Iphone dreams shattered? Now what?

smoky004 said:
i am not saying that iphone (jesus phone:D) is perfect.but it's not lack of a better res. camera or video recording or copy paste or ability to forward mails that worries me.Most of these(e.g. copy paste) are software related issues and will be easily fixed in the upcoming firware updates.

Oh, How many years more will it take to release such a firmware update? If you wanna ignore lack of copy paste in a PDA phone, you might as well ignore everything else that iPhone lacks.

smoky004 said:
I also don't understand why many indians are complaining so much abt. the absence of features like a second vga camera for MMS??How many indians do actually use that vag camera dfor sending mms?? All this iphone bashing in india brings to mind a certain story "the fox and the grapes":bleh: Lol! i saw a review on tech 2 (gave iphone 3G a rating of 2.5 outta 5 stars) where they cut half a star just for the fact that india doesn't have 3G:rofl: :rofl: How can you blame the iphone for the fact that india still doesn't have 3G:rofl: :rofl:

One of the promising features that 3G offers is video calls and the second camera is for that purpose. Without that you cannot call it a full fledged 3G Phone.

Even the 2 MP camera is sort of a shortcoming for me. At office we often have brain storming sessions during which people use the white board for presenting their ideas. Later we take a photo of the board using a mobile phone before erasing it so that we can have the content in its original form. A 3 MP camera is well suited for this task while a 2MP one does not cut it that well. However I do agree it may not be a deciding factor for many people (including me).

smoky004 said:
The bottom line is if you are rich, you would be stupid not to buy the iphone and in case you aren't(rich) you would be stupid to buy it.-----okay that's a Slight Overstatement! but you do get my point.

In fact that's a big overstatement if you think that people who got the money should blindly ignore the short-comings of the iPhone and line up to buy it just because they can.

It has many shortcomings as a PDA phone, but its still a decent mid range (in terms of features) multimedia phone which is worth while to buy if the price is set properly.

Buying a phone for 31k with important features missing/broken hoping that they will be fixed in future releases is plain lunacy. Rather let them just set the price appropriately and we can buy it.
Pat said:
For most of the Indians, its always quantity (no. of features) and not quality (usability of those features) that matters ;)

Er.. most Indians cant afford this phone in the first place.
?I had the chance to buy it at $350(the 2g one) but I did not go ahead with it, cos for all its worth if I cant listen to music/take calls on my bluetooth headset(Which is a basic feature for a high-end phone) on a $400 phone, cant click pictures in the night, cant transfer files over bluetooth!! then it is a waste of $400 for me.

Darthyboy, All I'll say is it was a missed chance
And sine you know me, take it as a qualified statement frm someone who has got his hands dirty with both best of breed WinMo and Symbian phones

tonnes of features can go take a hike when i won't even use them beynd the honeymoon period with a new toy...

And yes, you can take calls via BT with an iphone
I agree though that A2DP is a weird miss...though that's somethign I won't ever use (since a corded headphone willl always be far better than A2DP for music)

As for lord nemesis, nothing personal, but I wouldn;t even bother replying back to someone who I considered sensible till he claimed that chinese knockoffs of the iPod are better (not even better VFM, plain & simply better) than the real deal...now that reeks of an unqualified Apple basher
superczar said:
As for lord nemesis, nothing personal, but I wouldn;t even bother replying back to someone who I considered sensible till he claimed that chinese knockoffs of the iPod are better (not even better VFM, plain & simply better) than the real deal...now that reeks of an unqualified Apple basher

Well, there is no need for you to reply back since I for said that after trying out those players and I stick to my statement that some of the chinese Mp3 players are better than iPod in terms of audio quality. Frankly there was no need for Apple to even stress itself on the audio quality of the iPod since they can sell any products solely through marketing alone.

Where do you think Apple gets its technology? Most of it is sourced from outside and not developed in house. It will not be so surprising if it turns out that the core hardware for iPod is developed in China. In fact I have heard that even the Multi-touch technology used in the iPhone was acquired from a Swedish firm which developed it and then went bankrupt since they could not take it to the market due to flaws. Apple supposedly improved the technology for use in iPhone and other devices and not surprisingly the dead spot/band problem surfaced in the iPhones too.

I have access to various Apple products directly at office or indirectly through colleagues or friends and unlike Apple fanboi's I see through the hype and see the product for what it is. So, Yes I am a well qualified Apple basher. :p
I have access to various Apple products directly at office or indirectly through colleagues or friends and unlike Apple fanboi's I see through the hype and see the product for what it is. So, Yes I am a well qualified Apple basher.

Well said !

