MH-BJP Govt dictate : Marathi movies on prime time :P

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Please see my replies below:

I completely understand the point, you're trying to make. Don't cry foul when Tamilians impose the same For Tamil movies in Chennai or Kannadigas do the same in Bengaluru. There's so much hue and cry when the people of the state wanted to change the name of the state capital.
I really do not get the point here. Kannad language or Tamilian (or matter of fact any Dravidian substratum language) are really not dying languages, per say. Nor is Marathi matter of fact. I fail to see this as a preservation practice. It is just being hawkish and forcing judgments for free speech and creativity. As well as controlling business.

The problem here's all the movie industries where most people understand hindi are in shambles, whether it's Marathi or Gujarati or Punjabi. South Indian movies are basically surviving and excelling because they've their audience base intact. They'd rather watch the hindi superhits dubbed or remade in their native language than watching it in hindi. That's why many mega budget hindi movies are dubbed and released in telugu and Tamil simultaneously.
Oh, come on...! Just because a certain business segment is doing better, the loosing half cannot crib about the competition being stronger. And then try to neuter the same. Hindi language cinema is not actually being forced on the population. They make more business (or better) sense and are armed with more fiscal and popularity vectors. If the penetration audience is present for a product, not matter how one tries the article is going to seep in and be consumed. It might, differ in Russia or maybe China...! Society should not be marshaled and shepherded as it is being tried here.

Earlier literature used to be the commonest mode of creativity in any language and movies have slowly replaced it for the common man. So to save their linguistic heritage in movie and digital era respective state governments have to take certain steps, and MH government is in right direction to save it's movie industry.
They can promote these activities -still- using the other mediums you have listed as failures. The government is just taking the easy route via subjugation and force-rule. Schools are still free to implement local languages.

The root cause of this issues is unwillingness of Hindi speaking population to learn and support local languages. When the city and state has given you so much that you settle down here, you should respect local language and culture.
Ethnocentric views, in today's day and age are useless and get one no where. As long as people are living as legal citizens and paying taxes and not into crime, there in no need to learn a local language. I personally believe in knowing as many languages as possible (and am learning my wife's native language too), but it should not be a mandate or frowned upon, if one does not yield. India is one of the most ethnocentric nation in this world, and that is our huge delta. We can never be united. Not talking about language here (which you have addressed below), but as Indians. Regarding culture: Indians of most of the respective states, have a lot of shared culture. That is enough of a contribution by migratory population sets. What else you expect as "respect to culture"..? Watching vernacular movies in the cinemas..?

Second and "biggest misconception is Hindi is a National language of India" . No it is not, it's a popular language in India but there's no official ordinance which supports this misconception.
This debate is not even about this. Why would this augmentation be raised, anyways..? It was attempted to be made an Official Language, but was rejected, and rightly so. All States, are allowed to use English and one local language for governance and civil proceedings. It was a popularity vote which suggested Hindi to be made National, but was put-down. I see nothing, wrong with this.

Then why is govt of India paying from it's pocket to popularize hindi, when it's not superior than any other regional language according to constitution ?? All languages spoken in India should be given equal preference by central government. So I don't find anything wrong in state governments coming up with measures to support their language and culture. When native hindi speaking population tries to use this unsupported myth to impose hindi and cover up their unwillingness to learn local language ; state governments have all the rights to do so.
Primarily, because the majority speakers understand Hindi and its related dialects. Mainly the Indo-Aryan branch of languages. Which was wrong. I totally agree. Though, what you are saying, that using cinema halls as a preservationist strategy is finitely sane, is incorrect. Culture and linguistics cannot be guided in such a manner. Too complex...! I fail to see: Where the native Hindi speaking population is propagating for National Status. Yes, the think-tanks and politicians are, but are they the common man..? The tit-for-tat corollary stated above sounds like a regime movement, well..almost...!

The central government should clarify that Hindi is not the official language.
I think it has.

Stop promoting hindi at the expense of the exchequer.

