NFS Undercover thread: Post your game impressions

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jesal said:
well when i cheat i enjoy even more since i can buy anything and everything get out of trouble. its more fun like that :P . to each their own, im not very patient with games now, my gf takes all of that away from me. let me cheat here atlreast.... there is a good trainer on but u have to pay for it now that is stupid to pay for cheating lol

lol,good to hear that there will be no cheaters out there coz u folks need to pay for cheating ,so its like u need to purchase the game later purchase the trainer also :rofl: ,^jesal,try to play games without cheats ,u are gonna get the feel of the game , and more over we dont even tend to buy original games (i am talking in general) ,lets atleast not cheat the in game also ;)

PS: Once again Jesal no offence with u playing with cheats , probably ur enjoying by cheating :P
lol, how can you compare using a trainer with piracy? you might as well be lecturing him for playing an fps with only a keyboard. Its just a different way to play the game. No need to sit on his head for it. If it was in regards to multiplayer, then yes, your argument is justified, but not here. Also, using cheats can be taken as a sign of a badly designed game. Where the gameplay isnt satisfying enough to warrant the player to progress the way the developers intended. Considering how half baked Undercover has turned out I'm not surprised that people arent willing to wade through its mediocrity step by step and just want to see what the 'best' bits of the game are and be done with it.
:D My Experience :D

Game Installed > Sucked on my current Rig > Game UnInstalled.

:ohyeah: PS : I seriously need a total system upgrade. :ohyeah:​

But i have it on my PSP now , will play for few days and share my PSP experience here.
ok fine i will try to play without cheats till i lose my head, minute i lose it trainer here i come lol. and yes the game is not the best but i think u peoplle want too much out of a VIDEO GAME. realilty also has its limits. i like the game ill finish it too. i am a NFS sucker have been since series one and will go on surely. i dont care how bd the game is. GRID was awesome i finished the game too. its still better than this but hey what the heck i can kit cars here hehehe.....
OMG what a KAcchra, rubbish game !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is this like a Nokia 3310 port ? This is the worst car game I ever played, including Crazy Taxi series...

They could have just patched any of their previous games and released them as new.

Lol what a let down, I could make right angle turns at 200 mph, I am so sure even in NFS 1, I wasnt able to do that. And did mention how badly the game is coded for the PC. Grid looks much prettier and plays more smoothly on all systems compared to this crapware
not everyone can drive the way grid/gtr2/race 07/gtr evolution/live for speed/gran turismo/forza motorsport needs us to drive

most of the people I know prefer games for fun not to simulate real driving

i agree nfs prostreet was crap but that was because ea tried sim racing instead of arcade racing

i tried grid/gtr2/race 07/gtr evolution/live for speed & could not drive only so forget about admiring them

at least i can play nfs after a little adjusting of my hand
^^ Lol Udit you mistake me. I got frustrated no end playing Live for speed, gtr2.I am a casual gamer, infact even NFS underground in the latter part used to frustrate me. GRID however I can say is the perfect balance of sim to arcade for me...

But this game is a joke, its hardly any fun.... NFS carbon was so muchhh better. ANd this game is so badly coded for PC. I have a 7900GTO2 which is not new, but even on medium levels I get insane screen tearing (even with Vsnc off) FPS dives from 60 to 15-16 for no apparent reason etc...
I am die hard NFS fan, and havent missed any release since NFS II, but this game is a shocker. Absolute shocker.

I mean at this point I am so angry and annoyed that I am thinking of taking my retail copy, put it behind my car, and back my car over it crushing it into million pieces and then torch those pieces. It is that bad.

I am still to come to terms with how the hell EA managed to screw it up this badly. I mean come ON!!!! I tolerated even PS, but this is something *********.

Shripad said:
I am die hard NFS fan, and havent missed any release since NFS II, but this game is a shocker. Absolute shocker.

I mean at this point I am so angry and annoyed that I am thinking of taking my retail copy, put it behind my car, and back my card over it crushing it into million pieces and then torch those pieces. It is that bad.

I am still to come to terms with how the hell EA managed to screw it up this badly. I mean come ON!!!! I tolerated even PS, but this is something *********.

No, no dont do that, give it to me please :P
agreed. i just got it to see how bad could it possibly be from what everyone was saying. i totally agree with what was said in the ign review. very honest bit of review work done there.
^^ ya agree ign gave a perfect review der.
The game sucks even nfs diehard fan have to agree tht...
will not comment on graphics but gameplay **** to the core :P
Its a gd game for kids though :tongue:
I will prefer playing nfs most wanted all over agin this game really rocked :)
Well... I played it yesterday night and it felt somewhat like Most Wanted which IMPO was pretty good... TBH i never liked Grid cause i feel the car in that game feels like a cardborad box with tyres...

I have never managed to finish the second race in GRID... Maybe cause i suck but Undercover so far feels pretty decent...

So funky... So yourself a favour... Give it another shot... But this time with beer in one hand and chips on the other :P
I've stopped expecting anything from games... that means my expectation from any game is "0" :P
this helps... when i start playing the game... after a few days, it gets somewhat interesting... then it rises above my expectation... and i start liking the game... this holds true for NFSU and Farcry 2 ;)
^^ Farcry 2 was good, I dont know why ppl didnt like it, it was so much better then Farcry 1 and Crysis.

While you are at it, Farcry 2 is much better at driving sims then NFS undercover too :)
The first time I played this game, it made me recall what happened when I played ProStreet for the first time. I played ProStreet for a few days. The handling of the cars was terrible. That guy who used to speak on the mic after each and every race in ProStreet was irritating to put it mildly.
Same goes with Undercover. Handling is a problem. And the game looks boring. It's been 2 days since I started to play this game, and I'm still not impressed.

and the most important thing about MW was Josie Maran:ohyeah:
and one good thing about UC, Maggie Q

Max speed as of now:



the game gets back in MW's shoes once u get good cars and the real treat comprising of Pagani Zonda, GT-R, Lambo, and other supreme cars get unlocked after career completion :)
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