India to launch cow urine as soft drink

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if this is true, than I can assert that the thread title should be changed to "RSS to launch cow urine as soft drink" which is factually correct. Why drag the name of our country into this. Its the bigots who are making a mockery out of our country's name. I don't want the name of my fine secular country to be equated with the beliefs of zealots.

i remember a series on ngc/or was it AXN...think it was taboos related to food habits..the catchline given to that program was something to some...taboo to others..(tv buffs may help)..cow urine is not just "refreshment" is the case with this "Soft Drink" product..but it is related to faith and belief..when it is not harming anybody..i dont see the reason behind making a mockery of this..

man...u cudnt even take an atheist joke the other day...for all the tantrums u guys threw didnt even make page 2 if i remember..was taken off in a flash...and that was..well a joke...and now u coming across as a sensible cool headed guy...too sad to b funny... that rulebook....your life after death depends on the deaths u "manufacture" on this earth..too messy....that may even terminate my virtual life on TE...

will not get into that mess...but i hope u get what i am trying to say...wheres praka when u need him..:cool2:
cricfan said: that rulebook....your life after death depends on the deaths u "manufacture" on this earth..too messy....that may even terminate my virtual life on TE...

will not get into that mess...but i hope u get what i am trying to say...wheres praka when u need him..:cool2:

I am definitely aware of the "rulebook". And honestly speaking a lot more conscious of it than you or for that matter Praka (i don't know why you mentioned his name here) will ever be.

My point is I don't have "double standards".

I don't like "absurd rules" and define "absurdity" according to some set standards based on some rational and conceivable common sense. It's not that my stance changes when "absurd rules" are coming from side A and swings again when they are coming from side B. Sadly, I can't say same for you.
If suppose, this product becomes a hit
anyone though how will they produce more quantity?

a cow only sh!ts twice a day:P
cricfan said:
man...u cudnt even take an atheist joke the other day...for all the tantrums u guys threw didnt even make page 2 if i remember..was taken off in a flash...and that was..well a joke...and now u coming across as a sensible cool headed guy...too sad to b funny...

tsk. tsk. :P

i find it rather funny that you remember that. i didn't even know that it was taken off. neways my apologies if someone's religious sentiments have been hurt by my remarks. they were not intended thus. :ashamed:
morgoth said:
I am definitely aware of the "rulebook". And honestly speaking a lot more conscious of it than you or for that matter Praka (i don't know why you mentioned his name here) will ever be.

My point is I don't have "double standards".

I don't like "absurd rules" and define "absurdity" according to some set standards based on some rational and conceivable common sense. It's not that my stance changes when "absurd rules" are coming from side A and swings again when they are coming from side B. Sadly, I can't say same for you.

Mahatma Gandhi Lives :S
Now now guys. Let's not get all hot under the collar over someone's right to drink cow-piss (I'm looking at you, cricfan).

After all, there's something to be said about the placebo effect. Isn't the homeopathic system based on it? (oops...did it again!)

@FR: I hear you. The problem is the "education" that's supposed to enlighten does quite the opposite.
Naga said:
What is needed is a proper unbiased scientific report by an independent and reputed body. Just compare the reports we have on the benefits of cow urine with the amount of info we have on any new allopathic medicine. Years of trials, tests etc.

OK, ever wonder who pays for all those tests :)

Hey, if there's big bucks to be made then financing is easy to come by. But which pharma in its right mind is gonna bother going through the trouble with nothing at the end of it :hap5:

Sure you could make a few rupees per bottle but thats not going to pay for all the time taken to test it.

Now let's take the case where someone *did* bother to take the trouble to do the required testing and found that it did not really offer much. What then ?

I can forsee lots of protests how science is affecting ppl's faith in remedies that must date back thousands of years. If a western company does the testing its west vs. east. If its some Indian company, their offices will get ransacked.

So damned if you do or not.

Of course there is the final possibilty that it does *do* what ppl have been claiming all along. Hmmm....

The problem without testing todate is what everyone claims is all anecdotal, just cause it works for them does not necessarily mean it works for everyone.

Those that have been doing it will continue to do so regardless of what science says or not, but more ppl might have missed out.
SharekhaN said:
Non now, there might be health benefits. Maybe it will be in diluted form and may not be as bad tasting. I remember when I had to drink it during my thread ceremony. seemed yuck at the time.

Cow Urine Manual
No offense to you but your face must have been like your avatar. :rofl:

J/k dude.

And rofl @ comment on "Indian version of Red Bull"... :D
forget the piss....what about MILK ?? ...its never 100%[ ]:bleh: given to customer.

This initiative is by some RSS , hence no guarantee of even 100% urine . If Pepsi ,Cola ,Tropicana planning to launch new urine product , i might think about it .:ashamed: :ashamed:
Naga said:
And, seriously, all the three links don't inspire belief (one has sections on astrology, tantra etc.). What is needed is a proper unbiased scientific report by an independent and reputed body. Just compare the reports we have on the benefits of cow urine with the amount of info we have on any new allopathic medicine. Years of trials, tests etc.

: : : ARYA VAIDYA SALA - Kottakkal : : : uses cow's urine in some of its lehyams etc. I know coz my father was prescribed one of those lehyams(the name of which I don't remember but we used to make jokes about it). Even tried a bit of it; didn't taste too nice :ohyeah:.

Considering its use in ayurveda its too presumptuous to simply dismiss medicinal value of cow's urine, among other things. I feel that even the homeopathic pharma companies aren't so credible and reliable though somehow that idea has gotten drummed into us.

But on the other hand I selling cow's urine in bottles is probably just a marketing gimmick but if they carbonate it and chill it, maybe it can act as a placebo for beer :rofl:
Hmm..I have seen Kashayam's prepared having a iron pin inside it to dissolve by heat(not completelY)!so go-mootram is nothing!aja-maansa-rasaayanam(using goat's meat).ayurved can be non-veg too. :)
WTF is this thread about rofl!!! Some indians gone nuts again? some political campaign? or some brainfart political stunt???
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