And ya most iphone fanboi's buy it rather so that their chubby hot chicks can fondle and ...... with them :rofl:....oh so sweeeeeeeeet babie !! (Overheard comment :p)

For a techie, ifone is a an utter dumb POS device ! and ya Mr jobs just by using his hands in the launch of all devices seems to do umli to all the fanboi's :rofl:

And ya something for the banboi's (fanboi) to rejoice...read this and be happy :) (applicable to those who want to justify the 31k blowup )

Why You Should Buy iPhone for Rs.31,000 ($720) | iPhoneIndiaBlog.com
Let me tell u all iphone bashers one thing,I think it rocks.I mean ever since i upgraded my phone to version 2 , the amount of stuff available is unbeleivable.

I just installed a software to record videos,and the results are pretty impressive,can upload a video if any one here wants to see a sample.The games are pretty awesome too ,for example in one car game u have to turn the iphone like a steering wheel, but my favorite application has to be the
Dynolicious,this one measures ur cars or bikes 0-100 and 1/4 mile time ,me loves it.
Its not apples fault that vodafone and airtel are selling it at 31k ,and i think the rest of the mobile fone companies are playing catch up
Its not apples fault that vodafone and airtel are selling it at 31k ,and i think the rest of the mobile fone companies are playing catch up

LOL this thread is abt that and iphone 3G and nt ur POS 2G ifone :p...we all know what can be done to the jailkbroken 2G ones :p
Nemesis, all i can say is you post above is absolutely lame...

Which consumer electronics company develops all its technology in-house?

Did Nokia develop Symbian on its own?

--reading your comments (esp chinese knock-offs vs the ipod, all i can guess is:

a)- you have hardly, if ever used Apple devices other than toying with them for a few mins


b) Your idea of what means better is entirely different from the rest of humanity

Supra, 31K is indeed a steep price and I would not spend 31K on a phone (any phone- though i have the 3G, i did not spend 31K on it)

the point i am am trying to make is Mr. Rich-pants ready to plonk 27K on a touch diamond (or another super pricey phone) is better off spending that money on the iPhone because it is a (generalization warning) better phone than the Diamond in pretty much every respect
I am just wondering.. If Vodafone and Airtel are charging us the full rate of the phone.. y is it locked into their network for? will they unlock it later on or wat? will they charge again to unlock it?
superczar said:
Nemesis, all i can say is you post above is absolutely lame...

Which consumer electronics company develops all its technology in-house?

Did Nokia develop Symbian on its own?

The point is that if Apple may have been getting its technology from where most others get it (i.e China), then why is it diffucult for you accept that there can be iPod look alikes that can be better than iPod in terms of quality. I am not saying every iPod clone is better than iPod, but there certainly are some that are better as I had personally come across one such player and there was also a news report sometime back on some tech site that many consumers in Taiwan were confusing original iPods for fakes after comparing audio quality.

Its pretty easy for a chinese manufacturer to make a better sound audio player than iPod at a substantially lower cost. Sure the player may lack all the features present in the iPod like the click wheel or a large display, but the actual playback hardware can be better.

The Chinese iPod look alike Player I tried out was a 1GB Flash Player with a small display and practically no special features like the iPod, but it sure sounded better than the 3 Apple players I had tried.

Only an Apple Fanboi would think that Apple has the best products in the markets and I frankly hope you are not one. Just becasue a 100 million people bought iPods does not mean iPod has the best audio quality. There are other parameters and there can be completely different strategies with out any relationship to product quality for maximizing sales and both Apple and Microsoft have been demonstrating that for quite a while now.

Do you really think all those people who bought the Meizu Players for better audio quality are dumb?

superczar said:
a)- you have hardly, if ever used Apple devices other than toying with them for a few mins

My company has been developing software for Apple since 1984~86 and has some of the major software that used on Apple platfoms for publishing. Since the last 4 years I have been using/developing on various Apple Hardware and we get Apple hardware and software before anyone else does (though its mostly desktops/servers and OS releases rather than gadgets like phones or media players). We also get special discounts on all apple products due our companies special relationship with Apple. iPods (shuffle/nano/classic) have been a standard gift/reward given to employess at our company and many people have got them (though I had opted for a Digital camera in lieu of iPod). So, Yes I have enough exposure to Apple products and used/tried them personally to be talking about them.

superczar said:
b) Your idea of what means better is entirely different from the rest of humanity

My idea of better is atleast different from that of fanbois.
ugh, this is getting into those longish quote and reply flame-fests

Anyway, All I'll say is this-- (and let's leave the price equation out of this)

Here is why I like Apple:

The ipod :
MP3 players are pretty much a commodity now
Having been used to Winamp and the "J" key(jump to song) , my biggest crib with my first portable digital Music player (An iRiver picked in Europe with a 20GB HDD back in 2001) was the super long times it would take me to sift through the directory tree, or the fact that that it took tonnes of keypresses to achieve even simple stuff
Then I got an iPod in 2004 and well, never have wanted another DAp ever since...
I once ended up picking another iRiver PMP-120 but that too was plagued wuith similar usability issues

Feature for feature, the iriver may still be better, but you know what, I need features that can be used beyond the honey moon period with the device...

