Car & Bike is this tatas 1 lakhs car?

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Well even with all with defects...the bottom line states 1 lakh 30 hazar main kya milega.......and with its design...only 2 words ..'Tata maruti-800'

ITS NANO...dont know frm where did laktakiya name came..

Also i dont think bajaj said that it car will cost 1 lakh.....i guess its about smaller car not that cheap car..someone correct me
Saw the promo today on news channels today..i must say, it looks lot better than the pics tht were posted here a few days back in another thread.. And its design is pretty good for a small city car. Parking shud be a cakewalk for this car..:lol: And a car tht can do 100+ kmph with just 33 bhp and giving 20 kmpl is sure going to give the undisputed king of low cost cars, Maruti 800 a run for its money..:ohyeah: (Phew..finally some other car has stood up to seriously challenge the 800 after 20+ years of monopoly in the low cost car market !!) And this one is going to be a bloody good seller, no doubts about tht...

Its high time MAruti did something to get rid of tht 25 year old design and do a Zen estillo to the Maruti 800...a fresh design may be the only way to keep the 800 selling for another decade or so...:P
Anish said:
Ahem, do you even realise the kind of effort, design and production technology that goes into making something like this?

Its an absolutely BRILLIANT piece of work, providing an AC, Power Steering, ABS, Tubeless Tires and much more for some 1.5-1.6L, and great specs for 1.2L.

People who criticise this car deserve to be shot, seriously.

Are u paid by tata or something .....

i know there is many "effort, design and production technology" is gone into that car and they are charging for it, its not free ..... better read and think carefully before u post something rather than posting fanboyish comments ......

i am a consumer and i have right to criticize the product if i feel its not good and wats the matter with that Bold "ABS", its not space technology neither its gonna save lifes magically in a accident, u can get ABS as an optional on many cars for 10-20k, they are charging for the equipment not giving out for free, and OMG this has tubeless tyres they must cost a billion bucks lol

i have seen other tata cars and know how reliable their top of line safari is and i can know wat cud be expected from this car ....... even after all these year you know where is indica is, no where near to international standards, i will not comment on the result of city rover. and i have heard name of some suppliers which tata has assigned for coponents and if they live up to their name then god help nano owners

i know they are indian company and i respect tata for many product but i am not going to take a lousy product because of these facts .....

you get wat u pay for and u can't expect a good car @ 1L and that wat i pointed out that this car is **** in my opinion and a second hand car will be much better option ...... i am not stopping u or anyone from buying this car .....

And the "Brilliant piece of work" as u say it doesn't have any of those features on the base version even the safety features.

the car is not even tested on the road so we can just predict and my comments are based on the older tata vehicles performance ......

and with the current engine this gonna be a lousy performer here i am not asking for a 0-100 sprinter but u gotta at least give a car which can normal speeds ...... as people in india load up the cars this gonna crawl on highways, happy tailgating nanos, now don't tell me that its only for city its india my friend and people even take autos on highways .......

anyways lets see how does the car performs ...... i think it will take 2-3 years to see the cars actual potentials ......

no matter how cheap this car is and i am not going to put my money on this at least for now ...... and yes it will sell well because its cheap and thats wat sells in india, with compromising everything but sales doesn't make them a good product .....

anyways from yours last line about "shooting everyone " i don't think u will understand anyways of my comments coz u are too immature, no seriously
^ its a brilliant piece of work not because of the features themselves, but for the price they are provided at. You would be right in saying that the cost of the features are the same as other cars, which is true, but the fact remains you get a fully loaded car at a price lower than a maruti 800 base variant.

Regarding TATA's quality of products, they are all VFM, and decent quality, they do the job they are meant to do. and barring the safari, they are really cheap to maintain and run while having an acceptable level of quality.

How has anything has been compromised? If they car ain't safe, it ain't gonna get permission to be produced. Just as someone cannot authoritatively comment on how good the car is before the tests have been conducted, neither can one comment on how bad it is. Up until that time there can only be opinions.

