jesal said:well when i cheat i enjoy even more since i can buy anything and everything get out of trouble. its more fun like that. to each their own, im not very patient with games now, my gf takes all of that away from me. let me cheat here atlreast.... there is a good trainer on but u have to pay for it now that is stupid to pay for cheating lol
No, no dont do that, give it to me pleaseShripad said:I am die hard NFS fan, and havent missed any release since NFS II, but this game is a shocker. Absolute shocker.
I mean at this point I am so angry and annoyed that I am thinking of taking my retail copy, put it behind my car, and back my card over it crushing it into million pieces and then torch those pieces. It is that bad.
I am still to come to terms with how the hell EA managed to screw it up this badly. I mean come ON!!!! I tolerated even PS, but this is something *********.