Ideally English should be our national language not hindi.
Well, Ok. Sounds good.

We're United because of English not because of Hindi
LOL. Indians can never be united. Just travel 300-500 km out from your house, you shall know our UNITY.

By the way, in most of your sentences, you never typed Hindi, with a capital "H". Why..?

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Whether the state Govt does it or central, there is nothing good about such nonsensical rules and laws.

As a matter of fact, there is nothing wrong in wanting to preserve Marathi movie industry. The right way to go about it and one that might work is to directly promote the industry so that they are enabled and empowered to make some good quality stuff and see where it goes from there. Are you telling me that people won't watch good stuff that is their local language.

The wrong way to go about it and one that will never work is to drag regionalism politics into the mix and bring in retrograde laws try to force people into watching the sub standard stuff that they did not bother watching till then. People are not going to part with their hard earned money to watch bad movies just because the Govt is limiting their options.

So first this government should scrap Hindi Prachar Sabha, as it's unethical to support one regional language out of hard earned tax payers money. Make it a level playing field. Bias of DD1 for Hindi programs should be abolished too.

Don't equate anti Hindi popularization and pro regional language support with lack of patriotism. We have unity in diversity. This is one more misconception that anti Hindi is equated with anti India stand.

This law is enacted long back, Multiplexes are claiming a tax rebates by screening Marathi movies but tactfully avoiding the prime time, to suit their needs. Government has nailed this cheating and paid media (presstitutes ) are crying foul.

Now coming to standards.. If you're saying the mainstream Hindi and English movies shown in Multiplexes as standard then no comments. The only thing standard and innovative about majority mainstream movies is Marketing ! Which low budget, limited audience regional films can't afford, government coming to their rescue is commendable .

Government is properly enforcing a law ; so a person wanting to catch up a Marathi movie during prime time shouldn't be forced to watch So called Standard movies with his hard earned money. The options should be equally available.

If say down the years if Marathi film industry dies, the whole blame will be that MH government didn't do enough. Availability of Marathi movies universally across movie shows is a basic requirement to promote Marathi film industry.

There was a more didactic law in Karnataka, which luckily isn't enforced well. Non kannada movies can be screened only after 4 weeks of their initial release and not simultaneously with national release ! The idea is by 4 weeks all pirated copies will be available and half of the public would've seen in Metro like Bangalore & they won't run even if they're released with a Bang after 4 weeks in Karnataka. Resulting in losses to distribution network of non kannada movies.
^^ Lets not talk about Unity in diversity and nonsense like that which never applied to India, not in the past and not now. Indian sub continent never had unity in any form. This whole region was made up of hundreds of small kingdoms all which fought with each other all the time. Anytime that at least some parts of the country were together was when some dominant ruler conquered the smaller kings and ruled with force and by imposing fear. This was why India has been easily taken over by so many outsiders. Even when parts of the country was under such unified rule before the British, it was mostly limited to the northern parts of the country. For all purposes India as we know it today was created by the British.

Hindi never had any reasonable justification to be be an official language, leave alone a national language of the country. Even English was justified to be an official language because every corner of the country had English speakers and it was had already achieved the status of a global language. So all that discussion about Hindi is useless. As I said before, these are all retrograde moves to appease people for gaining vote banks without achieving anything of real substance.

A language is an aid for communication and its purpose is to make people understand one another. Its purpose is not dividing people.

I am also just about fed up with people everywhere talking about preserving Indian culture or this and that local culture. So, let me say that respecting ones culture does not equate to blindly clinging to it like lame losers who have nothing else worthwhile about their life. Culture is the cumulative knowledge, wisdom and experiences of our ancestors and and such knowledge and experiences are meant to be used to improve our lives for the better. You learn from both the good and bad things about your culture and you keep the good stuff and try to correct the mistakes (not ignore them, not cling to them, not justify or defend them) of your ancestors so that your life is better for it. That is how you respect your culture, by constantly adding and improving it. That is what you ultimately pass on to your next generations. If anybody wants to say that their culture is already at its pinnacle and there is no more scope for improvement, that just reeks of either arrogance or ignorance. Without that constant drive to improve what you have in every generation, your culture is already dead.
1) If you understood even B of business or even read my last few posts you would have understood how this is infact GOOD for business here.
How? If the people are not interested in Marathi movies, the theaters will run empty. How will it be good for business? And are producers of Marathi movies going to get any extra if movies run at prime time with empty theaters?

