Max Payne 3 - Discussion Thread

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Alias said:
Err, aren't you about 6 months late with that rant??? :S

well,i saw this thread yesterday and max payne remains my favorite game to this day[it was the 1st game I played on my 1st computer]
Well I sure hope he does not look like that Bald Guy. Heck he even has a shadow of a pot belly. Groan. What are these guys doing. And it better be situated in the city. The original hero had so much spunk. He was so so uber kewl. One of the first PC games I played, with proper graphics. Still remember those slow-mo affects. Then F.E.A.R. and TimeShift also used them.

^^ the bullet time effect made the game even more amazing.

i played the game over and over again just to see the bullets wheeze past old maxie!
Max Payne 3 postponed... AGAIN


Max Payne 3 has been delayed until some time after Halloween 2010, according to a press release from the game's publisher issued today.

The anticipated Rockstar sequel had been expected for release by then when last we heard from publisher Take Two Interactive.

Take-Two's update to investors indicates that L.A. Noire (also from Rockstar), Mafia II and Civilization V are all still planned for release sometime between August 1, 2010 and October 31.

The delay of a Rockstar game always stings, but the last delay turned out pretty well for gamers. Here's hoping a delayed Max Payne 3 turns out to be as good as the once-delayed Red Dead Redemption.
Source : Max Payne 3 Slips, Releasing Later Than Halloween
Re: Max Payne 3 postponed... AGAIN

i think it will release during 2012 or 2011 End......

Re: Max Payne 3 postponed... AGAIN

maybe this is just a publicity stunt.And then they'll change the name and release it later.Anyways forget it,Max Payne as we knew him died with maxpayne2
Re: Max Payne 3 postponed... AGAIN

I hope they are delaying the game because Max decided to go on a diet before going on another adventure.
Max Payne 3 is still alive. 2 new screens surface. :D Ok, so from the looks of it, I guess they did listen to the fans as we can see some hairs in the first screenshot. Well, to me it looks like some kind of a flashback chapter or something. Or maybe we start of like that in NYC and than some terrible sh1t happens which forces Max to go all Bruce willis and hunt his enemies down in Sao Palo. Whatever the case maybe, I am just happy my favorite series is back on the track. :)



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Arun.P said:
where is the website source and when they are coming :S
Proof: Max Payne 3 is Still Alive - Xbox 360 News at IGN

Hi-Res screenshots : He

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Ok ... upon observing the Hi-Res screens 4 things are clear to me.

1. Max with hair is not a flashback as you can see the wrinkles on his face which means that he is still old.

2. The background shows Hi rise buildings of New York City thus confirming that the game is not entirely gonna be based outside NYC which is a very good thing.

3. The lights of the the buildings are switched on which means the game is also gonna take place in the night just like previous titles thus retaining its noire look and feel. :D

4. Max Looks awful in a Hawaii shirt.

So, anyone wanna guess what happens which makes Max go bald? :P As the baldness is clearly a result of a razor and not hair loss. :P My guess is this : Max is still a NYPD Cop but some sh1t happens and he goes undercover in Sao Paulo thus explaining the mercenary look of the other screens.
Wow, now thats a relief after inital set of screenshot came up with peoples having -ve thoughts about!!

Good that they delayed the game, and I am still all hopes highs it comes out to be a good game with all the noir feeling from its previous versions :)
I have been waiting forever for this to come out. I plan to go for a system overhaul/console when this hits the shelves.
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