Party Monger
The price is from the Mobile store. Online it'l be cheaper by 1k and in a month or two another 1K.
Case in point - Lumia 520, bought it for 10k from Mobilestore offline (same price as online, I checked), Flipkart had it for 9K, In a month they reached 8K. Regularly goes down to 7K in sales etc on amazon etc (didnt verify amazon as everytime I check the offer had ended -_-)
Case in point - Lumia 520, bought it for 10k from Mobilestore offline (same price as online, I checked), Flipkart had it for 9K, In a month they reached 8K. Regularly goes down to 7K in sales etc on amazon etc (didnt verify amazon as everytime I check the offer had ended -_-)