NFS Undercover thread: Post your game impressions

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Review ..well .. here it goes ..

We had high hopes from this game ever since we heard of this game after the disaster named "ProSh!t" ... the theme of " Most Wanted" with high speed pursuits was something which everybody was looking forward to ... iam not gonna talk abt the story although its the only gripping thing in this game... The game LAGS heavily in vista and sometimes in XP as well during the cop chases .... so for me the the checkpoint races were the smoothest coz there are no cop/rival cars in that ...

Undercover grabs the bits and pieces from previous games like outruns in underground 2 and those close call and near miss points although they dont increase our NOS but they help build up the zone rep, then there are ofcourse the pursuits from NFS MW ... for highway battles i would say that its a new feature but its very similar to the canyon duels ....

the game is based on the pro street engine so the car handling is the same as before ..the damage gets restored after each event and u get totaled only in Highway battles (at least for me :P ) ..

The tier3 cars are great to drive and the handling reminds us of most wanted but can't really say the same about the tier 1 and 2 cars ...

and yes they do get intense with nitrous and the turning may look artificial as if we are tied to a rope which is dragging us..

The grafics are really nice in the sunset hills area but the other two cities hav pretty ordinary scenery and on the whole the AA really needs to be fine tuned ...

on the whole i would say the game could hav been much much better ... few places it feels really nice and few places it feels as if we are back in the 1990's :( ... the story is gud but the gameplay doesn't keeps up with it ... Its nice that EA is coming back on track with the famous NFS MW theme ..lets hope next time they optmise it well and rather take the NFS MW engine as the base for designing :) ... iam pretty lame at writing review so plz bear with me :)

My rating (NFS FAN) : 6.75/10
kauzy said:
I've stopped expecting anything from games... that means my expectation from any game is "0" :P
this helps... when i start playing the game... after a few days, it gets somewhat interesting... then it rises above my expectation... and i start liking the game... this holds true for NFSU and Farcry 2 ;)
Did you try that trick for Prostreet?
ajex said:
Review ..well .. here it goes ..
We had high hopes from this game ever since we heard of this game after the disaster named "ProSh!t" ... the theme of " Most Wanted" with high speed pursuits was something which everybody was looking forward to ... iam not gonna talk abt the story although its the only gripping thing in this game... The game LAGS heavily in vista and sometimes in XP as well during the cop chases .... so for me the the checkpoint races were the smoothest coz there are no cop/rival cars in that ...

Undercover grabs the bits and pieces from previous games like outruns in underground 2 and those close call and near miss points although they dont increase our NOS but they help build up the zone rep, then there are ofcourse the pursuits from NFS MW ... for highway battles i would say that its a new feature but its very similar to the canyon duels ....

the game is based on the pro street engine so the car handling is the same as before ..the damage gets restored after each event and u get totaled only in Highway battles (at least for me :P ) ..

The tier3 cars are great to drive and the handling reminds us of most wanted but can't really say the same about the tier 1 and 2 cars ...
and yes they do get intense with nitrous and the turning may look artificial as if we are tied to a rope which is dragging us..
The grafics are really nice in the sunset hills area but the other two cities hav pretty ordinary scenery and on the whole the AA really needs to be fine tuned ...

on the whole i would say the game could hav been much much better ... few places it feels really nice and few places it feels as if we are back in the 1990's :( ... the story is gud but the gameplay doesn't keeps up with it ... Its nice that EA is coming back on track with the famous NFS MW theme ..lets hope next time they optmise it well and rather take the NFS MW engine as the base for designing :) ... iam pretty lame at writing review so plz bear with me :)

My rating (NFS FAN) : 6.75/10

Hw was the Veyron?? :lol:

Arcade racing + Veyron =

heh 0 Expectations generally my approach too.. but damm with Prostreet it was so boring to play.. i mean i can understand that they wanted to get back to their roots with track racing an all and doing away with the story .. but i donno there was something horribally wrong with the game as it was so damm boring to play after an hour or so.... i had even enjoyed carbon to a certain extent.. but prosthit was just pathetic.. havent tried this game yet.. but reading most of the reviews .. i guess if i have ZERO expectations it might help..
ok i got my copy today , the game is Okish not too good nor too bad 7/10 from me

the graphics could have been a little better specially the shadows
Here is my summary of the game [50% thru] :-

1. I don't understand one thing about the shadows. . when i am driving how is the SUN moving so freaking fast that the shadows keep traversing as if time if flying by.

Last time i checked , going at over 250 mph doesn't (should not) lead to TIME TRAVEL

2. The Outrun mode that they have introduced this time is soo bugged and so easy to crack . . all you have to do is to turn your nose in the opposite direction of the car traveling behind you.