That being said, you have your opinion, I have mine, in the coming months we will see who is right :P

My gripes with the car are

1. it looks wayyyy too much like an estillo, they should have gone with a more non Jap compact look, after all this is india's Tin Lizzie

2. Can you imagine the sheer horde of scooter grad Montoyas riding around on the street, taking each other out at T1? :)
:) All in all a decent piece of work at its price. Obviously the car has yet to be tested. Till then we can only argue :P
Rahul said:
Are u paid by tata or something .....

i know there is many "effort, design and production technology" is gone into that car and they are charging for it, its not free ..... better read and think carefully before u post something rather than posting fanboyish comments ......

i am a consumer and i have right to criticize the product if i feel its not good and wats the matter with that Bold "ABS", its not space technology neither its gonna save lifes magically in a accident, u can get ABS as an optional on many cars for 10-20k, they are charging for the equipment not giving out for free, and OMG this has tubeless tyres they must cost a billion bucks lol

i have seen other tata cars and know how reliable their top of line safari is and i can know wat cud be expected from this car ....... even after all these year you know where is indica is, no where near to international standards, i will not comment on the result of city rover. and i have heard name of some suppliers which tata has assigned for coponents and if they live up to their name then god help nano owners

i know they are indian company and i respect tata for many product but i am not going to take a lousy product because of these facts .....
you get wat u pay for and u can't expect a good car @ 1L and that wat i pointed out that this car is **** in my opinion and a second hand car will be much better option ...... i am not stopping u or anyone from buying this car .....
And the "Brilliant piece of work" as u say it doesn't have any of those features on the base version even the safety features.

the car is not even tested on the road so we can just predict and my comments are based on the older tata vehicles performance ......

and with the current engine this gonna be a lousy performer here i am not asking for a 0-100 sprinter but u gotta at least give a car which can normal speeds ...... as people in india load up the cars this gonna crawl on highways, happy tailgating nanos, now don't tell me that its only for city its india my friend and people even take autos on highways .......

anyways lets see how does the car performs ...... i think it will take 2-3 years to see the cars actual potentials ......

no matter how cheap this car is and i am not going to put my money on this at least for now ...... and yes it will sell well because its cheap and thats wat sells in india, with compromising everything but sales doesn't make them a good product .....

anyways from yours last line about "shooting everyone " i don't think u will understand anyways of my comments coz u are too immature, no seriously
You seem to be way to immature to understand the basic concept of this car.

A person whose making 10k / month, owns a Baja Chetak, CANT afford a 800, has a family of 4, what the hell is he gonna do in the monsoons when his kids need to go to school and his wife has to go with him.

What TATA is giving him however, is a freakin roof on his head, four decently comfortable seats for everyone, and atleast something which will move dammit (And just for the record it does 70kmph).

If you still don't get my point, well, I don't expect you to, cause you wont understand the market this car is aimed at, people who dream every night of owning a car, but can't out of shear financial reasons.

Looks damn lame to me ..... with those puny tyres and big body yukkkk
I can say the same about your ZMA. My 2008 Busa can gobble one up, your bike is utterly fugly!

Point is, some can afford the Busa, some can't. Get it?

And for the ABS part, come one dude, if you knew one thing about the automotive industry in India, the cheapest ABS loaded car works out to around 4.5L (Maybe a bit more), and the very fact that they're even offering it here is a HUUGE design marvel.

Oh and btw, they've applied for 34 patents, including the engine which is a revolutionary 623cc 2-cylinder single camshaft motor.
True...This car has a market... and that actually worries me. Maybe we should start taxing people before entering into the busiest city limits...But for that Hyd needs good Bus/Train facilities. Hyd has the highest density of traffic in India and its a tussle to reach wrk for me everyday....we dont have good train facilities... The transport commisioner has issued a statement that the city could be grid locked once cars like Nano arrives and something needs to be done...

People may want to buy this for their house-keeping staff...who knows :P
^ its not like all 2 wheeler users are gonna switch,only pulsar-class bike buyers would probably go for this

CAR - 1 lac + 20kpl + expensive(relatively) to maintian
BIKE - 30-40k + 80-90kpl + cheap to maintain

so even though the car can be bought by anyone, the running costs will still be quite high relative to a bike for many. 1 bike + 1 scooter for a family is still cheaper to buy and maintain than the 1lac car

There will be congestion, but not as bad as all that.
I'm worried as to whether a 624cc engine can pull 4 people up a steep slope. And on occasions with luggage, it might be a real problem.

Also, safety is a big concern. The car is stripped to the bone. One hit and the engine will be in your lap. A side impact would be devastating. Mileage of 20 kmpl seems quite poor.

I don't think the design is revolutionary. I've seen many similar looking electric/hyrid car models over the years with similar. What's revolutionary is the cost. They have successfully managed to find chinese contractors capable of delivering at the lowest price :P .

