Therefore cannot defect or abstain. How is the BJP to poach anyone under these circumstances. If they do those votes don't count because those MLA's will be disqualified by the speaker straight away.Yeah I figured out the end game after reading up on it
So, If MLAs abstain, they would come under anti defection law.
Is there an angle here. it brings down the votes the JDS+congress can get ?
Need 12 or 13 wasted votes in this case
It will be challenged. I mean if you're going to the trouble of having a vote. Show of hands not a voice vote then i find it frivolous that a speaker can take too long to disqualify anyone.Here's the kicker
So what will happen tomorrow is some MLAs would abstain from voting and since BJP MLA is the speaker, he'll either take too long to disqualify defectors or outright say those MLAs do not come under anti defector law. Given that BJP managed to get governors appointment first while congress- JDS was left waiting, this can happen.
Speaker cannot arbitrarily interpret the law
Why accept to be part of the coalition when you can be CM. Congress has made an offer the JDS cannot refuse. BJP with 104 is in no mood to offer CM to JDS and given the experience last time it is definitely out of the questionOr it can be a repeat of 2008 and JDS forms an alliance with BJP suddenly
So tell me now how is the BJP to win. I can't see it
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