doing anything verify if the tub clean program on your top loader dumps all the water out midway through its cycle. If it does then you won't get the benefit and would be better off using a regular cycle that you can manually interrupt to allow a longer soak time

Alternatively you can use Lizol & citric acid

I have an typical ifb 6.5kg top load , reg water draining in mid section need to check
If i understand , i don't need to open the washing machine inside out right??

I want to do this

Fill entire drum with warm water add Lizol and citric acid leave it for 24 hours? Then do a tub clean..

Again do this 2x but without Lizol or citric acid?
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I have an typical ifb 6.5kg top load , reg water draining in mid section need to check
How old is your machine and when was the last time you ran a tubclean?

Just use a regular program if you don't know how tubclean operates
If i understand , i don't need to open the washing machine inside out right??
If you can do it that would be best otherwise use either vanish or lizol
I want to do this

Fill entire drum with warm water add Lizol and citric acid leave it for 24 hours? Then do a tub clean..
I would run it for ten minutes first to dissolve everything before letting it rest.

No need to leave it 24h. A couple of hours should be fine. Then run a regular wash program for a good twenty minutes or however long it takes. Then drain.

Pay attention to what comes out the drain when you empty it. Also whether you see any discolouration in the water or loose debris.

This is the important part. If you do see stuff coming out then further repeat of the process is required. And so on until nothing comes out. May take a few times with lysol /citric acid. Don't expect it to work with just one try if stuff comes out
Again do this 2x but without Lizol or citric acid?
That should be fine. Run a rinse program or just repeat with a wash program. Do it twice
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How old is your machine and when was the last time you ran a tubclean?

Just use a regular program if you don't know how tubclean operates

If you can do it that would be best otherwise use either vanish or lizol

I would run it for ten minutes first to dissolve everything before letting it rest.

No need to leave it 24h. A couple of hours should be fine. Then run a regular wash program for a good twenty minutes or however long it takes. Then drain.

Pay attention to what comes out the drain when you empty it. Also whether you see any discolouration in the water or loose debris.

This is the important part. If you do see stuff coming out then further repeat of the process is required. And so on until nothing comes out. May take a few times with lysol /citric acid. Don't expect it to work with just one try if stuff comes out

That should be fine. Run a rinse program othenust repeat with a wash program. Do it twice
My drain pipe goes into drainage outlet , don't think i can capture the drained water , I will try to take some water with mug and check maybe
My drain pipe goes into drainage outlet , don't think i can capture the drained water , I will try to take some water with mug and check maybe
Just shine a bright torch into the tub and see whether stuff is coming into the water.

Do this after the soaking part is over and you are running the final part of the wash with the lysol
Just shine a bright torch into the tub and see whether stuff is coming into the water.

Do this after the soaking part is over and you are running the final part of the wash with the lysol
Also there are various types of Lyzol, could you share any link.
Will this work it has sodium percarbinate had the ingredient
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Also there are various types of Lyzol, could you share any link.
Just pick the scent. Any Lizol will work. Already linked in my first reply to you
Will this work it has sodium percarbinate had the ingredient
As a Vanish substitute probably. But you will have to test it.

In a flask filled half with boiling water. Drop a teaspoon amount in it and see how much fizz and possibly foam overflowing from the flask there is.

Helps if you do this test with Vanish also as you get an idea what to expect and whether any other product is as good, better or worse.

Vanish is around 30% percarbonate. How much % is this one? No way to tell unless you test and then you know how effective.

Why don't you get both and then test for us?
I probably left some wet clothes in the machine and now the machine stinks badly , did a tub clean last month only what do you suggest to get rid of the smell ?
Have left the door open of machine from last 1 week but the smell wont die/
I probably left some wet clothes in the machine and now the machine stinks badly ,
Mouldy. You like quick washes in place of regular too right? I cautioned you about those.
did a tub clean last month only
What did you use for the tub clean?

What do you use normally for tub clean and how often.
what do you suggest to get rid of the smell ?
After you answer
Have left the door open of machine from last 1 week but the smell wont die/
Do you notice any mould buildup in the gasket?
You like quick washes in place of regular too right? I
yes all my washes are 40 min ones

What did you use for the tub clean?
the bosch de scaler half the bottle

Do you notice any mould buildup in the gasket?
no but only the dirt buildup and it's pretty thick

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the bosch de scaler half the bottle
That's just citric acid. I've explained the difference between a descaler and a cleaner in the opener.
You should wipe the gasket dry after each wash. Mine is spotless after 9 years.

I don't like this black colour Bosch have chosen for the gasket. Seriously what the hell.

Mould is black, how are you to even identify it in this case?

Anyway, you have two options. Either Lizol or Vanish. Pick one, run a 60 degree wash with intense selected. The smell is caused by microorganisms and either will kill them but may require extra cycles.

Soon as the cycle completes and machine is still wet check whether the smell is gone completely, only reduced a little or no difference.

We'll see what to do
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Started with 200ml Lyzol , running soak for 2 hours , this is after 15 mins of washing, will let it soak and update


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Its at the bottom , nothjng floating
I'm seeing some small black bits in there. Is that correct?

How old is your machine and when did you last do a tub clean? You didn't answer this last time I asked
Am sorry , i had ran it 4-5 months back , with descaler with normal tub run , i didn't see what it did though...


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So stuff is coming out. The bottom part is usually the most filthy.

How old is the machine?

Which descaler did you use? Post a link
Lustre from godrej

It's been 6 years and it's been 1 hour now kept in soak , shall i wash it off ?


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Lustre from godrej
The images suggest percarbonate product but the text suggests some citric acid. In fact without testing pH its impossible to say.

pH testing shows whether acidic or alkaline and a small sample dissolved in a cup and then pH indicator will tell you.

It should not be neutral if it is to be effective. IFB'S descaler is neutral and I consider it useless for the job.

Bosch's descaler is mostly citric acid but very expensive. Much cheaper to use citric acid instead.
It's been 6 years and it's been 1 hour now kept in soak , shall i wash it off ?
Let it soak for another hour. Then agitate and see how much gunk comes out before it drains out.

This will determine whether you need to repeat the process or not.

Once you finish with the two rinses. While the machine is still wet, try and smell the inside and see if you can detect any odour still remaining.
You can to see if its percarb or not

Can you photograph some of the powder. Is it powdery white like washing powder or translucent like sugar

What accumulated in the tub just before the main cycle drains everything out
There is so much particles now, I am worried will it drain out or should I filter using net


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There is so much particles now
Yeah. Repeat the process tomorrow and see if it continues.

Good pic you caught it at the right time. Just before it all drained out
, I am worried will it drain out or should I filter using net
Filter using a net.

Its not percarbonate so hot water test won't tell you anything.

A pH test might though

Dissolve some of the powder in cup or glass. Less water you use the less pH indicator is needed. That's why a test tube is ideal

I prefer the ph solution as the strips are not easy to spot colour differences

Tell me whether you saw such particles coming out using that Godrej scaler?