Letsbuy.com Deals and Coupons

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just purchased "Spice Mi-270/Android 2.2/Wi-Fi/2 MP" for INR 4802.. COD. fingers crossed

wish there was a better dual sim VFM android phone in the market
Gannu said:
^I haven't got an intimation yet. Nor am I going to accept the consignment. :@

On a side note, I will *hopefully* begin playing the game today! :P
Damn, good for you.. :(

I really hope they ship it today.. :\
REY619 said:
Damn, good for you.. :(

I really hope they ship it today.. :\
Wow, Just received this mail from them regarding my LA Noire order..

Kindly someone help me in selecting the phone, my company is providing me 7K budget and I am looking for full touch screen, 3G, Wifi, I am choosen few phones but unable to decide which is best, my selections are Nokia c5-03, Samsung s575(5753), spice MI 310, Dell XCD28, LG T325, friends which one is better or any other phones in the budget of upto 8500 from letsbuy.
bsd said:
hi guys how much time taken by letsbuy to ship a product to bangalore.
Around 3-4 days. They shipped my xcd35 on Saturday which I received on Tuesday morning, through bluedart.
Sorry mate, I didn't use that phone myself so just shared what I heard from my friend.... There was a time when I was planning to buy that one... :)

hotshot05 said:
It is much better to buy Spice Mi-310.

One of my friend had the A60. It was not that good according to him. The RAM was too less and the processor was too slow.
The Spice Android has some serious problem. Just google on the user reviews of it... I was gonna buy it but settled on Optimus 1.. trust me O1 is worth every money you spend.. Don't get fooled by low price. Spice is not recognized for quality, at least the touchscreens as it seems from reviews... Better go for the Samsung Wave if O.S is not the priority. Otherwise Micromax has good build quality within Indian companies.. Rumors of A70 are there.. wait n watch.. otherwise my suggestion is the O1 :)
guys all those who have 250 off coupons can use it to order more than one thing

One member had told regarding using different browsers

I am using it since he told that around 20 days back

each coupon i order minimum 3 items

even now members who know each other or live in same city can share coupons or can pay member who has the coupon

All orders are marked as confirmed and delivered

I can vouch for that
These are 500off on 2000 coupons. I have used two of them but I dont know which ones I have used. Three of these should be working. Please try all of them :)

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