Trick is to turn off shadows and reduce the brightness quite a bit. These guys tried to do an HDR-like effect by burning out everything.
In any case, the gameplay is exactly like Crazy Taxi on Facebook. Fun, but not a driving game at all. Guess I'll finish it once then return the game. Not happening. Rubberband AI at its finest, stupid handling, Absolutely unbelievable physics and terrible graphics. At 2560x1600, it's more demanding than Oblivion, and the shadow rendering is broken on SLI, have to keep it off to get any kind of meaningful gameplay.
@Gunman: I'm using a keyboard to play Race07 as well, which is a hardcore sim. That's much, much tougher than GRiD, and my results in that game totally blow unless I turn opponents down to 90%. I could play GTR2 opponents at 105% with similar settings, but Race07 gets the sim almost perfect. Maybe it's time to deploy the Momo.
FWIW, I actually liked Pro Street, it was a good balance between arcade and sim. The game theme was different from the regular NFS series, and the driving was very good, even if not at the level of NFS Porsche (which they can't replicate as the game engine is a co-licensed product with Porsche, and the car engineers built in the 4-wheel independent physics which has yet to be replicated in a consumer game apart from sims).
I also like Carbon and MW, but for different reasons. It would be pretty boring if all the games had the same theme and physics. NFS:HS is still king of the hill for absolute driving pleasure, and Porsche was a treat too. The franchise lost the plot after that.