Two types of potential buyers, 1) families on scooter and 2) people who want to have a second car to abuse. Bachelors will still prefer bikes because of ease with which they can weave through traffic, easier to park etc.

All in all, life's not gonna get easier for you unless you're one of the above. That's what you should be worried about.
Rahul said:
i am a consumer and i have right to criticize the product if i feel its not good and wats the matter with that Bold "ABS", its not space technology neither its gonna save lifes magically in a accident, u can get ABS as an optional on many cars for 10-20k, they are charging for the equipment not giving out for free, and OMG this has tubeless tyres they must cost a billion bucks lol

Even if it doesnt save lives, it helps in mitigating a lot of accidents as the car won't lock up. Considering how half the folks on the road have no idea how to drive, anything that can help avoid accidents is helpful.

i have seen other tata cars and know how reliable their top of line safari is and i can know wat cud be expected from this car ....... even after all these year you know where is indica is, no where near to international standards, i will not comment on the result of city rover. and i have heard name of some suppliers which tata has assigned for coponents and if they live up to their name then god help nano owners
The thing is that TATA's engines are pretty reliable. True that the car will turn into a rattle cage and every electronic part will start malfunctioning but the TATA engines are bullet proof. Atleast the diesel versions are. Else you wouldn't see the gazillions of indicabs and tata sumos everywhere being used as call center taxis. They are reliable and easy to maintain.

i know they are indian company and i respect tata for many product but i am not going to take a lousy product because of these facts .....
you get wat u pay for and u can't expect a good car @ 1L and that wat i pointed out that this car is **** in my opinion and a second hand car will be much better option ...... i am not stopping u or anyone from buying this car .....
And the "Brilliant piece of work" as u say it doesn't have any of those features on the base version even the safety features.
the car is not even tested on the road so we can just predict and my comments are based on the older tata vehicles performance ......

Well no one knows if its a lousy product or a good one. As of now no one has test driven it so one can't say. What all I can say is that the design is rather good for something costing just 1 lac. Now whether the car is roadworthy or not is best left to test drives.

and with the current engine this gonna be a lousy performer here i am not asking for a 0-100 sprinter but u gotta at least give a car which can normal speeds ...... as people in india load up the cars this gonna crawl on highways, happy tailgating nanos, now don't tell me that its only for city its india my friend and people even take autos on highways .......
Frankly I'd be happier if every third biker switches to a nano as it would lead to more disciplined traffic. IMHO the biggest problem on any city road are unruly bikers who follow no road rules and try to squeeze into any nook and cranny they can find. (No offence to any bikers on TE).

About the highway... well I doubt you'd see too many on highways as they obviously won't have enough range. I'd still happily tailgate a nano rather than a 100cc bike.
no matter how cheap this car is and i am not going to put my money on this at least for now ...... and yes it will sell well because its cheap and thats wat sells in india, with compromising everything but sales doesn't make them a good product .....

Well thats the universal truth. Cheap stuff sells... not just in India, just about everywhere.
The Design is pretty good for a 1 Lac Car!

It reminds me a bit more of Estilo..

The only thing that will matter for the 1 Lac car is its performance.

Pulsar owner are weloff to buy that Bike, I saY it will more lower income group/milege concious people who will go for the Nano.

Here @ Vizag, there is not much traffic, well most of the times.....

Nano is welcome here any time!!!

All hail TATA!!!
Anish said:
You seem to be way to immature to understand the basic concept of this car.

A person whose making 10k / month, owns a Baja Chetak, CANT afford a 800, has a family of 4, what the hell is he gonna do in the monsoons when his kids need to go to school and his wife has to go with him.

What TATA is giving him however, is a freakin roof on his head, four decently comfortable seats for everyone, and atleast something which will move dammit (And just for the record it does 70kmph).

If you still don't get my point, well, I don't expect you to, cause you wont understand the market this car is aimed at, people who dream every night of owning a car, but can't out of shear financial reasons.

I can say the same about your ZMA. My 2008 Busa can gobble one up, your bike is utterly fugly!

Point is, some can afford the Busa, some can't. Get it?

And for the ABS part, come one dude, if you knew one thing about the automotive industry in India, the cheapest ABS loaded car works out to around 4.5L (Maybe a bit more), and the very fact that they're even offering it here is a HUUGE design marvel.

