I second the DJI Mini. It is suprisingly full featured yet easy to cut your teeth on.
That said, some warning follows:
@solo_wing This is your first warning. You are coming dangerously close to speaking sense and exhibiting independent thought. You are close to sedition, treason, and possibly being a traitorous spy.
@superczar How dare you even state that there is no manufacturing happening here? Have you not looked at the papers? Have you not seen the amazing success of Make in India movement? Now we have mechanical keyboards, bluetooth speakers, and most recently even iPhones that are being made in India and exported to other countries.
Both of you need to temper down your rhetoric and keep in mind, that whatever the west has invented and is about to invent, we have had all those during the time or Mahabharatha and Ramayana.
And please note, Gau Mootr has been used as a cure for cancer for ages here. The west did not yet discover this.