Maybe but I saw similar error queries in AMD, MS & Reddit forums for solutions and they all were saying that older gen processors are getting problems coupled with same gen motherboards. My PC crash is related to Azure server cannot get authentication because of AMDfTPM for some older motherboards and if so called users use stand alone TPM then then the problem is solved.
My other crash is due to the motherboard C States. I disabled it and somehow one problem got solved. Normally it comes enabled by default.
One AMD forum moderator was saying that as AM4 processors age they tend to cause problems like in the case of one user who has 3800X with X570 motherboard he has same problem like me with Azure server and while he changed his processor the problem went away. So AM4 CPU with compatible motherboards were causing problems for some after certain period of usage not when they were new.
PS: I underclocked my processor but my A520M does not have more options like curve optimiser as such. So now crashes have gone down but not much. If I change my motherboard now it will cost 10k then want to have 32GB RAM so adding this means another 4k.
When I 1st thought of changing all three parts like CPU,Mobo, RAM to 5700x3d, B550M wifi Mobo, 32GB RAM all are amounting to around to 37k same amount as any new AM5 Combo. So that's why I asked about what to buy.