Oh and btw, they've applied for 34 patents, including the engine which is a revolutionary 623cc 2-cylinder single camshaft motor.

Comfortable seats lol ...... even the front passanger seat is not reclining

i have never denied the fact that this maybe superb car for someone but not for me ..... i know which segment this car belongs and who are the propective buyers .....

i don't understand y u have bought my bike into this ...... i know my bike is a moped lol ...... and hayabusa too much dhoom eh!!! ...... dunno y every indian is so obsessed with hayabusa ...... and dude try to ride hayabusa in city and u will get my point ......maybe ur hayabusa can beat my moped but wat does that proof in this thread ...... if u have something worthy to say we can discuss but if u are trying for start a flame war/personal comments sorry my friend, i am not in for it ......

here we are talking about tata one lac car and cheapest car ahead of it not tata one lac car and RR as u comapred my moped with hayabusa ...... sheesh do u even know anyother bike that hayabusa

i know they must have applied billion patents for that engine, wat does that proof :-/

Chaos said:
Even if it doesnt save lives, it helps in mitigating a lot of accidents as the car won't lock up. Considering how half the folks on the road have no idea how to drive, anything that can help avoid accidents is helpful.

please search and see how dangerous ABS can be sometimes depending upon road condition ...... ok u can do cost cutting in other departments but on brake ...... please give me simple brakes with high quality rather than cheap ABS ...... this is not a place to compromise

Chaos said:
The thing is that TATA's engines are pretty reliable. True that the car will turn into a rattle cage and every electronic part will start malfunctioning but the TATA engines are bullet proof. Atleast the diesel versions are. Else you wouldn't see the gazillions of indicabs and tata sumos everywhere being used as call center taxis. They are reliable and easy to maintain.

i know tata engine are pretty reliable and that is normal, were u expecting unreliable engines because its a Indian company. i will not give any car company any credit because their engine is pretty repliable, whos doesn't ? about the indicabs and sumo its not reliability, its about diesel, cheap, service network, ancient can-be-fixed-anywhere engine.

and while we are on engine let me tell u this engine is new and two cylinder ...... so long term reliability, vibrations can be a issue .......

anyone know torque rating of this car ? i can find only BHP figures everywhere .....

Chaos said:
Well no one knows if its a lousy product or a good one. As of now no one has test driven it so one can't say. What all I can say is that the design is rather good for something costing just 1 lac. Now whether the car is roadworthy or not is best left to test drives.

that wat i said its about personal preferences ...... i don't find it good

Chaos said:
Frankly I'd be happier if every third biker switches to a nano as it would lead to more disciplined traffic. IMHO the biggest problem on any city road are unruly bikers who follow no road rules and try to squeeze into any nook and cranny they can find. (No offence to any bikers on TE).

no comments mate ...... i come to office everyday and see more disciplined CAR drivers ...... till date i have hit from behind million times by cars coz i stop when light turns orange ...... its not about car or bike its about peoples mentality ...... pretty lame comment by u i must add

and not let me tell u how civilized car people drive on highways, they will take pass even when they see someone is coming from otherside wat do u say about this ...... its about who is behind the wheels or handles which makes the difference not the 2 or 4 wheels .

Chaos said:
About the highway... well I doubt you'd see too many on highways as they obviously won't have enough range. I'd still happily tailgate a nano rather than a 100cc bike.

well a 100cc bike takes a lot less space than nano .....

Chaos said:
Well thats the universal truth. Cheap stuff sells... not just in India, just about everywhere.

wat point i wanted to make here is, in india people tend to go low on safety features if prices are reduced so tata sud have added safety features atleset on the lower end models .......

People its not like i hate tata or the car ..... i feel proud when i see indian company lauching the car under price bracket which no other company has done or can even think of doing ..... but when i see the product i feel its not complete and not upto my expetations ......
Rahul said:
please search and see how dangerous ABS can be sometimes depending upon road condition ...... ok u can do cost cutting in other departments but on brake ...... please give me simple brakes with high quality rather than cheap ABS ...... this is not a place to compromise

Actually, I was thinking the same thing. ABS is a lot more trouble than it's worth. Increased braking distance (generally a side effect of poor ABS) is not something we would want in a city. I've seen ABS on an old generation mercedes kick in at the most inopportune of timings and actually cause an accident. Maybe the newer implementations are better but I'd be wary.

