arrow004 said:Siri is not voice command.Siri is AI. It's takes its roots from a pentagon project not from voice commands that google came up with.Mind you siri is not perfect and that's prolly the reason why apple called it beta!
All the "pentagon project" talk is just hype.
There are two aspects to Siri.
1) Voice recognition and transcribe that into text. - Almost all devices now do this.
2) Natural Language Processing (NLP) on that transcribed text - Not many companies do this (on a commercial scale). There has been a lot of research in this area but very few commercial applications. I would know, our company has been doing this for 10+ years (and me for the last ~5 years of that). When you are trying to understand what the user said/typed, it is easier when your domain is restricted. In the beta phase, the dictionary that Siri uses might be small but they will build it over time.
And considering that Siri requires a Wi-Fi/3G connection for results, they might be pushing all that processing to the cloud. It is not hardware limitation that is stopping Siri from working on the iPhone 4. If Apple do restrict it to the 4S, it will be a purely business decision, and that annoys me a lot.