2)377??? Huh.... where did that come from in this topic? on the same basis why not discuss abortions in sweden and human rights in arab countries also... point is stick to the topic.
I think you did not get my point. I am not talking about any human rights violations, etc. There are large number of useless redundant or draconian or absurd laws in India which aren't enforced. Modi govt. is trying to identify and end such laws. This law about screening movies was one of such and wasn't enforced as it was bad for business. I just wanted to counter the argument that it was an old law - it definitely is, but why the BJP govt is adamant to enforce it?

3) There are more tamil/telugu movies screened in Pune than Marathi. MH ppl dont see that as being forced upon them... again you are comparing apples and oranges. I dont know why I am even replying to this nonsense.
Because your "Marathi manoos" find them more entertaining than their own movies. MH people don't see this as being forced upon because they are being blinded by the greatness of their culture and language by some opportunist politicians who just want to cash on this public sentiment.

4)FYI Hindustan Motors was started with the intention of making world class vehicles in India and compete with global market. It was in collaboration with some European car company but again idea was the same and it had it giant role in promoting Indian cars. Sadly they could not keep with time and now its all history but if it was not for Hindustan Motors we would be decades behind the world in Auto sector. Its Contessa that first emerged as a luxury sedan of the Indians moving from higher middle class to rich classes. But how would you know....
Why should I know? I just need to know that the company was discontinued because of fall in demand just like your movies.

Demand supply is fine but not when either the demand or the supply is controlled by a monopoly. Every heard the story of the sale of monkeys?
How is it monopoly? People choose to buy some product over others, the seller stocks more of that product. It is not that the people had no choice.

Its again the same thing. You assume that MH ppl think they are superior. Try speaking hindi with a auto driver in Chennai or Blore and try that in Pune.
Because, auto drivers in Pune are most likely to be Bihari.
Anyways, people in the south don't like to talk in Hindi but they don't go around hurling abuses on North Indians like people of MAH do. Whatever few states in India I have visited, I did not find such mentality problem like in MAH. Please note that I have never been to MAH but the speeches of Raj Thackrey in the news is enough.

And anyways.... MH govt did what they did... if you or me does not agree with it that then they are not going to change the rule for us.
So nobody has the right to question the decisions of the govt they elected? Is it a dictatorship?

And the funny thing is ppl who are never going to watch a marathi movie or even end up watching movies in MH are commenting ... Hypocrisy....
"Begani shaadi mei abdullah diwna"
True that. I wouldn't have involved in this thread only if there wasn't a comment about people from Bihar flocking in huge nos. without train tickets to Mah.
I am a Bengali, so this shouldn't have affected me but being born and brought up in Jharkhand, this pissed me a lot.

I never said they are INDIAN inventions. They are licensed models(some oxford series I think from UK) but Ambassador was the first to be mass produced in India. Though HM was owned by Birlas the govt gave partial treatment for Ambassador to promote the Indian auto industry. Had the then govt not supported HM and kept on relying on the imported cars available then .... The Indian auto industry would not be what it is today.
True they could not keep up even after been favored by Govt so they are out of business now. But same with Marathi cinema. They are lagging behind commercially. They are not short of talent. So nothing wrong in MH govt giving a little support.
So which other "commercially lagging" industries are the Mah govt going to support next?

I dont think MH needs idiots like lalus and buffalo man and netajis to tell them how to run the state when they have got their own heap of shit to clear.
This again!
So agree disagree and whatever.... this thing is here to stay....
It seems they did have to backtrack a little. Lets see what next.

