iPhone 11 for less than Rs 50,000 on Amazon sale, here’s why it is still a good deal

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There might be a drop of 10-13k price drop coming soon due to iPhone 12 launch tomorrow making the actually new selling price nearby 55k. So on that it seems only 10% off i.e 50k
Yeah. And these all are just tricks to lure customers. If you really do not need it. Then don't falm in all these discount traps
Also remember, you will not get earpods and charger cube in the box anymore.

But might get Airpods if bought from Apple Store - Saying 'might' as I an not sure if its going to be "Till Airpods stocks last" offer or available on all 11 purchases.
New mrp for iPhone 11 is 54990/- .
that official pricing,. if we wait few month it will even come down.
iPhone 12 pricing is exorbitant 70k for iPhone mini.
lolz only elites will think in this covid times.

Apart from Amazon’s offer, Apple will also be selling the iPhone 11 64GB variant at Rs 53,400 starting October 17. To lure in more buyers, Apple is also including AirPods in the deal which usually cost Rs 14,999.
That was yet another keynote with the usual cringe inducing buzzwords aimed at impressing ignorant sheeple.
Even my ardent iDiot friend is struggling to defend its greedy practices now.
This is how I imagine most Apple fanboys probably view the launch.

The thing is that people who have the money and enjoy the experience will continue to use Apple's devices. Apple upsells privacy all the time and perhaps rightly so because that is a key differentiator for people who have the time and inclination to worry about data privacy, because Google by design never will.

Also, Apple's ecosystem is significantly better in terms of apps, design and support compared to Android. If they can make twice as much revenue as Google from apps despite a miniscule share of the market, it indicates that they are doing something right.

A lot of the hate comes from people who are not able to or not willing to spend that much on a device and those people have a lot of Android options, but yet choose to disparage Apple as if it matters to them. The "hate boys" are significantly worse than the fan boys IMO.
That illusion of security and privacy is just that, an illusion.
There is no such thing as privacy on any device connected to the internet, all devices either have backdoors or will eventually be proven to have vulnerabilities no matter what the corporations will make you believe.
It's not about hating Apple, it's just that other companies replicate their greedy practices and trends that eventually ends up hurting everyone.

The privacy I am referring to is with respect to data mining and pushing ads or content on the basis of it. That is Google's entire business model and their anonymization is still noteworthy for the data collected by them.

However, by extension Google has allowed OEMs and apps to access a lot of private information about the user that they have no business accessing. We know why Huawei's 5G infrastructure cost half that of Nokia or Ericsson, because it is subsidised by the Chinese government and has backdoors in it. Same goes for most devices from Chinese OEMs whose ROMs end up doing data mining for the Chinese government. How do you suppose China has become a leader in AI which requires extensive pattern recognition at a time when competitors in Europe are struggling due to GDPR.

This is the kind of privacy that Apple like to tout, the most accessible violation. The article you have linked to is about a vulnerability requiring physical access. These kind of exploits are a lot more useful for law enforcement agencies. I have read Snowden's book, so I know the various tools and how NSA exploited it. Data ending up with China rather than US doesn't really make things worse, but Apple just makes it a lot more difficult.
Well if you buy a 1200$ device that shows ads there's going to be a lot of pissed off users. People who tout their anonymization are just a bunch of hypocrites who go post their entire lives on insta, FB, tinder, etc and then talk about how much a corporation values their privacy.

Apple is just an arrogant company that treats its users like idiots and the worst part is they themself defend it, they started off by convincing everyone that glass is somehow a premium material, then they made the "courageous" decision of removing the headphone jack and yesterday they made them believe that they are concerned about the environment by stating that there are 2 billion adapters out there yet ship the new phones with a cable that won't work with most of them.
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