I do all my outrun events standing on that same spot and as soon as the dumb opponent comes towards me from the behind i just turn my nose towards him and i am in the lead again :| . .effective but stupid ( EA _!_)

3. The turning as mentioned by ajax does feel like taking a turn at 50 mph when you are clocking over 200. .

4. Highway battles and the Boss Takeouts will remain to be the highlight for the game IMO.

All in All the game does get better as you proceed , and it does bring back some memories of the GOOD ol' NFS:MW days . .unfortunately so that is all that it brings. . they have improved the Police chatter IMO. .but the rush that one use to get by flinging Police cars in the air by hitting them in the back is surely LOST :( as the Cop Cars and Traffic is heavy as hell. . maybe its there take on Reality. . i don't know . . and i don't care. :hap5:

The game doesn't even come close to how fun Most Wanted was. . and i don't think any game ever will. . but it surely steps up a notch from Prosh!t and keeps our hope from the NFS series alive.:clap: . No matter how much you hate the game reading reviews and stuff , you have to play it to appreciate it or detest it.

My rating (much improved from last time :) ) and as a NFS FAN : 6/10. . for the shear resemblance to NFS : MW and the hot chicks :tongue:

Finally last night the NFS-UC Downloading complete.....

The Game was of 4.18GB Clone DVD

I was So excited that i extracted the game same evening and installed it....

after that the game requires an registration code....WTH frm where i found dis code last i found crack of it(an .dll file)......So finally the game runs......>..>.......>

Loading screen(OOOooooooo my my the game is not dat bad....i thought)

after that the game halt at first WTF is dis :@

restarted the System....again started the game...the game runs fine...ok good for now

The chase was good ......But seriously the Handling is ****ed up...i don't know what happened....may be because of My GRID practice or W/E but the Handling is not right.....

i also noticed The Graphics ................

Except The CAR'S + Building's NFS didn't Tried any effort on Surrounding's

---- The tree's are looks worse + Shadow included as a name only......

ok the Graphics are just not good nor bad....(i.e who will notice Graphics when police chasing you)


well i should say thanks to NFS ...that they has done a very good job on sound effect

every car roar /skid/crash/nos +etc.. is top notched which also give a sense to play this game ......

Game play

well seriously NFS tries his best to make this game enjoyable+interesting

the plot is good + the introduction of any rival or anything is also nice....the game give feeling that you are doing something for someone ..........A BAD JOB

in game video is also good

BUT the game lacks something....The car lot/garage/repair shop etc..

also menu structure is twisted.....and i don't want to jump directly in game cruise

and also What is dis???TAB TAB TAB TAB

is dis a joke.....well i would say TAB>TAB>TAB>TAB>TAB......................The game END's :O

Finally the game is far good then Pro-street in game play...But needs a serious Patch-up in graphics+some of of its drawbacks :|

where i run all ultra setting at 1600x1200 and 6 AA enbaled i get aveg 35-45 fps

min 25 max 65 fps that jucied up my ati 4850 with ati 9.11 gpu stock and cpu 3 ghz

rating for NFS undercover 6.5/10
[sarcasm] the game has started showing its effects on me... while coming home, i tried to do near misses and close calls... :rofl: [/sarcasm]
errr.... GFX-S****X, Story-S***X, Gameplay-Maybe Tolerable...

NFS underCover cant reach even 10% of GRID for sure..

UnderCover is "jst playable" (After Better Cars) ONLY because they've Speedened up the game (although in a very very unrealistic shitty manner of FF)
hi folks got the game from predatorvj on Saturday,initially kind of hate the game coz there was lot of frame drops but after making few changes in the settings ,the game is absolutely fine , i kind of hate the story line it S***KS,sound and music just rocks ,been playing on laptop with XBOX 360 controller ,why on earth doesn't EA introduce force feedback,is there any work around for the same , graphics aren't better than Most wanted but game is kind off good btb this is my first racing genre game for the entire year :ohyeah:
Got my hands on the game finally,and fired it up.:clap: First thing I noticed is that the Game Menu is broken.You cant select it or anything.You can only make the changes(graphics,gameplay etc) in-game.:@
And the game had set itself to a default setting of 640x480 with everything low.:@ Had to watch the whole action sequence at rubbish graphics.
Fine,tried changing the settings to high and straightaway ran into a glitch.Texture loading lags.:@
Half an hour spent on scouring the forums to find a fix.Managed to fix it myself by disabling AA ingame and forcing it from Ati CCC.
The only thing I can say so far about the game is that graphics are nowhere near GRID.
It dosent feel like MW or Prostreet. It feels a a shiny NFS Underground 2.
The Game sucks, I'd give it 2/10, Graphics are poor and more so the optimizations to go with those poor graphics. Probably the worst nfs ever, long live GRID.
I don't know if this problem is coz of my 8600gt but
while racing, the game suddenly pauses, background becomes light blue, then the buildings and the road comes up (as if they are being constructed on the fly), and then the race continues from where it paused:S
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