Rahul said:
i know tata engine are pretty reliable and that is normal, were u expecting unreliable engines because its a Indian company. i will not give any car company any credit because their engine is pretty repliable, whos doesn't ? about the indicabs and sumo its not reliability, its about diesel, cheap, service network, ancient can-be-fixed-anywhere engine.

IMO, maruti engines are much better with lesser maintenance. Tatas were the first to offer interesting luxuries to Indians eg: power windows, door lights etc in their estate and sierra vehicles. but their engines have generally been problematic. Most cab drivers complain that maintenance cost of Indica for eg: is horrific. A clutch plate costs 3K (1K in maruti), indicator light panel another 1K(500-600 in maruti) etc.
Tatas main selling point is the mileage of their vehicles.
Rahul said:
no comments mate ...... i come to office everyday and see more disciplined CAR drivers ...... till date i have hit from behind million times by cars coz i stop when light turns orange ...... its not about car or bike its about peoples mentality ...... pretty lame comment by u i must add
and not let me tell u how civilized car people drive on highways, they will take pass even when they see someone is coming from otherside wat do u say about this ...... its about who is behind the wheels or handles which makes the difference not the 2 or 4 wheels .

An intreresting comment by Chaos. Well, you have to drive in B'lore to experience the antics of the idiot bikers here. Mentality is the same. It's the vehicle that matters. i.e. a biker CAN easily get away with weaving in and out of a car's way. Not the case with a 4 wheeler. For that matter, rickshaw drivers would also do the same but they can't accelerate and get out of trouble when they cut your path.

OT: I really hate bikers for this kind of behaviour. They don't realize that their safety depends on car driver seeing what they're upto in the left hand corner which is not easy. If they don't clear, they'll be in serious trouble.
i think we should stop criticising n making comments.
its is much bigger than REVOLUTION!!!.
hats off man...

The worlds cheapest car was made in china for some 5000$
and india broke that record by making it in @2500$
common no one has even dream that any 1 could make such a GREAT CAR @ such rates.
inspite lacking many a feature its perfect for common man,hence got another new name common mans car after the launch and surely it is .
i will buy no matter what else say...
my words:P

it shows that INDIA has potential to make products cheaper and better than CHINA.

I am worried whether any one will buy a second hand car as new car come cheaper than oldies.
i will get that car and wont sell it even if it troubles me
bocs just imagine how much it will fetch u if u sell it in vintage
worlds cheapest car i will sell it @ largest price.
just kiddin...................
will recommend to buy
acha do they provide test drive ???
it does not need ABS , Powersteering.

common guyies @topspeed of 75kmh do want any abs system.

i mean its all useless at such speed moreover, power steering is not essential at all for hatchbacks it is actually made n designed for SUVs ,TRUCKs etc

so its paisa wasoooooooool car
It's amazing how people believe Ratan Tata to be some kind of a god for creating such a car. There he is in his cushy office thinking of how best to sell his products and people on other forums want him to become president :rofl: .

The Tata company is not doing a favour to the common man. On the contrary, they're finding new ways to help the common man part with his money. They're just trying to increase market share. I'm sure it's obvious to some but I'd like to say this to the younger and uninitiated crowd who equate him to a selfless leader. Same goes for the Ambanis. These guys are part of a revolution but their motives are not simply to serve the nation. It's just good business.

Ratan's not all bad. You can't blame him for trying to grow his company. But, it's necessary to understand his motives and keep your perspective in check.
It's amazing how people believe Ratan Tata to be some kind of a god for creating such a car.

Because this is the first indigenously designed product that has made the whole world stop by to take a look..

If the car is as good as it looks on paper, this car has the potential to rewrite the equations in the automotive industry and change Tata motors from a third world unheard-of brand to a pre-eminent brand at least in the league of Fiat/VW if not Ford
superczar said:
Because this is the first indigenously designed product that has made the whole world stop by to take a look..

If the car is as good as it looks on paper, this car has the potential to rewrite the equations in the automotive industry and change Tata motors from a third world unheard-of brand to a pre-eminent brand at least in the league of Fiat/VW if not Ford

Agreed that the world is taking look, but it's primarily because of the cost. In fact, that's all that's revolutionary to this product.

Whether it will revolutionize the auto industry remains to be seen. But as Chaos pointed, cheap stuff will always sell. Bad news for indian roads and goodbye to fresh air :( .
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