MAFIA II ~Discussion Thread~

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^^ i think we should no longer discuss this here Admins would probably delete these last few posts....hope RLD or someone gets it right.

So much for the corny message to the Developers by Skdrw in their .NFO
Only problem I encountered with the demo as well as this release is that once I exit the game, the whole screen is dimmed out, it's fixed by unloading Aero and then reloading it.

I encountered the same problem in Demo. All I did was run the mafia launcher as administrator and the screen becomes normal again. Ofcourse the demo game wont start from the launcher so no harm done.
just finished the game. the story was pretty good, though the ending was abrupt. Maybe they wanted to leave it as a cliffhanger of sorts. Too bad there is no free run beyond the main story. And apart from the collectibles, the game doesn't offer a lot of replay value.
The full version is performing better than the demo.
Now i get 58 fps avg with PhysX high and rest all high @ 1920x1080.
PhOeNiX said:
just finished the game. the story was pretty good, though the ending was abrupt. Maybe they wanted to leave it as a cliffhanger of sorts. Too bad there is no free run beyond the main story. And apart from the collectibles, the game doesn't offer a lot of replay value.

How many Playboy collectibles did you get? I'm half way through the game and still have only 2.
joy1 said:
Unbelievable , the PC game is 499 , dirt cheap and still u guys pirate it.

Heh! Its because its yet to release in PC officially and they are so eager to play it that they don't care.. :P Anyways, I'll be playing this game after buying the legit one, when its out.
Ethan_Hunt said:
How many Playboy collectibles did you get? I'm half way through the game and still have only 2.

Here ya go! Mafia 2 Playboy Magazines locations guide (Xbox 360, PS3, PC) - Video Games Blogger :P

PhOeNiX said:
just finished the game. the story was pretty good, though the ending was abrupt. Maybe they wanted to leave it as a cliffhanger of sorts. Too bad there is no free run beyond the main story. And apart from the collectibles, the game doesn't offer a lot of replay value.

Oh, you mean we cant free roam around the city after the game finishes?

The gameplay is Great though. I installed last night, the game kept me addicted till i reached chapter 8 and was damn sleepy. Finally the game crashed and I went to bed :)

I miss the manual transmission and clutch from Mafia 1. Also, the game/map doesn't feel refreshingly new (Eg: When you goto collect MG-42 from the dealer, the place is same as the dealer behind saleri's bar in mafia 1)
Anyone tried the new 10.8 drivers for ATI cards, have they fixed the screen dimming issue ??

PhOeNiX said:
Too bad there is no free run beyond the main story.

That sucks, hope there's an expansion pack released soon enough.
No The 10.8 Drivers dont fix anything. The dimming issue is still there unfortunately.

Ie. with Full game and 10.8 ATI Drivers.......
Ethan_Hunt said:
How many Playboy collectibles did you get? I'm half way through the game and still have only 2.
I think only around 7-8. They are mission specific, which means you cannot go back and pick them up later if you missed them. You will need to play those missions again to be able to find them.
PhOeNiX said:
I think only around 7-8. They are mission specific, which means you cannot go back and pick them up later if you missed them. You will need to play those missions again to be able to find them.

You're joking right? If it's true then screw it!
Ethan_Hunt said:
You're joking right? If it's true then screw it!
Nope. It's true. The wanted posters on the other hand can be collected as it is. But i guess you will have to do it in the storyline by keeping a mission aside and collecting them and getting back to it later.
Reached chapter 14. Tgey had to connect Mafia 1 to this somehow didnt they :P.
New hero pops old.

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