The iRiver probably uses a better DAC and op-Amp than the iPod (I really doubt if those chines knock-offs do though) that probably results in better SQ
But you know what, When jogging in the city or when travelling on a train or a plane, the ambient noise would never let my ears discern the subtle difference between good quality SQ and great quality SQ
I shall leave the audiophilia for the noisefree environs of the media room in my house...For the times I use a PMP, I am more than happy with the SQ from a EP-630 hooked to any damned PMP
What I would not be happy abt with any PMP but iPod is the terrible usability that most other PMPs are afflicted with.....

the iPhone
getting back to the topic..If you take iPhone vs WinMo/Symbian/UIQ smartphones
feature for feature, a N95 or a HTC touch may be far better off

But (And a very big But) the relatively weak processing power and the relatively sub-optimal OS code on Symbian/UIQ/winmo smartphones effectively turn performing any meaningful task into a painful wait

want to view a slideshow?
press menu - wait 3 secs
press gallery- wait 4 secs
try select multiple pics/folders- wait 5 secs
then press slideshow and wait for the pics to render)
God forbid if you want to zoom into a pic

On the other hand, anyone arnd who has used an iPhone knows what a joy the Media viewer on the iphone is (And so are most other Apps it has, be it the Browser (Miles ahead of any other mobile browser) or the media player or even many of the apps you get via app store
Symbian/Win Mobile may, and do support pretty much any feature the iphone has, and more
which of these features is practically usable on a daily basis is the big qstn mark...and thats what makes the iPhone a difficult feat to surpass by the current smartphones
As for Macs, Even though I personally love OS X for its elegance and ease of use, I would not use it as my primary system.. (though I wish I had got my Dad a Macbook instead of the windows lappy I got him ) And that's where my thought converge to a certain degree with the Apple bashers... Even though OS X is extremely elegant and is a joy to use, but the flexibility I get with Ubuntu (and WinXP to a lesser extent) cannot be currently matched by OS X
The difference between the two cases though being that within the comfort of my house, I am willing to make 20 clicks and 30 commands on Ubuntu where 2 would have sufficed on OS X for the sake of greater flexibility, but not on a portable device like a PMP or phone
There are fanboys who defend everything that they love and then there are others that bash everything that comes from someone they hate. I am with superczar on this one though.

Chinese knockoffs ? A big no-no for me atleast. And if louder sound is someones definition of better audio quality, then you are better off sticking to these pathetic chinese POS.
Heh... the iphone has some very interesting apps now and I'd really want to get one for dynolicious but I'd not buy one. Why? Poor quality control. Three folks bought the iphone 2G in our office. All three were obviously unlocked. Now 6 months down the line, two are dead and the third doesn't pick up any signal. No repairs, no warranty claims nothing as they were unlocked.
want to view a slideshow?

press menu - wait 3 secs

press gallery- wait 4 secs

try select multiple pics/folders- wait 5 secs

then press slideshow and wait for the pics to render)

God forbid if you want to zoom into a pic

Which gen of Symbian r u talking abt :O

I have an E51 with an ARM Gen 11 369 Mhz and dont have to even wait more than 1 sec and ya from the above comment , it does look like either you are a fanboi or u have handled only Nokia 6600 Symbian :rofl:

On the other hand, anyone arnd who has used an iPhone knows what a joy the Media viewer on the iphone is (And so are most other Apps it has, be it the Browser (Miles ahead of any other mobile browser) or the media player or even many of the apps you get via app store

lol Media viewer...have u played with flash lite 1.1 based media players in Symbian phones ! and the browser is crap with no proper JSP and flash support ...even phones costing 5k support flashlite now a days. And do u know why is is like that :p....because apple outsources even the OS/App development so they r doing with whatever they have in pocket for now :rofl:
^^ No comments

You just proved that you are basing your opinion on hearsay or some random reviews off the net

If you can diss the browser on the iPhone and claim the Symbian/WinMo browsers are better, I have no other words to say

ppl pls continue :D
If you can diss the browser on the iPhone and claim the Symbian/WinMo browsers are better, I have no other words to say

Well I am nt telling that, Safari is the best thing of the ifone...no questions abt that and undoubtedly the best browser in any PDA/candy bar phone :p

But Apple is a deadly evil...why do they leave out some features out here nd there , and no way they will hear to end users as well...as they dont care a damn abt power users...all they need is coochie---coo users :rofl: