I have completed around 9 hrs in this one.Btw didnt find miranda near the docking bay in citadel.
That's odd,if you got her mail she should be standing at the shuttle bay looking out the glass into the citadel where you see the normandy.
Answered my thoughts in the spoiler tag.
Yea, this is what I wanted to select. BUT, I had no idea which color "Destroy reapers" was. I somehow calculated that destroying reapers must be the Paragon choice therefore blue and like an idiot walked into blue choice.Saw the other endings on youtube, did not feel like reloading it again.
More thoughts,
Yeah...that makes sense.Choosing the blue(paragon) option is supposed to be the most noble and rewarding option.Whereas this time the shepard who you've invested in emotionally so much over the entire trilogy disintegrates and dies
The green ending is even more painful,where he floats into the beam with his eyes closed and he sacrifices himself for the entire galaxy to have peace and turn into half biological synthetics(although this ending is happy for joker as he gets EDI).
I'd like to add that even though I'm slightly unhappy with the ending I'm really happy with the series as a whole and I still have faith that Bioware had the right ideas behind the ending.I'm just waiting for future DLCs(and still hoping for news of a sequel) that will hopefully complete/extend the story.