Max Payne 3 - Discussion Thread

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Re: Max Payne 3 - This Winter

Damn This Max Payne feels Really Empty without the dark noir feel i mean when you hear the word max payne only the dark gritty setting of a rainy new york flashes in your mind

i really dont know how well this will work untill we see some gameplay .i wish the old setting is back i dont want any dumb mercenary ravaging through jungle :(
Re: Max Payne 3 - This Winter


Still He is looking rusty enough......

Be prepared for a change people...... Bcoz you cant change what is coming anyways.....

So........Better Prepare for it
What have they done with this game... open environments? and that too farcry style.. max payne was abut closed places,buildings,dark narrow hallways. Looks nothing like the first 2 games except for the name.They should have stuck to the old theme.
I'm already missing the noir-esque style of original Max Payne game. :(

One would have thought that with all the available technology, they would create more darker, gritty and cold environments. Snowing city, creeping night and dark ally... and then Max Payne running crazy, guns blazing, taking down baddies in slo-mo action... sigh... whatever happened to all that? The teaser poster looked good and I thought we would see more bad-ass Max, more blood, gore and violence in the game, he would cuss everytime he pulled the trigger and there would more naked girls in the nightcluds that he would rip apart (club, not the girls :P).... bah...
The look of the character is not what I have problem with... that's Max, with shaved head and grown beard, probably got too burnt, too beaten to look like that... and that's all right. But the environment looks like Max Payne wandered off in Far Cry. Now that... my friends, is the real problem.
iGo said:
The look of the character is not what I have problem with... that's Max, with shaved head and grown beard, probably got too burnt, too beaten to look like that... and that's all right. But the environment looks like Max Payne wandered off in Far Cry. Now that... my friends, is the real problem.

If u see undertaker frm wwe in jeans t shirt would u like it......i agree even the environment also looks pathetic considering how max payne used to be dark environment...but the character clothing atleast shd have been maintained
The screenies look good, but for the name max payne, it just does not go along. Atleast they should have maintained the look of max payne...:( , anyway lets hope there's some good action, slow mo's etc in this game.
Bluffmater said:
Actually yeah, he did look more bad ass in that attire. Remember his bike entrance days?

Yeah... I agree. I think the "baldy" Max looks really badass. Sort of like, no-nonsense, fist-to-the-face (or gun-to-the-forehead) kind of guy... plus that grown beard and scarred face adds more teeth to his beaten up, has-been NY cop character. While, I kinda, sorta agree that the bald and beard look is maybe little overdone, they should have left some hair on his head, maybe little longer, grunge look. I would imagine Max to be little like that, after so many years... being beaten at his own game, lost and wounded. But I would still want him kicking some serious ass in the dark new york city in a cold winter night... even if it's on the other side of the fence (ex-cop, outlaw types vigilante). Not running around on sunny day, around the green bushes.
Dr.ashish said:
What have they done with this game... open environments? and that too farcry style.. max payne was abut closed places,buildings,dark narrow hallways. Looks nothing like the first 2 games except for the name.They should have stuck to the old theme.

Exactly what I had in mind ! :no::(
I dont even like to hear the name of Max Payne linked with that low class characcter!
of it;s true, this is a disaster of such a High brand game!!!
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