udayrulz said:Looking to sell the following parts
i7 940
Gigabyte UD5
Palit HD4870 Dual Sonic 1 GB
Corsair HX620
Other than these I am also looking to sell
PSP Slim with CFW (Decent condition)
PS3 FAT Silver 40GB (Great condition)
You should have no problem in selling the i7 940 fast if you reduce the prices about 20%-30% from the current market price depending on the age of the CPU
However, the mobo will pose a problem as high end mobos sell only after a lot of bumps & price reductions
If you are keen for a quick sale of the mobo also , then you should insist only for a combo sale for the CPU & mobo
I recently bought a Palit dual sonic 4870 512MB for 5K with Indian warranty of 2 years left so you can consider the pricing accordingly based on the warranty left on your GPU