Probably it will be 18 - 23 because after 23 he\she will be more socially aware and realizes how bad bhagwan Modi is destroying this country and its economy.
I know you still believe in Modi.. that he will be a better PM. I don't blame you it's good if we all have someone to believe in. But can you tell me at least one good thing he did (DID not PROMISED) the past 4 years.
Any aspirational class is going to vote for Modi. This means young people and we have lots of them.
Would you vote for a fragmented coalition or a party with a clear leader that commands the respect of those below. As a PM he reinvigorated the office of PM.
He needs two terms at least. Expecting miracles when the previous one was hobbled because one coalition partner or the other demanded their share for anything isn't something i want to go back to. This is the rub. he won't get 280 like last time, he'll also be part of a coalition. Still with him at the lead at the national level is better than without.
We are still a year out. Things could change. Manmohan was lucky, it wasn't until well into his second term that people figured he couldn't really do much. Modi won't be that lucky. Since he has a larger presence any failure anywhere will immediately be pinned on him. Already there is a whispering campaign going on but these elections did not bear them out.
I can quickly list a few he has wrecked:
1. Implementing the stupidly planned demonetization set back the GDP growth rate by 2%.. which in turn translates to a loss of 3.3 Lakh Crores.
2. Unemployment is at an all time high
3. Inflation skyrocketing
4. Fuel prices are going berserk.The BJP-led government had raised excise duty nine times between November 2014 and January 2016. I am not sure how much it translates to Rs\liter but i think its between Rs.8 - 10 if not higher.
6. Subsidies are being taken away from common men.
7. Fraudsters are looting banks by millions.
8. For the first time supreme court judges are complaining about 'external Involvements' in the judiciary.
9. Add to that the religious extremism they are watering and nurturing.
And these are just a few..
1. class warfare from a so called right wing party
2. jobless growth, attract investment to maintain the growth rate but doesn't translate into more jobs
3&4 have external inputs
5. there ain't one

6. as a taxpayer why would i complain
7. result of policies of the previous govt. i've mentioned these in another thread. Given the situation it wouldn't have matterd who was in office the result would be similar
8. this i've not followed too closely but i've got the impression there was judicial over reach. Why ? because the last executive was weak. Not so with this one. if the judiciary is cribbing then tough titty. There is supposed to be a balance of power between legislature, executive & judiciary. And i think we have that or are closer than previously
9. this was mentioned often back in 2014 but i didn't see much of a correlation. Coastal karnataka is communally sensitive. In the last twenty years. Was there any difference when BJP wasn't in power. No. The same story applies in other parts of the country. There are areas that are sensitive and no matter which govt is in office the best that can be done is manage. Some times it goes out of hand. The govt gets slammed no matter which so they do the least to avoid becoming a party to the conflict. You are getting bashed no matter what. Lose lose all the way for any govt
For all the hindutva the liberal press screams about we've had a soft version and even here i was listening to some one that writes for the organiser saying he's seen very little of this agenda to date. Watch out for the fear mongering.
I look at foreign relations more than domestic. How India interacts with other powers and he has been a breath of fresh air here. He's given people a lot of pride. I don't think of this country as a third world power but one that aspires to be a leading power. That is a pretty big turnaround just in perception. That plays into the aspirations of the middle class. And it gives PIO's abroad a serious high. There was a time when saying you were an Indian usually got you abuse. Not these days
The funny thing is its only the BJP that can pull this mind trick off, i recall similar with Vajpayee. Positive thinkers. Can do, art of the possible. Rajeev comes to mind as well, similar rush.
This is very heady stuff. I avoid cynics because for them nothing ever changes. Skeptics are fine but cynics are no hopers.
In 2014 people believed the next five years would be better. I don't think that number has come down much