Iphone 4 S Officially announced

Samsung moves to ban the new iPhone 4S in France and Italy

Samsung's lawyers have been after the next generation iPhone for weeks now and after yesterday's official announcement, they've upped the ante. They've filed preliminary injunction motions to stop the 4S from selling in France and Italy, claiming patent infringement.

The iPhone 4S is supposed to go on sale on October 18 in France and on October 28 in Italy. Not if Samsung has its way. They claim Apple violates two of their WCDMA patents regarding 3G, calling it essential for the functioning of Apple's new smartphone.

Here's a quote:

"The infringed technology is essential to the reliable functioning of telecom networks and devices and Samsung believes that Apple’s violation as being too severe and that the iPhone 4S should be barred from sales.

Apple has continued to flagrantly violate our intellectual property rights and free ride on our technology. We believe it is now necessary to take legal action to protect our innovation."

Samsung will probably be filing more injunction motions in more countries, following some review (or maybe they're just holding off a bit to build up tension or something).

This is part of a long, long patent battle between Apple and Samsung, which covers pretty much the entire world. It's been tablets mostly so far, but the two companies are really getting at each other's throats.

Samsung moves to ban the new iPhone 4S in France and Italy - GSMArena.com news
honest1 said:
Strange, you are proudly referring things apple don't provide and even after jailbreak only half things are possible!!!
Firstly I am not proud, can't tell you how much I am disappointed with this event [though it was kinda expected] and you are forgetting about which company we are talking here, it's APP-iControl_everything-LE :bleh:

and TMN article on Siri - Why Siri just might work | This is my next...
JayMathers said:
Google will never be able to over-smart Apple at battery life.

Out-smart Apple at battery life.

Rest of the post agreed 100%,but still won`t buy it.

(For some unknown reason love Macs but can not tolerate i.o.s toys)
dammit....i was waiting for the past 1 year for iphone 5 and they give a ruddy 4s.......screw apple...i'll go with nexus prime....
Anyone wanna buy my iPhone4 16GB FU?? :p 9 months Indian warranty remaining.

Anyways, i am seriously rooting for ICS on Nexus Prime. The only thing Android seriously disappoints me at is the Audio Quality. iPhone 4;s music playback, is way ahead. And that is the only reason i shifted from Android to iOS. Have my fingers crossed for the coming Nexus.
People are being just a bit unfair just because they don't like iPhones.

RS4 said:
SGS2 has 1.2GHz dual core CPU,8MP camera,1080p recording. iphone 4 Ass lacks full multitasking, bluetooth file transfer, microsd storage, FM radio, video calls only via wifi, installing apps,music,videos only via itunes, OOB MKV playback, 2MP front camera, 21Mbps HSDPA :)

Yes, the iphone 4 is too weak to run voice commands :eek:hyeah:

Iphone 4 8GB factory unlocked is now going for $550 which means 28-29k indian pricing :)

avi said:
YES :mad: but half of the things u said can be done with JB :p

Let's wait till JB community release some tweaks :eek:hyeah:

btw picked these comments from TMN :p


honest1 said:
Strange, you are proudly referring things apple don't provide and even after jailbreak only half things are possible!!!

Lets analyze that shall we. After JB,

1. Full multitasking : Check

2. Bluetooth file transfer : Check

3. Microsd storage : Fine its good but if you look at it, you remove it to transfer data. Most people don't have Micro SD card readers so you use the cable anyways. Now how is that different from iPhone?! (And yes you can store data on the iPhone if you wanted to)

4. Video calls on 3G : Check

5. Installing apps,music,videos only via itunes : Probably the most convenient thing there is.

6. OOB MKV playback : Pretty sure iPhone 4S can handle it.

7. 2MP front camera : Are you that self obsessed or maybe you think the 3G speeds in India are brilliant to handle that amount of data?!

8. 21Mbps HSDPA : Not applicable to India now is it.

I live in India so am only thing from a point of view that one has this phone in India

Besides the stupid small and idiotic screen size that apple has I do not see why iPhone 4S is bad at all. Only thing is that no point upgrading from iPhone 4 as its not that big a leap so have to wait another year to decide what to get (I'm sure that will make my dad happy :p )

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Check this video out. Its funny alright.

PS: I know which movie its from so don't start on about it.
^^My concern too is not with hardware of iPhone. It is obviously better than last iPhone 4. But why not increase the screen size?????? 4.0 - 4.3 inches seems to be the right size to enjoy the phone for media, browsing, games etc. Design change would have been welcome. Anyways there will still be people getting crazy to get one. Because Apple is just Apple.
aradhakr84 said:
But why not increase the screen size?????? 4.0 - 4.3 inches seems to be the right size to enjoy the phone for media, browsing, games etc. Design change would have been welcome.

I am guessing that they want to maintain compatibility with iphone 4.

You wont welcome the change if you are an iapp developer.
Hacker said:
I am guessing that they want to maintain compatibility with iphone 4.

You wont welcome the change if you are an iapp developer.

would it affect if they keep the resolution same with a bigger screen??
give a damn about dpi
sgs2 is also just fine with day to day use unless u spend all the time in comparing screens of different phones and u dont have studies, no family, no frends to have beer and chill or for that matter any other productive work to do...
i was hoping for a bump in the screen size.but other than that they have made very good improvements.i think this is the first time where apple's ssecrecy haunted them.everyone and their dog predicted that apple is going to reinvent the iphone again.but people did not know that history shows apple always use their hardware to the fullest[look at the macs,imac's and even the past iphones] its a bit of a similar strategy to sony.these guys always max out on the hardware.

the problem which most hurted the fans was that you dont let your legendary ceo leave the company and follow that up with just a bump in processing power. another gaffe by apple was the ios5 preview,i think people very much knew what to expect and that just made them replay the features.

concluding this i think its a solid product which got undeserved criticism but apple really bought it on them so to speak which is very unlike them.am i going to get the iphone 4s? siri does look interesting but my iphone 4 does as stellar job currently,the main attraction is the camera which i think is one of the best point and shoot's.will wait for the iphone 5.
Oh Siri! It's so good, they could've made it a new product -
'' Wakes you, reminds you, takes care of you, speaks only when spoken to and tells everything you want to know.
Presenting the iWife.''
iFOUND! Unlocked phones hitting the US stores in November!


iPhone 4S - Apple Store (U.S.)