The root cause of this issues is unwillingness of Hindi speaking population to learn and support local languages. When the city and state has given you so much that you settle down here, you should respect local language and culture.
Nobody has the time to learn local languages in between busy professional lives. That doesn't mean that they disrespect that language.

Second and "biggest misconception is Hindi is a National language of India" . No it is not, it's a popular language in India but there's no official ordinance which supports this misconception.
Only illiterate people have this misconception.

Then why is govt of India paying from it's pocket to popularize hindi, when it's not superior than any other regional language according to constitution ?? All languages spoken in India should be given equal preference by central government. So I don't find anything wrong in state governments coming up with measures to support their language and culture. When native hindi speaking population tries to use this unsupported myth to impose hindi and cover up their unwillingness to learn local language ; state governments have all the rights to do so.
On wrong policy cannot justify another.

The central government should clarify that Hindi is not the official language. Stop promoting hindi at the expense of the exchequer.
Ideally English should be our national language not hindi. We're United because of English not because of Hindi
Only a very few people in India know English. So this premise is absurd.

"Even if the new rule is exclusive of that, we are fine with it since films will have to work on merit. People will watch Marathi films over Hindi films if the content is good”.
This should be the conclusion of the whole debate.
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^^ Lets not talk about Unity in diversity and nonsense like that which never applied to India, not in the past and not now. Indian sub continent never had unity in any form. This whole region was made up of hundreds of small kingdoms all which fought with each other all the time. Anytime that at least some parts of the country were together was when some dominant ruler conquered the smaller kings and ruled with force and by imposing fear. This was why India has been easily taken over by so many outsiders. Even when parts of the country was under such unified rule before the British, it was mostly limited to the northern parts of the country. For all purposes India as we know it today was created by the British.

Hindi never had any reasonable justification to be be an official language, leave alone a national language of the country. Even English was justified to be an official language because every corner of the country had English speakers and it was had already achieved the status of a global language. So all that discussion about Hindi is useless. As I said before, these are all retrograde moves to appease people for gaining vote banks without achieving anything of real substance.

A language is an aid for communication and its purpose is to make people understand one another. Its purpose is not dividing people.

I am also just about fed up with people everywhere talking about preserving Indian culture or this and that local culture. So, let me say that respecting ones culture does not equate to blindly clinging to it like lame losers who have nothing else worthwhile about their life. Culture is the cumulative knowledge, wisdom and experiences of our ancestors and and such knowledge and experiences are meant to be used to improve our lives for the better. You learn from both the good and bad things about your culture and you keep the good stuff and try to correct the mistakes (not ignore them, not cling to them, not justify or defend them) of your ancestors so that your life is better for it. That is how you respect your culture, by constantly adding and improving it. That is what you ultimately pass on to your next generations. If anybody wants to say that their culture is already at its pinnacle and there is no more scope for improvement, that just reeks of either arrogance or ignorance. Without that constant drive to improve what you have in every generation, your culture is already dead.

Ideally Language should not divide, Ideally religion should not divide individuals ; is in the same lines as Unity in Diversity ...
So is the definition of culture, but in practicality it is never works that way. Governments have the right take measures to save their linguistic identity. Since movies have partially replaced novels as mass mode of linguistic creativity , the local governments should ensure their movie industries. they are doing what they can. They are not forcing anyone to go and watch but supporting those who want to watch.
I wouldn't have involved in this thread only if there wasn't a comment about people from Bihar flocking in huge nos. without train tickets to Mah.
I am a Bengali, so this shouldn't have affected me but being born and brought up in Jharkhand, this pissed me a lot.

Neither I am Maharashtrian , Nor I hate Hindi per se. this is my 5th indian state and 4th Local language learning.

Nobody has the time to learn local languages in between busy professional lives. That doesn't mean that they disrespect that language.

It is lame excuse #2 to cover your unwillingness to learn, You would not say that in Chennai for Tamil & Italian in Rome. Same busy people change overseas. Necessity is the mother.. The states liberal enough , not to force their local languages will have to be happy with such excuses.

