yeah sure.but before that ,I hope governments world over end this monopoly of window$ operating system
They've tried, but havent been able to so far :devil2:
My reasoning is simple: Let those who want to *BUY* window$ problem.BUT - Let all governments worldwide enforce
Free(As in Freedom) Operating Sytems like GNU/Linux as Desktop operating system wherever Possible.
as said before , there is no enforced freedom. You can either make your own choice, or you are not free at all. Just the same way you are not free at all, because you cannot choose to use a microsoft product.
reason : Operating system is the core platform which must not be dependent on a private corportation.
I gave enough links in my previous posts.
Agree on that point. But for most users, its not relevant. the average joe and his grandma doesnt care about that , and big enterprises who do are already microsoft partners, so its not an issue for them.
No Jealousy.but anger.people are so lame.
and you are the supreme human being?
look at the kiddo's who love M$ window$ for ,seriously.Operating Systems are necessarily not for gamer platform.
but what about gamers, they do represent a big chunk of the PC market. should they just switch to consoles instead because an OS should not be used for games? Are you saying that because linux support for most games is spotty? because openGL is nowhere near DirectX?
if yes ,then proclaim M$ window$ as gaming GUI shell.
No problem.
People have TRIED to make linux better for gaming. look at con kolivas who wrote the Completely fair scheduler, to optimize linux for the desktop, but got shot down because the folks maintaining the linux kernel wanted to optimize it for server performance. At lease we know windows is in corporate control. You dont know which parts of linux are actually free
Window$ is the pride of Monopoly!It is the arrogance and influence of M$-haft how M$ still is used as a basic operating system world is high time ,banning window$ for common people(who are so idiotic to let m$ exploit them=read
DRM).security on window$?
Microsoft Sucks
how mwindows is used world wide has nothing to do with microsoft. Its a choice made by the users. You would blame the users and already have. the kid next door using winamp on windows to listen to music and watch movies doesnt care if windows is secure or not. he cant afford internet. People are not gonna sneak into his room and run lophtcrack and steal his mp3's and bollywood actress wallpaper collection
Proprietary model requires closed source.It's basic is in hideousness.proprietary model wants you to be under it's reverse compatibility ,no dedication to those who don't want to upgrade.this sucks big time.
funny, most windows programs run irrespective of which version of windows it is . I've run win 98 applications on vista and XP. and nothing much changes with an XP service pack. On the other hand , an ubuntu update needs pretty much every application to be updated
The Ideology is the Subscription system really works effective and evolved in a Open Source Platform.Hence the need for every program be Open Sourced a manadtory thing in a Free Society.
If you HAVE to share the code with everybody, its not a very free society is it ?
and Dont FUD that open source where codes can be seen by people !:tongue:
You mean they cant ?
M$UG(Window$ user group) -wrongly fanboys are those who can't tolerate linux or opensource at any point of time.they are locked -they gave their brain to microsoft body dared to understands that monopoly and closed source both sucks in reality.
And there are some Linux zealots who cant tolerate windows or a proprietary business model at any point in time. they are locked -they gave their brain to microsoft bashing. nobody dares to understand that there is a lot more to reality than their own closed minds and unrealistic idea of the world. Monopoly does suck, but closed source works beautifully sometimes. Has goole released any of its own Search engine source codes? do you find anyone finding fault with that , even these so called microsoft haters?
If microsoft and bill gates was not be there ,there can be more chance of free society.AFAIK ,mr.bill gates is one of the main fellow who wants to have the software closed source and wants to profit it on everyway possible.
Yes, its called commerce. people sell things to earn a profit. THats how a commercial enterprise works. you sell a product and earn money for the stakeholders. They just do it in a manner different to other FOSS companies
Open Source can also earn your food.At one time or another ,you all will have to leave window$.How many goverments(except india?) wants to rely on the moron who sells a closed operating system with god knows how many rootkits to harvest user data ,national security issues and what not?
I agree that for national security and govt institutions, an open source solution is preferable, but I believe Microsoft and other vendors already share their source code under the shared source program. so any exisitng rootkits can be verified by an independent audit of the code
Again ,Open Source Model means Open Source must be the norm.Gov must enforce Opensource for the complete success of Open source model.
It is a bit sad that the open source model needs government help and intervention to sustain itself. wouldnt a more robust model be preferable ?
GUI operating system?know this :customizedGUI of Ubuntu(Gnome or Kde) with compiz make the Window$ looks like a !#$%.
appearance is not all there is to an OS. compiz too bloats up an ubuntu install. I've removed it after the novelty wears off. to be honest. initially, they just added a lot of bling into compiz, and eventually the folks just got bored. there isnt anyone able to lead its developement!
Reliable?M$ Window$?ROFL!

.do you personally wrote and verified every code that window$ contains?LOL!
have you written even a single line of the linux kernel you love so?
If you support closed source model ,then you sure have issues with FOSS model.both cannot co-exist peacefully.atleast that's what I found after so many years.
FOSS expects it's first condition as : Having the source code available for download and accessible to modify/rewrite it to our choice.Will closed source lovers love this?
If FOSS cannot co exist with something else, how is it something else's problem :S
that they are wrong in sticking with a monopoly and support it to sell the buggy operating system.current ,past generations are responsible for this until slowly people will understand the true colour of monopoly.what Happened to Ambassedor car(Hindustan motors) after the license/quota raj ended can be a good source of study for microsoft and it's allies(fanboys included)
And yet the ambassador is still sold. Its not like they arent aware that there are other cars, but they prefer the ambassador. there always have been other alternatives to windows. OS X for instance
I equate Open Source to Jesus who was born in the Sinful Society!

- pretty much accurate.Richard M Stallman needs a Big Salute to have this movement growing.
Please dont bring religion into this. I am a christian, but if you say open source is jesus, then I'm an atheist
too tired:ashamed:. will reply to the rest tomorrow