16GB FU for roughly 30 grands! :( Might rather wait for iP 5 which may possibly have a larger screen and upgraded innards. :/
Siri is not an innovation

There is already app named vlingo in android market which has voice commands

Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
^^ I have used that app on the iPhone and it's junk.you can get many apps like this but siri is at a different level,say 3 levels ahead.
Interesting comparison of iPhone 4S and Nexus Prime

Apple iPhone 4S Vs. Samsung Nexus Prime: Will Ice Cream Sandwich be Tastier Than iOS 5? - International Business Times

Google Inc. and Samsung have decided to postpone the scheduled launch of the new Nexus Prime on Tuesday because of the recent death of Apple Inc. co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs.

The Nexus Prime will be the first phone to run Android 4.0, codenamed “Ice Cream Sandwich.â€

"Samsung and Google decide to postpone the new product announcement at CTIA Fall. We agree that it is just not the right time to announce a new product. New date and venue will be shortly announced," Samsung said in a statement.

According to The Guardian, sources close to the companies have confirmed that they didn't feel it was right to hold a product launch so close to Jobs' death. Although Apple is the biggest rival for Samsung, Jobs was customarily treated with great respect in the business world.

Reports also indicate the companies may have delayed the unveiling of the imminent Android phone to avoid clash between Jobs' funeral service and the product launch.

Meanwhile, analysts are comparing the Samsung Nexus Prime with the Apple iPhone 4S as the looming Android device is the only other flagship device on the horizon that people are eagerly anticipating.

Here is a comparison between Apple iPhone 4S and Samsung Nexus Prime, also known as the Galaxy Nexus.

Operating System: The iPhone 4S is loaded with the latest Apple operating system iOS 5. It is a free software update bringing over 200 new features to the iPhone, the iPad, and the iPod touch, including a location-aware reminders app, Newsstand, wireless syncing, Twitter integration, iMessage, a notification bar, and widgets. For its part, the Nexus Prime will be the first phone to run Android 4.0, codenamed "Ice Cream Sandwich." The latest version of the Android OS is a hybrid of Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) and Android 3.0 (Honeycomb). Unlike Gingerbread and Honeycomb -- exclusively for phones and tablets, respectively -- the Ice Cream Sandwich is a single build for both phones and tablets.

Power and Connectivity: The iPhone 4S comes with iPad 2's A5 chipset, which is expected to deliver two times faster CPU performance and up to seven times faster graphics performance. With high-speed download packet access (HSDPA) technology, the device is claimed to have data download speed that is nearly twice as fast as iPhone 4 -- 14.4Mbps compared with 7.2Mbps. The phone will be powered by a 1 GHz dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 CPU with NEON SIMD accelerator and a dual core PowerVR SGX543MP2 GPU. Samsung Nexus Prime is expected to sport a dual-core 1.2 Ghz TI OMAP 4460 mobile processor, coupled with PowerVR SGX540 graphics and 1 GB RAM, according to a BGR report. The phone will have LTE/HSPA support depending on carrier.

Storage and Battery: While iPhone 4S is available in three storage capacities -- 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB -- Samsung Nexus Prime is coming only with 32GB of built-in storage. The iPhone 4S, which has a Li-Po 1,420 mAh battery, gets up to 8 hours of talk time on 3G and up to 14 hours on 2G (GSM). In contrast, Nexus Prime sports a 1,750 mAh battery.

Camera: The iPhone 4S camera has an 8-megapixel sensor that takes 3,264-by-2,448-pixel pictures. It will capture vibrant photos, especially in low light. The camera is claimed to be 30 percent sharper than its predecessor. It comes with an aperture of f/2.4. The video camera will be able to capture video in 1080p high definition. The Nexus Prime will have a 5-megapixel rear camera and a 1.3 megapixel front camera. It can also record video at up to 1080p HD resolution.

Display: Similar to iPhone 4, the iPhone 4S is coming with a 3.5-inch TFT Retina multi-touch display, with 960 x 640 resolutions. The 9mm thin Samsung Nexus Prime will have a 4.65-inch 1280 x 720 Super AMOLED HD curved glass display. The Super AMOLED Plus display delivers superior color, enhanced readability, a slimmer form, and better battery consumption than the previous generation.

The Nexus Prime also has near-field communications support, which Apple hasn't embraced in its iPhone 4S. NFC allows for simplified transactions, data exchange, and connections with a touch. A smartphone or tablet with an NFC chip could make a credit-card payment or serve as keycard or ID card. It is said that Apple has disclosed in some meetings that NFC won't be on the feature list of the next iPhone. The Independent, citing some of the largest mobile carriers in the UK, said that Apple would forgo NFC in its next iPhone due to lack of industry standards about the technology.

According to the BGR report, "[T]he Samsung Galaxy Nexus will be a pure Google Experience device without any third-party UI or modifications." Speculations are rife that coming Android device will be a Verizon Wireless exclusive in the U.S., the report added.

Can this be the smartphone that resolutely outshines Apple iPhone 4S, or will it be the other way around?