eBay India: NOKIA 5230,BILL & 1 YEAR MANUFACTURER WARRANTY (item 300381816632 end time 06-Jan-2010 09:30:00 IST)
Listing active again with updated quantity.
If you read the revision list, he updated on 03/01 with 10 units after the first 50 sold out. By evening of 03/01 60 of them had been bought and it was out of stock again. Today its in stock again, the current count being 65*(63rd being mine : ) ) So im assuming as of this post, there are 5 more to be had.
On a side note, It seems you cannot use coupons with this purchase, maybe because its a featured deal? I tried using a 10%/1000 coupon that i had received in the mail, no go...
PS: If any of you miss it and it goes out of stock again, the seller adds quantity at about 12PM every/alternate day. Check the revisions option.
EDIT: *68 now : )
Listing active again with updated quantity.
If you read the revision list, he updated on 03/01 with 10 units after the first 50 sold out. By evening of 03/01 60 of them had been bought and it was out of stock again. Today its in stock again, the current count being 65*(63rd being mine : ) ) So im assuming as of this post, there are 5 more to be had.
On a side note, It seems you cannot use coupons with this purchase, maybe because its a featured deal? I tried using a 10%/1000 coupon that i had received in the mail, no go...
PS: If any of you miss it and it goes out of stock again, the seller adds quantity at about 12PM every/alternate day. Check the revisions option.
EDIT: *68 now : )