Mass Effect 3 - Discussion Thread

Well yes, true. What I meant by new ending was some more content after ending, maybe some clarity on what happened to the main characters and the races. While I really want complete new endings where all my previous choices would make more sense, I doubt that will happen. But I keep my fingers crossed.
Ok finally begun ME3, got off to a dramatic start. I felt that the combat game play of ME2 is more refined, this one dint seem that smooth, maybe its just my old GPU. They have made it more user friendly with the helpful navigation tips. The forte of the game is in the storyline, and thats still keeping me going.

I remember her commenting about EDI's voice being sexy (or something to that extent). Then I drop in to see what Diana Allers is up to and I can't help but eavesdrop on her conversation with Traynor. Traynor keeps complimenting Diana on her looks and that just gave away her intentions.

I love her accent though. Too bad, we only got around playing chess.

I so wanna hook up with Allers, but when Liara asked if I still felt the same way, I know I should have said 'lets just be friends' (knowing Allers is lurking in the basement) but I couldnt, I am a loyal man. Btw, do I still have a chance with Allers? To folks that had Chambers alive from ME2, I am guessing she is not part of the initial crew?!
Started the game a few days back and I love it, feels great to be back in the ME 3 universe again. The only thing so far that has kind of put me off is the War Asset scanning part and the entire Reaper Alertness thingy... this brings me to a question: What does collecting all the War Assets (minus the wreckage and fuel sources) actually do? I was planning to just collect the War Assets and skipping the various fuel and wreckage locations altogether to bypass the Reaper Alertness by a good length.
Improve your EMS or the readiness for your final confrontation with the reapers. This value is detrimental for deciding the type of ending.

Okay, thanks for the info mate

Is doing a mission the only way to decrease Reaper Alertness once they come out to investigate? Leaving through the Mass Relay and coming back without doing another mission apparently does not do anything in re-setting the Reaper Alertness system it seems.
That is true. Just play tag with them. Get out of the system, come back again, get your resources quick, leave. Rinse, wash, repeat.
That is true. Just play tag with them. Get out of the system, come back again, get your resources quick, leave. Rinse, wash, repeat.

Hahaha! The game with the Reaper Alertness and evasion reminds me of the retro space oriented games I remember playing as a kid. I actually did some scanning today for War Assets, things get real tricky where you need to visit planetary systems with more than one War Asset present in them. I had a close shave evading the the Reapers today on Exodus Cluster (Asgard) today!
Well, finished the game yesterday! Was an amazing experience. The game is just filled with amazing moments, some which I never thought would happen.

Some of my decisions in this game:

Cured the Krogan genophage. Krogans become huge contributors to the force. Wrex and his unit of Krogans come to Earth for the final battle.

Mordin Solus sacrificed himself during this mission.

Let the Rachni queen live again. She responds by sending a few rachni workers to help with the crucible. This adds 100 points to the galactic score. But no other role for them other than this. Grunt somehow, against all the odds, survives this mission. He really is a super-soldier!!

Resolved the Quarian-Geth war peacefully. The Quarians get their Homeworld back and the Geths are welcomed as a True AI race and live side by side with the Quarians. Legion dies in this mission.

Romanced Liara again this time. My paramour for ME2 Tali ended up with Garrus, which is good. Joker and EDI also ended up being a couple.

For final ending, I ended up choosing to destroy the reapers, which means even the Geth and EDI also died.

Now, for the rant about the ending. It sucked balls. I mean, at the last moment they decide to bring in a new character. This is actually comparable to the Architect showing up in Matrix 2. Also, the ending doesnt explain much as to what exactly happened. Why was this cycle of reapers killing organics taking place? Who created the reapers, the catalyst, the mass relays? What exactly happened to Normandy? What happened to my crew members? Who survived/died? ME2's ending was much more clear on this. This was just dumb and vague.
Ok guys, about 30% into the game ( i presume, have a ton of missions on my journal) question...

Why does bioware have a habit of punishing the Paragons, I lost my 2 favorite characters, lost Wrex in ME and Mordin in ME3!!!

Question: When is it best to play the 'From Ashes' DLC?
Had your Paragon been high enough you could've saved Wrex in ME1.

You can save Mordin too based on certain decisions on ME1 & 2, but I don't think it's a full paragon route.

From Ashes takes you back to Eden Prime. I would play that first before anything else.
Had your Paragon been high enough you could've saved Wrex in ME1.

You can save Mordin too based on certain decisions on ME1 & 2, but I don't think it's a full paragon route.

From Ashes takes you back to Eden Prime. I would play that first before anything else.

Dayum, ME1 was fun, was getting the hang of it, dint do any side missions, maybe thats why I had low Paragon points. Thanks for the tip on the DLC, ill do just that.

as #[member='tifosi'] mentioned, you were not paragon enough.

Anyone know which are the points which decide whether Mordin survives or not? I believe Bioware has a habit of using character hardening in their games. My bro mentioned they had something like this in Dragon Age. So, is this also something like that?

BTW, did anyone else think Grunt was also a goner when he jumped among those Ravagers like that? Man, was I shocked to see him emerge out of the cave completely drenched in blood like that!! I have become a huge fan of Grunt and krogans in general after that.
Mordin and the genophage cure :

Saving Mordin requires a lot of work :

In order to keep Mordin alive, you need to have

1) Not saved Maelon's data in ME2, and

2) Urdnot Wreav must be the leader of the Krogans (that is, Wrex must have died on Virmire in ME1).

3) You must sabotage the genophage cure in ME3

4) You must have a high paragon/renegade score to convince Mordin to let you sabotage the cure, or else you will end up shooting him

I loved Mordin, but I could not bring myself to kill Wrex in ME1 or sabotage the cure in ME3.
I need to know something:

I had totally forgotten to talk to Miranda at the Docks on the Citadel and have completed the Citadel II priority mission so now Miranda is nowhere to be found on the docks anymore or elsewhere on the Citadel. I'm worried now that I might have botched up. I read that even if Shepard does not talk to Miranda before the Citadel II priority mission (where the Citadel is under attack) she will later contact Shepard on his personal console aboard the Normandy and ask him to meet him via the Communications Console in the Spectre Office in the Citadel Embassies. Now, does this really happen?
Yes she will. I missed her initially and she did contact Shepard later.

Man your a savior, seriously thanks a ton!! I was like OMG I might have to reload a previous save-game and then re-do so much stuff now (along with the planet scans!) due to this mistake!! Now I can relax and get on with the game and have my eyes peeled for her message on the console.