NFS Undercover thread: Post your game impressions

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shashank... the light blue screen comes bcuz...further track is does not get loaded it takes a little time wid the blue screen and further track bcomes visible... It happens to me also... i have much low end card than urz.
One tip to everyone : TURN OFF SHADOWS !!!!

The game looks tolerable without all that crappy, unrealistic, good for nothing ,blocky ,disjoint shadows !!! And you dont even feel like time traveling then :P.
Aces170 said:
^^ Farcry 2 was good, I dont know why ppl didnt like it, it was so much better then Farcry 1 and Crysis.

While you are at it, Farcry 2 is much better at driving sims then NFS undercover too :)

Farcry 2 was good than Crysis no way Crysis is 100 time better
! 0 t A said:
One tip to everyone : TURN OFF SHADOWS !!!!

The game looks tolerable without all that crappy, unrealistic, good for nothing ,blocky ,disjoint shadows !!! And you dont even feel like time traveling then :P.

Yes absolutely..
shadows cause upto 15-20 fps loss.
I get 60fps on a stock 7800GT @1024X768- 2X AA- medium settings, with shadows tured off :)

! 0 t A said:
One tip to everyone : TURN OFF SHADOWS !!!!

The game looks tolerable without all that crappy, unrealistic, good for nothing ,blocky ,disjoint shadows !!! And you dont even feel like time traveling then :P.
Thanks a million for this tip man. It just turned the frame rate fiasco all round. Earlier I used to get like 28-30 frames & without Shadows it's like at whopping 75 frames. :O

Looks like it was really chewing the game down. Now playing with everything at max @1280x1024 & with 4X AA enabled (V-Sync ON). Getting 60 frames constantly with minor drops at some points. Is AA working for everyone out here? The in-game AA doesn't seem to work at all. :S
i had turned on AA and the frame rates i got were pathetic so i turned it off and more over i am in highest of all setting with shadows and AA turned off ,the game is tooo good ,i still wonder y people say its sad ,initially the game play is bad but later its awesome :hap2: :hap2: , i have no major complaints for the game :no: :no: but y no force feedback :@ :@ i am playing with the XBOX controller
Anyone completed grid completely

5 times, I have ~$850 million in my account and over 10 million rep points, on the leaderboard for 3 of the last 6 global races (winning at least three times).

If you think GRID's tough, try playing Race07.

With a keyboard, like I do.

I'm still beating 90% drivers with no assists, but it gets tough real fast after that plus I've to restart each race at least 5 times before I can get the hang of it.

I've borrowed a copy of this, let's see how it works out for me.
grt ...will check out race07.Initially I found grid too tough and frustating also, but now I am getting a hang of it...been on podium for last 5 races :)
Alright. Got the AA to work finally. Disabled it from within the game & forced the AA from CCC & that did the trick.

after completing this game i have to say i enjoyed it more than mostwanted as it has lots of content to offer than mw had....and most important is the fun to race with these exotic cars gets 8.5/10 from me ..

edit : before ppl start saying i am a kid :P, i have also completed Dirt and grid ...
im not sure if its me but this shitty game makes my 4850 feel like its a crappy card. the graphics are so bad its not even funny. im glad i did not buy this game. 100 bucks is not worth it as well. i do not look forward to playing the game at all. sick sick sick. i hope GTA4 wont dissapoint
I've just started playing this and is certainly one of the best arcade racing games at present :P

Just completed a couple of races and my Nissan 240SX could easily take 90' bends at top speeds and yet avoid an incoming car. :lol:

Thank god I did not plug-in my X360 cntrlr. It'd be an embarrassment using that to play this game. :|

Anyhow lets see how it fairs progressively. :)

@sangram: that feat's impeccable. OMG, with a measly keyboard if you could complete GRID 5 times, you're getting close to purfection. :gap:

BTW shadows look crappy indeed. Lets see how it fairs when I turn it off.

I'm on Vista 64. Cant seem to find my mouse pointer in the game although there seems to be response when I bring the invisible pointer over tabs. :ashamed: Has anyone encountered this problem yet?
the graphics are SO BAD i thought i was playing midtown madness....sheeshh
totaly dissapointed.....MW looked so good.... i cant believe hw carbon,pro street, uc all suck so bad....i jus played it for 5 mins n im already ready to delete it
Trick is to turn off shadows and reduce the brightness quite a bit. These guys tried to do an HDR-like effect by burning out everything.

In any case, the gameplay is exactly like Crazy Taxi on Facebook. Fun, but not a driving game at all. Guess I'll finish it once then return the game. Not happening. Rubberband AI at its finest, stupid handling, Absolutely unbelievable physics and terrible graphics. At 2560x1600, it's more demanding than Oblivion, and the shadow rendering is broken on SLI, have to keep it off to get any kind of meaningful gameplay.

@Gunman: I'm using a keyboard to play Race07 as well, which is a hardcore sim. That's much, much tougher than GRiD, and my results in that game totally blow unless I turn opponents down to 90%. I could play GTR2 opponents at 105% with similar settings, but Race07 gets the sim almost perfect. Maybe it's time to deploy the Momo.

FWIW, I actually liked Pro Street, it was a good balance between arcade and sim. The game theme was different from the regular NFS series, and the driving was very good, even if not at the level of NFS Porsche (which they can't replicate as the game engine is a co-licensed product with Porsche, and the car engineers built in the 4-wheel independent physics which has yet to be replicated in a consumer game apart from sims).

I also like Carbon and MW, but for different reasons. It would be pretty boring if all the games had the same theme and physics. NFS:HS is still king of the hill for absolute driving pleasure, and Porsche was a treat too. The franchise lost the plot after that.
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