India to launch cow urine as soft drink

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these rss seem no-brainers............................................................................................... Nothing New.
Guys, its very easy to sit on our chairs and make funny comments on this. But Cow Urine is a known remedy for several diseases in our ancient Ayurveda system of medicine.

I know someone personally who had taken a course of cow urine (Gow Mutra) for a rare blood disorder, and he had shown a pretty good response.
Lets not make a mockery of something we have half knowledge on.

And for god's sake lets not relate this withto Hindutva/Ram Sena/Shiv Sena etc.
Some useful links:

Cow Urine Can Cure Many Diseases
Cow Urine Therapy — Traditional Indian Systems of Medicine
Gaumutra | Cow Urine | Holy Cow Urine Therapy | Gobar | Gau Mutra | Cow Urine Drugs | Cow Urine Auyrved | Auyrved Gaumutra | Cow Donation Hindu ritual | Herbal Products
First of all, what a solid picture!! ... :rofl: If some male cow sees it, I think he will vote the ass much higher than Angelina's Ass...

Secondly, even thinking about drinking cow urine makes me puke, but it is also true that cows actually don't have the same toxic properties as human urine has. Cows directly consume veg herbs, so the amount of toxic in their urine is almost nil. In all probability the most toxic chemical in their urine is fertilizers. It is almost the most mineral and vitamin en laced urine in the world. :P
ppl are making mockery widout any interest of knowing whether it actually is healthy or not.

sure ppl can support some piss like beer launch coz its by some multi millionair public figure bt mocking this issue on the basis of religion is vague.

the thing is related to ayurveda n nt religion... it against cola n energy drinks is complete stupidity.
DCEite said:

Last para from your second link :
While we do need to take into account the results of experiments carried out on cow urine `distillate', neither the reported experiments nor the grant of the U.S. patent vindicates the use of cow urine as a bio-enhancer. Much more needs to be done before we can even consider its potential utility. In the meanwhile, care should be taken to see that the results published or the patent granted do not lead to proliferation of quack medicine using cow urine, claiming legitimacy from the traditional or modern systems of medicine, let alone the U.S. patent.

And, seriously, all the three links don't inspire belief (one has sections on astrology, tantra etc.). What is needed is a proper unbiased scientific report by an independent and reputed body. Just compare the reports we have on the benefits of cow urine with the amount of info we have on any new allopathic medicine. Years of trials, tests etc.

What we do have for cow urine is it's sacred, centuries old beliefs etc etc. I'm not saying it's bad or devoid of any benefits. There's no proof for both sides of the argument :)

Beliefs and religious practices are one thing. Promoting such a belief as a cure for AIDS, cancer or just as a health drink without any clinical trials/ study is a mockery of the rigorous process of verifying and testing any new drug. And an injustice to the superstitious and illiterate majority of India :no: !
^^ Hehe...

Sorry I know there is no male cow, cow itself is female. I should have used bull, but I love to use "male cow". Is a old joke, don't remember it now though. :P
I can guess the next part, this thing gets released as a health drink, nobody buys it and then the fools are all over the road to ban other cola/pepsi .
^^ Hehe...

Sorry I know there is no male cow, cow itself is female. I should have used bull, but I love to use "male cow". Is a old joke, don't remember it now though. :P

Yeah, I remember there was a supposed to be true essay by an IAS or something aspirant on a cow. It was sadly (in case it was true) funny :) !

@raptOr, don't be so sure. It might be a hit in the smaller towns and villages.
Hurray for bovine watersports! Only hitch in this genius plan is the omnipresence of FREE cow-mutra dispensing vending machines - stray cows. Why pay for something you can get for free?
i thought threads bordering on religious topics were not allowed....well ....its abt hindu beliefs.....ok i get it now..lengths we go to prove our self sickular..
Gaumutra have lot of medicated uses. In villages I hear some stories about curing a diseases that were not possible by modern treatments. Gaumutra (Healthy Cows Urine) is having lots of medicated uses. Lets wait & get our eyes open when some OTHER Country/company will apply for Patent.

PS: There is a book on Morarji Desai's experience on Swamutra (self urine) & how he fight with Cancer till Age 99.

Some Ayurvedic medicine only prepared using Healthy Cows Urine- to know more uses about cow dung & urine visit - Keshavshrushti, few k.m away from EsselWorld & Great Pagoda in Mumbai.


Keshav Srushti, Gorai Road, Uttan Bhayander (W),

Dist. Thane 401 106. MAHARASHTRA INDIA
cricfan said:
i thought threads bordering on religious topics were not allowed....well ....its abt hindu beliefs.....ok i get it now..lengths we go to prove our self sickular..

Isn't this topic about a medicine being marketed as an energy drink :S ?
u sure all the comments on this thread talking abt that.....they r just mocking at hindu beliefs of holding Cow's urine in high respect...
^^ yeh right... when non-sekular people can support mocking cartoons in dutch newspapers or mocking paragraphs in Rushdie's book, why they are squirming over the mockery of some belief getting passed on non-suspecting sekulars as a "fact". Double standards, anyone?

I, for one, as a conscious sekular and a self-confessed atheists love to watch people tear into the dogma. It doesn't matter if it belongs to the religion A or religion B :ohyeah:

BTW: Claims of cow urine treating several diseases is as preposterous as claims by South African president Thabo Mbeki that witchcraft can cure people of AIDS. Religious belief is fine, but please don't trumpet it as some kind of universal solution to the world's ills
cricfan said:
u sure all the comments on this thread talking abt that.....they r just mocking at hindu beliefs of holding Cow's urine in high respect...

if this is true, than I can assert that the thread title should be changed to "RSS to launch cow urine as soft drink" which is factually correct. Why drag the name of our country into this. Its the bigots who are making a mockery out of our country's name. I don't want the name of my fine secular country to be equated with the beliefs of zealots.

btw, I am not against anyone's beliiefs. I myself belong to an orthodox Hindu family who are as gullible as the average Indian traditional family (I being the prodigal atheist son). I know guys who'd gladly drink cow pee personally and who in fact have done so in the past. Hell, I am sure even my next door neighbours do it.

Yes, if there is a medical research that proves that there is truth in the matter, I no doubt would agree and even recommend the fad. Medicines have been made and are used from toad skin, insects, leeches, besides bacteria and viruses. It won't be a miracle if there is some iota of truth in the piss of an animal. Pigs and cows have been used for making insulin. Horse blood has been used to make serums.

The same cow can give you Creutzfeldt Jakobs disease if you consume infected beef (ain't that ironical :) ) or may cause hormonal disturbances through bovine hormones in milk.

Every religion has their share of absurd superstitions.

But if you start rationalizing religious beliefs without due scientific evidence, it is imprudent and totally ignorant on your part. What bothers me more is the fact that even educated people can be so naive.

I won't ever agree with faith healers or fanatics who think they know it all :/
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