Only illiterate people have this misconception.

It is a popular misconception among illiterates who can use facebook & Youtube

On wrong policy cannot justify another.

Those who did not protest the first wrong policy , cannot protest the other ; root cause needs to be addressed.

Only a very few people in India know English. So this premise is absurd.

Had English been promoted instead of Hindi , it would have been more useful for the countrymen.

This should be the conclusion of the whole debate.

^^ Lets not talk about Unity in diversity and nonsense like that which never applied to India, not in the past and not now. Indian sub continent never had unity in any form. This whole region was made up of hundreds of small kingdoms all which fought with each other all the time. Anytime that at least some parts of the country were together was when some dominant ruler conquered the smaller kings and ruled with force and by imposing fear. This was why India has been easily taken over by so many outsiders. Even when parts of the country was under such unified rule before the British, it was mostly limited to the northern parts of the country. For all purposes India as we know it today was created by the British.

Hindi never had any reasonable justification to be be an official language, leave alone a national language of the country. Even English was justified to be an official language because every corner of the country had English speakers and it was had already achieved the status of a global language. So all that discussion about Hindi is useless. As I said before, these are all retrograde moves to appease people for gaining vote banks without achieving anything of real substance.

A language is an aid for communication and its purpose is to make people understand one another. Its purpose is not dividing people.

I am also just about fed up with people everywhere talking about preserving Indian culture or this and that local culture. So, let me say that respecting ones culture does not equate to blindly clinging to it like lame losers who have nothing else worthwhile about their life. Culture is the cumulative knowledge, wisdom and experiences of our ancestors and and such knowledge and experiences are meant to be used to improve our lives for the better. You learn from both the good and bad things about your culture and you keep the good stuff and try to correct the mistakes (not ignore them, not cling to them, not justify or defend them) of your ancestors so that your life is better for it. That is how you respect your culture, by constantly adding and improving it. That is what you ultimately pass on to your next generations. If anybody wants to say that their culture is already at its pinnacle and there is no more scope for improvement, that just reeks of either arrogance or ignorance. Without that constant drive to improve what you have in every generation, your culture is already dead.

The religion should not divide people, Language should not divide people, Ideal definition of culture etc.. are not in the same lines as Preaching ?? Practically it never works like that.
Central govt tries to popularize Hindi (though it is just another regional language) and state Govts try to save their linguistic identity.
Please see my replies below:

Sorry Missed your Post .. Tapatalk issues.

I really do not get the point here. Kannad language or Tamilian (or matter of fact any Dravidian substratum language) are really not dying languages, per say. Nor is Marathi matter of fact.

it is the perception of the native people in respective Metros, the local language not being given the due importance.

Oh, come on...! Just because a certain business segment is doing better, the loosing half cannot crib about the competition being stronger. And then try to neuter the same. Hindi language cinema is not actually being forced on the population.

Talent never is the decisive factor in this country, we have reservations & quotas . Govt has to support.

The government is just taking the easy route via subjugation and force-rule. Schools are still free to implement local languages.

No it is just properly enforcing the rule which was there long before, nailing the cheat carried out by multiplexes of showing Marathi movies only for namesake. Similar to Corporate Hospitals showing 25% Free beds for the poor for namesake & getting tax rebates.

Ethnocentric views, in today's day and age are useless and get one no where. As long as people are living as legal citizens and paying taxes and not into crime, there in no need to learn a local language. I personally believe in knowing as many languages as possible (and am learning my wife's native language too), but it should not be a mandate or frowned upon, if one does not yield. India is one of the most ethnocentric nation in this world, and that is our huge delta.

if everyone is as liberal it is a great thing & a great new direction to go. Practically it is never so.

Primarily, because the majority speakers understand Hindi and its related dialects. Mainly the Indo-Aryan branch of languages. Which was wrong.

which is the first thing to be objected , How can Central Govt support one regional language over other ??

By the way, in most of your sentences, you never typed Hindi, with a capital "H". Why..?

