Mass Effect 3 - Discussion Thread

I have completed around 9 hrs in this one.Btw didnt find miranda near the docking bay in citadel.

That's odd,if you got her mail she should be standing at the shuttle bay looking out the glass into the citadel where you see the normandy.

Answered my thoughts in the spoiler tag.

Yea, this is what I wanted to select. BUT, I had no idea which color "Destroy reapers" was. I somehow calculated that destroying reapers must be the Paragon choice therefore blue and like an idiot walked into blue choice.
Saw the other endings on youtube, did not feel like reloading it again.

More thoughts,

Yeah...that makes sense.Choosing the blue(paragon) option is supposed to be the most noble and rewarding option.Whereas this time the shepard who you've invested in emotionally so much over the entire trilogy disintegrates and dies
The green ending is even more painful,where he floats into the beam with his eyes closed and he sacrifices himself for the entire galaxy to have peace and turn into half biological synthetics(although this ending is happy for joker as he gets EDI).

I'd like to add that even though I'm slightly unhappy with the ending I'm really happy with the series as a whole and I still have faith that Bioware had the right ideas behind the ending.I'm just waiting for future DLCs(and still hoping for news of a sequel) that will hopefully complete/extend the story.
Guys just wanna know something

if i hadnt allowed the get VI to upload the new code to the geth fleet would i have saved tali from dying and made her my squad mate?
Guys just wanna know something

if i hadnt allowed the get VI to upload the new code to the geth fleet would i have saved tali from dying and made her my squad mate?

I'm pretty sure there's another way to save Tali. In my playthrough I could simply talk down the migrant fleet from attacking, and Legion goes ahead and sacrificies himself to upload the reaper code and the Geth and Quarians make peace. I guess you can do this if you reputation is high enough.
so you are saying i could have retained tali as my Team mate?

Yeah dude you can save her and make her join your squad.If you don't have the paragon option then let them destroy the geth,don't let legion upload.Tali will be happy and join your squad

I CHOSE THE other option the stupid migrant fleet could have cease fired and everyone would have been happy

well time for another play through loved tali too much ,i already lost mordin not tali i will try to save her again.
We should rename the thread as Mass Effect 3 Spoiler thread, can't see any new post without being slapped with spoilers tags

lol yea, I got a sense of the ending long before I started the game, but thats bound to happen, when you read stuff related to the game. I am still enjoying my game though!
Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut DLC Will Fix Ending

BioWare announced their solution to Mass Effect 3's much-criticized ending today. They're going to release a free DLC pack called Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut that expands the role-playing game's conclusion.

It's not clear whether there will be additional gameplay content. BioWare mentions that the Extended Cut will feature extra cinematics and epilogue scenes, though, in order to give players "further clarity" about the end. I'm expecting a Fallout: New Vegas-like ending where we find out the results of some of our individual choices throughout the campaign.

“We are all incredibly proud of Mass Effect 3 and the work done by Casey Hudson and team,†said BioWare co-founder Ray Muzyka. “Since launch, we have had time to listen to the feedback from our most passionate fans and we are responding. With the Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut we think we have struck a good balance in delivering the answers players are looking for while maintaining the team’s artistic vision for the end of this story arc in the Mass Effect universe.â€

It's an amazing about-face for the company. At first, they said that they were happy that the ending polarized fans. Still, a lot of the criticism wasn't simply about the content of the ending but its execution. It's a very short conclusion that doesn't reflect the numerous choices players have made throughout the campaign. Frankly, it felt rushed and I'm glad BioWare is willing to fix it.

"We have reprioritized our post-launch development efforts to provide the fans who want more closure with even more context and clarity to the ending of the game, in a way that will feel more personalized for each player," added executive producer Casey Hudson.

Extended Cut will be available this summer on the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

Source: Cinemablend
Saw this in IGN today. I am thinking of pausing my ME3 playthrough and waiting for the Extended Cut. Time to shotgun some fools in the face in BF3
Free DLC is all good as long as it gives us a proper ending and at least a 3 hour playthrough. I hope Casey Hudson is aware of fans' reactions already.
There is no "playthrough" for this DLC. This is what Bioware have said in the FAQ about the DLC:

What is BioWare adding to the ending with the Extended Cut DLC?

* BioWare will expanding on the ending to Mass Effect 3 by creating additional cinematics and epilogue scenes to the existing ending sequences. The goal of these new scenes is to provide additional clarity and closure to Mass Effect 3.

Why are you releasing the Extended Cut DLC?

* Though we remain committed and are proud of the artistic choices we made in the main game, we are aware that there are some fans who would like more closure to Mass Effect 3. The goal of the DLC is not to provide a new ending to the game, rather to offer fans additional context and answers to the end of Commander Shepard’s story.

So do not mistake this DLC to be a gameplay based extension. They are just trying to subdue the the mass hysteria caused by the bullshit ending. And this will take till summer to be ready.
I guess this will be the Epilogue which always has been a part of previous Bioware games. What happened to the characters based on what choices you made.
Downloaded resurgence pack ,will play today.

If anyone here interested in online multiplayer, post your id in this thread or just add my id "vivacious_tg".