NFS Undercover thread: Post your game impressions

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Can't leave anything half done.

I've returned and uninstalled the game. If I liked it, I woulda kept it.

The game sucks = too easy, not saying I can't do it. You should see my achievement sheet in Race07. I'm ashamed to appear in public with it. That's a real game, extremely difficult after you take off all assists and up the opponent skill, but enjoyable even by beginners at the beginner settings.
Hmm I had the misfortune of getting this ridiculous piece of crap game and hated it from the very beginning. Sucky handling and what not :/ . Wonder how monalac and others like this pos lolz

Have to say that this game gives me low FPS on 8600GT on vista so not really enjoying the mood of the game :lol: :lol:
well actually game is very good..i like the part when u have to outrun a guy by 1000 units:P and u have to do it by dodging vehicles on road.........feels very good when dodge a vehicle specially a truck.....coz if u missed ur TOATALED!
O.K . I'll take back my words that this game sucks totally. I have started liking this game. Maybe you just have to keep playing this, and once you have crossed the first gang, and you have a decent ride, the game becomes fun. The Level 5 FBI SUVs are a big PIA, club those with a Chopper, and no Pursuit Breakers nearby and all hell breaks loose. Cars are good , especially the Tier 1 Cars. Most of the races are pretty easy, but some can need more than 1 try. Highway Battles and Outruns are a nice addition, along with the GTA :ohyeah: . So all in all, if you can last the initial few hours of the game, you may end up liking it.

I know i bashed the game initially, but i was a bit wrong. So everyone who has uninstalled the game because they found it pathetic, re-install it and endure the first part of the game.
yup i agree....Most Wanted still rules the NFS series.......i have started playing this game........and my 1st impressions are that the game is really not good.........the controls r laggy...theres no feeling of that speed blast when u push the accelerator.....same old same old as NFS Pro Street and NFS carbon.... :no: :no: :no:
I'm loving this game :) Lambo LP560-4 pro upgraded sounds awesome and kicks ass....

I just found that my skills on grid have suffered thanks to this nfs :P Damn i need to get back to grid....
sahilshah1987 said:
what ? :O I found carbon much much much better :P

Arrey.. To each his own..

For me it is the Porsche Unleashed aka NFS 5 which 0wns!! :D

The gameplay kept me engrossed for hrs.
Its a good game..if one has been sleeping for the last 2-3 years.. :bleh: I would still choose NFS:MW over this. MaggieQ is hot :hap2: , but please tell her to quit "acting".

Dunno why, although i haven't frapped it, its framerates seemed to drop every now and then for no reason. Mind you, that with a 4870 1GB + Q9550.
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