No it is tapatalk & Swiftkey auto corrections, Not intentional, Too busy to sit in front of a PC. Not busy enough NOT to learn the local language
I think the best way govt can do to promote marathi cinema is that, make them tax free (entertainment tax :p) , ticket prices will go down, and they might find much more viewers :p

*don't have current idea of entertainment tax on marathi cinema :p
Because, auto drivers in Pune are most likely to be Bihari.
Anyways, people in the south don't like to talk in Hindi but they don't go around hurling abuses on North Indians like people of MAH do. Whatever few states in India I have visited, I did not find such mentality problem like in MAH. Please note that I have never been to MAH but the speeches of Raj Thackrey in the news is enough.
KRK/deshdrohi fan spotted.

How? If the people are not interested in Marathi movies, the theaters will run empty. How will it be good for business? And are producers of Marathi movies going to get any extra if movies run at prime time with empty theat
you are assuming screens with marathi movies run empty.
a major chunk of marathi movie watcher public would prefer to watch a movie in a multiplex than in a single screen theatre.

theatres would lose money if they were forced to compulsorily screen marathi movies on all screens. but since that aint the case, your argument is invalid.
Because your "Marathi manoos" find them more entertaining than their own movies. MH people don't see this as being forced upon because they are being blinded by the greatness of their culture and language by some opportunist politicians who just want to cash on this public sentiment.

again wrong assumption.
pune , mumbai or any other metropolis has a large influx of people coming in from other states,due to better job opportunites,infrastructure and so on.
So, its just not the "Marathi Manoos" who watches those movies.
infact i know a lot of non marathi public including some of our forum members who prefer watching marathi movies with subtitles.

if given a choice ,i would prefer to watch a marathi movie in a multiplex than a single screen theatre.
if not in a multiplex, i would be watching it in my home.
this rule covers that aspect.

I think the best way govt can do to promote marathi cinema is that, make them tax free (entertainment tax :p) , ticket prices will go down, and they might find much more viewers :p

*don't have current idea of entertainment tax on marathi cinema :p
another 2 Rs comment from 2 Rs people.
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KRK/deshdrohi fan spotted.

you are assuming screens with marathi movies run empty.
a major chunk of marathi movie watcher public would prefer to watch a movie in a multiplex than in a single screen theatre.

theatres would lose money if they were forced to compulsorily screen marathi movies on all screens. but since that aint the case, your argument is invalid.

again wrong assumption.
pune , mumbai or any other metropolis has a large influx of people coming in from other states,due to better job opportunites,infrastructure and so on.
So, its just not the "Marathi Manoos" who watches those movies.
infact i know a lot of non marathi public including some of our forum members who prefer watching marathi movies with subtitles.

if given a choice ,i would prefer to watch a marathi movie in a multiplex than a single screen theatre.
if not in a multiplex, i would be watching it in my home.
this rule covers that aspect.
I still can't understand if there is so much demand of Marathi movies and people are dying to watch them, why do MP owners have problem with screening them in real-time & why does govt. need to push them?

In Kolkata, Bengali movies are screened in MPs in all the slots without anyone forcing them.
@Superbad , thx for upgrading my status :p, till now i was bhikari with 0 rupee value, you upgraded it to 2 Rs. :D
Thanks for being a sport, well appreciated. You extinguished the fire before it burns.
With this virtue, you're the richest person in this forum.

It's this growing intolerance to others religious beliefs, culture, language and sentiments in the same nation is the issue here. With a digital age I hoped this intolerance will reduce, but it seems that our intolerance is increasing proportionally with our broadband speeds.
Keeping this Politics debate to yourself, just stating my views on Marathi movie quality.

Firstly, I watch very less movies. These days I watch movies just in theaters or sometimes when they air on TV. Last time I saw a movie on my computer was 6 years back! Hobbies and work, means I don't require movies to keep me entertained.
I prefer Marathi movies over Hindi.
These days in Music department also, I prefer Marathi over Hindi. My favorites channels on TV for Music 9X Jhakass, Maiboli, Z Talkies(Marathi), VH1 and 9XO(English). In morning, I sometimes switch to 9XJalwa, SonyMix for Hindi oldies and 90's Music.
Last year there were 2 movies(Anvatt, Narbachi Waadi) that I wanted to watch, but couldn't as they were not screening in Pune. Same can be said about some English flicks that I wanted to watch, or some English flicks that I rather not watch dubbed in Hindi!
Take example of my mom: Back in days of Doordarshan's prominence, she used to watch Hindi Movies and Serials(Damini, Ramayan are the ones I remember). Now that lot of Marathi channels are prominent, I rarely see her watching Hindi program.

TL;DR- Marathi movies, music/songs are very good. Don't disrespect/derate art, over political issues.
On a side note, Regional jingoism in general has been on the rise across the country (no thanks to the regional parties' and their deplorable politicization of non issues)
What I find really scary though is this :
Regional jingoism was earlier limited to the less educated/blue collar sections of the populace- Many of us hoped that with improving standards of education/access to the wider world of information, the situation would improve
However, it appears that the situation has actually taken a turn for the worse- Well educated students/white collar workers often have no qualms about making blanket statements about the need for intra nation immigration control or a sweeping mandate about outsiders (whatever that means) to learn the local language .. ah, the list goes on

Personal and subjective observation - As much as people malign Chennai/TN, I personally think the state is right on top in terms of welcoming people from all across the country- Language hiccups aside, it would be rare for anyone to adopt a holier-than-thou stance for being a son of the soil vs a non Tamilnadu individual
And while a lot of people do take a lot of pride in the Tamizh culture and language (and it's great to take pride in one's heritage), no one would anyone try convince you of the inherent superiority of the Tamizh way over any other (With the exception of alcohol fuelled debates between friends ;) )

Personal and subjective observation again, Maharashtra seems to be taking a real bad turn for the worse on this front..
to keep the level playing field. same as what happens in karnataka. mind you nowhere as biased as karnataka govt
this incentive is more needed here since the market for marathi movies is available in maharashtra than other states.
So its disappointing to see this nonsense get repeated elsewhere.

What did the french do, create select theatres that only show french movies. Done.

this is to provide a level playing field, they are not directing the multiplex owners to run a movie for a definite amount of days or shows. if the movie is not worth earning profits, the screening will invariably stop.
You said timing was awkward. Let me give you an example of the last james bond movie. walked past a cinema realised it was showing. decided i wanted to see it later. then a week and a half later i decide to go. its not playing there any more. i'm thinking how can this be. two weeks and its not there any more ?

where else can i watch it, some multiplex further away. hmm. maybe some other time. another week passes. now the timing is either first thing in the morning or last thing at night. where else can i see this movie at a decent time. some multiplex at the edge of the city.

sound familiar ?
Personal and subjective observation - As much as people malign Chennai/TN, I personally think the state is right on top in terms of welcoming people from all across the country- Language hiccups aside, it would be rare for anyone to adopt a holier-than-thou stance for being a son of the soil vs a non Tamilnadu individual
And while a lot of people do take a lot of pride in the Tamizh culture and language (and it's great to take pride in one's heritage), no one would anyone try convince you of the inherent superiority of the Tamizh way over any other (With the exception of alcohol fuelled debates between friends ;) )
+1 to this. I've been to multiple cities in TN and never I've found people misbehaving when trying to talk with them in Hindi. Apart from the fact that most people do not understand Hindi of English there , people took their time in helping us out as much as possible. One gentleman even went with us from highway to the bus stop only to make sure we took the right bus at night even when his destination was somewhere else.

Personal and subjective observation again, Maharashtra seems to be taking a real bad turn for the worse on this front..
They seem to be in the forefront in language based discriminatory politics. Their linguistic politics is equivalent to caste based politics in other places in India. Both are to appease people for vote bank without any actual intention for upliftment.
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